Gran Torinao is an American drama film that was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood. The story of this film revolves around a Korean War veteran Walt Kowalski. Who aspires to reform his neighbour a young teenager who is apparently a thief who stole Kowalski’s high valued possessions (Curi and Mario 15). By definition, the American dream is a life that exemplifies happiness, material comfort and the accomplishment of one’s desires as sought after by the American citizens. Apparently, the plot, themes and particularly the characters of this film reflect the achievement of the American dream in many apparent ways. With ...
American Woman Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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With women earning 77 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts, one cannot help but wonder why the equal pay act was enacted in 1963 (Rodgers, 2006). On average an African American woman is paid 63 cents for every dollar a male counterpart receives. On the other hand, a Latin American woman receives just 54 cents for every dollar a man earns. Even if the national average stands at 77 cents for every male worker’s dollar, the situation does not seem to improve (Rodgers, 2006). Gender based wage discrimination has been one among the top vices in the country’ ...