This article is about the big change in eating patterns among people in the UK today. According to The British Library Board, eating habits of today are completely different from those that were practised in the 1950’s. It goes further to explain the reason behind the great disparity between our eating methods today and back in the 50’s. Among the experiences of today’s food is boredom as a result of repetitive flavours. The author has further stated that the British people are especially known for their conservative recipes. The habit of snacking has also kicked ...
Eating Habits Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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Childhood obesity has become a worldwide plague and an uphill task for many parents. The number of obese children has become enormous around the globe, and action should be taken in order to decrease this alarming rate. Many children in the society are suffering from obesity and this makes them prone to serious health risks in the future. Obesity exposes a child to diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, as well as sleep problems in the future. Obesity is a disorder that is characterized by increased body weight due to excessive fat intake. It can be caused when the ...
According to the World Health Organization, more than 2.7 million people lose their lives because of the deficiency of fruits and vegetables in their meals. Eating a healthy diet has numerous benefits compared with the practice of eating a non-balanced diet. When an individual takes healthy foods, he absorbs essential nutrients that are required by the body and this boost the immune system lowering the risks of diseases and illnesses. Contrary, taking unhealthy foods is harmful as it deteriorates the state of the body, weakening the body immune system and exposing an individual to a high risk of diseases.
The healthy ...
We have all heard about the growing epidemic of obesity from our parents, teachers, and even our government. According to a recent study, about a quarter of two to five year olds and one-third of children are overweight or obese in the U.S. (Ogden et al., 2014). There is a wide array of factors which play a role in children becoming overweight or obese. Genetics, along with behavioral, social, cultural, environmental influences, can create an environment conducive for obesity. Environmental factors include great amount of exposure to advertising that encourages food consumption and promotes unhealthy foods, technological advances or increase in media use, ...
Every TV presentation must have a break with advertisements promoting different products and services. The ads on fast foods have occupied almost every TV station as different restaurants try to market their products. The fact is that majority of people who take fast foods have high chances of becoming obese. A peer-reviewed journal indicated a survey conducted by BMC Public Health suggested that the high number of advertisements promoting soft drinks and fast food have led to more are residents becoming overweight. Most of these foods contain high fat and cholesterol values that contribute to overweight and introduction of weight related ...
Child obesity has been on the rise in the recent years. Most of the children aged 2-19 years have been considered obese or are almost being overweight. This is an alarming issue in terms of health matters. Children and adolescent risk a lot in this condition, and they do need help to cut down their weight. In the last thirty years, the number of children with obesity has doubled. There are various risk of being obese, this cut across all human beings. One can easily get type two diabetes and cancer. There is a risk of being diagnosed with high blood ...
Undeniably, health issues are become the most debatable in the global arena. One of the tremendous problems concerning health is the obesity. In the recent past, many people are obese, especially in the developed nations. Overweight has caused a lot of problems, leading to a persistent increase in the cost of healthcare, as well as increasing changes of developing diabetes. What many healthcare practitioners and public ask if whether the government should intervene in controlling diet related issues. In this case, there are conflicting views asserted by people on government involvement on health issues.
Government decisions to control diet is ...
The problem of obesity in children in USA has taken the form of an epidemic. The rising obesity figures in children show consistency and are directly proportional to meals offered in the schools; these meals are being testified now (Menschik, Ahmad and Alexander 33). A lot of research and existing practice evaluations have been carried and practiced by the United States Department of Agriculture; to meet the nutrition standards and enforce compliance with dietary guidelines for children (Joshi, Misako and Feenstra 41). In 2013, USDA adopted a reformatory policy of serving healthier meals (rich in nutrition and low in fats, ...
Proposal on How to Deal with Obesity in Adolescents
Executive Summary
In the past years, obesity was a condition that only affected the old people. It was never a condition which was known to be a cause for worry for the younger generations. However, with the growth in technology and the globalization aspect, a lot of young people are getting into this problem. Based on this understanding, this essay proposal seeks to find a way through which adolescents can be helped to steer away from this menace. The proposal looks at the causes of obesity, which eventually gives a hint into how the problem can be addressed.
Adolescents are people at their teen ...
It has been said that obesity is a challenge for many countries, among them developed ones too. It has been also said, that the US is the first in the ranking of obese people among developed nations.
The questions that I raise in this essay are as follows: why is obesity a recent issue and where it comes from? Why do Americans tend to be heavier in body weight than inhabitants of other countries? In order to approach those questions, firstly, I will analyze the cultural dimension of eating in an American way since the society, cultural traits and ...
In recent years the notion of “eating disorder” has gained a lot of attention and is widely discussed by nutritionists, psychologists as well as ordinary people. According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), “eating disorders include extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life-threatening consequences for females and males”. Each of us may notice that sometimes we eat more, sometimes less, however we rarely think of our eating behavior as a reason for concern. Nevertheless, the scientists have made a profound impact to this field of study ...
In the contemporary times, fast food consumption has almost become a lifestyle for people living in urban areas. People consider fast food as convenience food as it can “be easily eaten while watching television, surfing the Internet, working at a desk, or chatting on a cell phone” (Belasco, 2008). The fact that fast food is a ‘readily-prepared and easily-available meal’ has impacted the eating habits of today’s generations in a considerable manner. However, the easy accessibility and inexpensiveness of this particular kind of meal has consequently resulted in a number of detrimental effects for people, particularly children. Therefore, it is excessively necessary to renounce ...
‘Freshman 15,' an idiom that every college student is familiar with has recently become somewhat of a cliché. This does not however imply that the connotation of the phrase is in any way diminishing. Students are forewarned before starting college of this inevitable problem, and many find it true, although the 15 pounds estimate is somewhat of a stretch. According to the New York Times, the average student adds up to 2.5 and 3.5 pounds during the first year of college . So, the weight gain problem in freshmen is genuine, but the gain isn’t as big as our fears. ...
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The impact of the processed food to the overall health of the people is a very hotly debated topic these days. The growing occurrence of cancer and other life threatening conditions is forcing many healthcare professionals and media outlets to investigate the link between the processed foods and health issues, particularly obesity. Many health care professionals put the entire blame on the competitive and profit-driven food industry. There are many others who believe that the changing habits and sedentary lifestyles of the people are the real culprits. In order for us to examine this issue, ...
In many campuses around the country, the issue of feeding students remains a highly contested topic due to the many dimensions from which it can be approached. While some argue that campus restaurants are a convenient option, others are of the opinion that services offered by outsiders are the better option since the various competitors do their best in order to attract as many students as possible. The issue that then emerges from this opinion is whether the quality of services is maintained and what quality of food is served bearing in mind that all these entries compete for the sole ...
Question 1
The US, just like the other nations of the world, is likely to be affected by the issue of globalization. The issue of immigration is a major concern as people continue flooding into the country, whether legal or illegal immigrants. There are various ways through which the people end up in the country. First of all, there is the issue of the American green-card where the country allows a given number of people on an annual basis to come into the country to live, work and stay. These people become citizens of the land. There are also the illegal immigrants who ...