The dystopian novel is a unique category in literature, with its own unique sets ot stylistic rules. With dystopia, you also get a particular type of reader, and a particular type of writer. One would not expect, for example, dystopia out of F. Scott Fitzgerald or Ernest Hemingway. These authors, while having their own demons, take humanity’s flaws and portray them on a realistic stage. Dystopia takes the flaws of humanity and makes them normative for everyone. This is the world of writers like Vonnegut, Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid’s Tale) and George Orwell. These writers draw readers who have, like them, ...
Diversion Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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The formation of the Christian movements namely Waldensians, Humiliati and Robert of Arbrrisel was driven by a common cause. This explains why they may share some characteristics. They most probably stemmed from the Catholic Church and their doctrines were founded on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The original founder of Waldensians was known as Valdese. He was a former catholic priest and broke out following the confession of his faith. He refused to abide by the requirement that the heretics (the believers in orthodox practice) were to sign an oath. The Robert’s movement, however, did not split out of ...