Melissa Nasiruddin, Monique Halabi, Alexander Dao, Kyle Chen, and Brandon Brown. ‘Zombies—A Pop Culture Resource for Public Health.’ A Pop Culture Resource for Public Health Awareness - Volume 19, Number 5—May 2013 - Emerging Infectious Disease journal - CDC 2/10/2013
This article was written by Melissa Nasiruddin, Monique Halabi, Alexander Dao, Kyle Chen, and Brandon Brown. It discusses about the dangers of modifying viruses in the laboratory. They say that when viruses are modified, they can pose a very great threat because they can undergo mutation, multiply then spread at a very faster rate to cause problems to the people. In explaining this point, they use an example of a rabies virus which multiplied and caused zombie to a lot of people. It can be used in a research because it can help in creating public awareness on how dangerous zombie infections can be. ...