In the case study examined, the patient was vomiting intermittently in postoperative care while receiving Morphine intravenously. The patient’s nurse Pamela is not responsible or trained for prescribing medication, so she decides to seek advice from a senior nurse. The senior nurse Jane orders Pamela to cease the Morphine administration and changes the protocol to 10mgs of Metoclopramide. While Pamela stops the Morphine administration, she refuses to administer Metoclopramide without a prescription. Despite the warnings against administering regulated medication, Jane proceeds to act on her decision and administers the Metoclopramide intravenously, which causes the patient to respond with an allergic ...
Acute Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
9 samples of this type
No matter how high you rate your writing abilities, it's always a worthy idea to check out an expertly written Argumentative Essay example, especially when you're handling a sophisticated Acute topic. This is exactly the case when directory of sample Argumentative Essays on Acute will come in handy. Whether you need to think up an original and meaningful Acute Argumentative Essay topic or inspect the paper's structure or formatting peculiarities, our samples will provide you with the necessary data.
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Over the last few years, people tend to notice an increasing number of “no smoking” signs in public places. Many countries the world over have imposed public policies, laws and regulations that ban smoking in public places and workplaces. Indicatively, smoking on public transport has been prohibited in South Australia in 1994 (Drug and Alcohol Services for South Australia) and gradually the rest of the world’s countries have enacted similar laws, while countries like England and Wales are considering a pilot ban of smoking within prisons, for 2014 (BBC News UK). Ireland was the first country to ban smoking ...
Argumentative essay
Degrees of severity
General risk factors
Suicidal behavior
In the society of today, adolescents experience constant stress, and many of them consider suicide as the only possible solution to their problems. Examinations of the risk factors and prevention programs are extremely important because suicide claims more than five thousand adolescents per year. Determining the individuals who are at-risk is a difficult task because frequently suicidal signs are exhibited in a subtle way. Moreover, the occurrence of suicides depends on factors such as gender, sexual orientation, family problems, etc. everyone who deals ...
The guidelines provided in Chapter 4: (Acute medical & surgical management) of the National Stroke Foundation's Clinical Guidelines (2010) are useful to clinicians. However, it is crucial to note that there are few points in the guidelines that make it not entirely useful to clinicians using it. One of the issues with the guidelines is that it focuses on the patients who have visited a health facility or are frequent visitors to a health facility (Chapter 4).
Screening helps identify early signs of stroke that is critical in its prevention and management. However, the guidelines will not be useful if a patient ...
English 224
Don Delillo’s White Noise not only compels the readers’ brain to think, but also leaves room for discussion of the author's definition of reality. The story constantly challenges each character’s mind with the uncertainty of reality due to fears that each of them have; the fear of death is a persistent idea through out the novel. Each character has internal conflicts that cause life's uncertainty, mostly with simulacra and the idea that the reality they are experiencing is just a figment that their mind has created in order to cope with the fact that they will eventually face death. ...
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the United States, affecting approximately 14 million American each year; about 3.2 million receive adequate treatment (Simpson, Welch, Kozel, Demitrack, & Nahas, 2009). There is a significant economic cost and disability burden to the illness of depression. Studies have shown that depression is associated with higher rates of death from suicide, serious complications of chronic disease, significant burden to family caregiver, chronic substance abuse and high workplace costs of over $34 billion per year for missed or less productive work (NAMI, 2014). The vast majority of patients are prescribed antidepressants ...
Welfare benefits refer to the material benefits that an individual receives over the products of goods and services. Most developed countries provide welfare to its citizens as a potent means of enhancing the living conditions. The United States of America offers a great example of a state that has provisions for welfare. Individuals living under the acute poverty line are dependants of the state and as such it has to ensure that their basic needs are met. The percentage of the poor people in the country has the overall effect on the Gross Domestic Product of the nation. Therefore, it is at ...
(City, State)
In Australia, various factors have been identified as determinants of health status in any given population. These factors include class, gender, ethnicity or whether one is indigenous or non-indigenous. Understanding the effect of these determinants on health and their interaction poses a great challenge. Gender and ethnicity are some of the complex traits and are very useful since they include social dimension that are necessary in the understanding their impact on health. This paper is aimed at showing how class, gender, indigeneity or ethnicity impact on the health status of people living in Australia.
In terms ...
Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Argumentative essay
Management of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic conditions, affecting about 7% of the Australian population (Lamoureux et al., 2012). Many of the lifestyle habits and choices of people today – obesity, sedentary lifestyle, cigarette smoking, and hyperlipidemia, and low-fiber diet – are modifiable risk factors for diabetes (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2013). Environmental and social determinants for diabetes include family history, ethnic background, highly stressful lifestyle, low socio-economic conditions, adverse childhood experiences, and malnutrition in early childhood (Raphael et al., 2010).
The management of diabetes includes, apart ...