Graduate education provides an opportunity to expand academic horizons, to learn practical skills for real world applications, and affords the opportunity to do advanced research and influence future generations of students in a given field. A master’s degree in Sustainable Environmental Management will afford me the opportunity to conduct research, advance my knowledge of the field and study with some of the finest faculty in the profession. I will be able to advance my knowledge in a vibrant profession that has implications for a broad range of industries and services that are used daily by millions of people throughout the world.
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Personal Statement-- Business School
Some people seem to be born knowing what they want from life, and having a good idea how to work towards those goals; I was never gifted with this seemingly rock-solid idea of what my plan would be for the rest of my life. However, as I continued through my education I slowly came to see that uncertainty could be a positive or a negative thing for the future, depending upon how I utilized my time and resources. I have seen many people hold onto their goals too tightly and burn out early as a result; I have never faced this problem, choosing ...