The concept of the existence of God spans throughout all existing religions in the world. Divinity centered on a supreme being became the main reference point of different people across various cultures in explaining particular phenomena that has found difficult elucidation. Several concepts of God are apparent in the way different religious bodies manifest their beliefs. Yet, arguments assailing the existence of God continue to be prevalent, alongside variations on how numerous religions conceive God. Up to what extent is the concept of the existence of God controversial? This study seeks to ...
Existence Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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Do you feel the need to check out some previously written Argumentative Essays on Existence before you get down to writing an own piece? In this free directory of Existence Argumentative Essay examples, you are given an exciting opportunity to discover meaningful topics, content structuring techniques, text flow, formatting styles, and other academically acclaimed writing practices. Adopting them while crafting your own Existence Argumentative Essay will surely allow you to finish the piece faster.
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Religion is a common topic in debates where two sides aim to prove or argue against God’s existence. The arguments in the debate are found in several philosophical disciplines, such as epistemology, ontology, theory of value, and other disciplines. Furthermore, the debate on God’s existence in contemporary society is not only limited to philosophy, but it is a common debate in contemporary popular culture. In this paper I will cover some arguments that support God’s existence, but I will mainly focus on the ontological argument. I will explain why deductive arguments, such as the Cosmological argument, are weak ...
For a long period, Christians and atheists continue to maintain conflicting perceptive about the existence of God. Consequently, this issue triggers unending debates. The argument about the existence of God does not simply entail sensory proof. This is because universal perception is a determinant of what will be accepted as proof in the first place. In order to be certain in either side of argument, there is need for evidence. Theorists provide conflicting perspectives in support of atheism and existence of God. Christians derive their source of proof from biblical writings. However, these sources receive disqualification from atheists as mere theoretical ...
Intelligence design and Darwinian Theory of evolution
Intelligent designs
Intelligence design is a scientific research program that constitutes professionals ranging from scientists, philosophers and the community of believers that are trying to seek the evidence-based design work. This design says that matters of existence and world origins are best explained by an intellectual undertaking and not a story that has no direction like the Darwinian Theory of natural selection (DeWolf et al., 2007).When one studies the components of a given measure, one can outline the issues of law, chances in life and conditions found in intelligence design. It is only through intelligence that scientists can ...
The Lord of Death, in the Indian epic of Mahabharata, asked his son about the most astounding aspect of the present world. The boy responded, “It is that all around us people can be dying and we don’t believe it can happen to us” (Halifax 6). Such typical refusal to accept death’s inevitability is particularly common in the modern Western society. Generally, the mainstream philosophers shunt any interest in paranormal matters like spirit possession, extra-sensory perceptions, spirit mediumship, reincarnation, and out-of-body experiences into the dark corners of their profession (Hales 335). Eminent philosophers like Antony Flew and ...
Argumentative Essay
The line that I am comfortable with the most is the conceptual way of thinking. The definition of God given by Anselm is the most interesting line in the argument. He states “God is that, than which nothing greater can be conceived” (94). This designation captures all human imagination of a greater being than anything else in the world and he ascribes the name God to this being, which makes it inconceivable to have any other god or being with that definition. He then states “that which can be conceived not to exist is not God” (94). This helps everybody ...
Dawkins Richard compares religion to a virus, which spreads and infects the weak-minded people, making them produce aberrant behavior. Like a virus, religion begins as a by- product, and use human beings to propagate its spread. Religions are costly to those infected in them, just as the idea of viruses. Religions demand large amounts of time and money impose health risks and make people believe in things that are contradicting. Religions and viruses succeed by using threats and promises, which People accept and want to pass. This is evident in Michael Blume’s speech, “The reproductive advantage of religion.” In his graph, ...
“We thought we knew what we meant by the expression “Being” but now we are perplexed.” Heidegger quotes from Sophist by Plato;
Despite the strong synonymy of the term Dasein with Martin Heidegger, this fundamental concept in existential philosophy was used by several philosophers before his treatment. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel notably assigned the meaning of “existence” or “presence” to it. However, Heidegger’s interpretation has attracted more relevance, as a way of ones involvement with and caring for the immediate world that frames his life; whilst remaining alive to the contingent element of that involvement, the priority of the ...
This essay will be one that intends to expose the nature of belief comparing philosophers such as Blaise Pascal, Soren Kierkegaard on justifications for a belief in god and the reasons we believe in general to attempt to answer a greater question of whether we can logically determine the existence of God. Pascal believes that arguments for god may be logical, but they prove above anything else that god doesn’t care and why would we want to believe in someone that doesn’t care?
“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation ...
The posit that the human person is nothing but a body and that all its components and experiences can be explained regarding the body, without acknowledging the existence of a rational soul, forms the basis of the materialist theory (Cohen 2). The notion of materialism opposes the hylomorphic account of spirit as a reality different from matter a philosophical theory developed by Aristotle. According to Aristotle, living things are compounds of matter and form. He argues that a living thing soul (form) is what causes the existence of the body (matter) defines a soul as that which makes a ...
Euthyphro defines piety as what the gods love. However, Socrates, who is under the charge of impiety, disagrees with this definition. The argument is based on this disagreement, as well as the definition by division. In this case, Socrates asks Euthyphro to provide another word that comes after piety. Socrates uses this strategy to provide counter arguments on the definitions provided. For this definition, Socrates recognizes that it is of a universal nature but criticizes it on the account that the gods may disagree on the basis of what is good and pleasing to them. In this case, different gods ...
Natural resources are getting finished at a rate faster than nature can restore, and still we continue to live as if these resources were limitless. The human race is faced with a great risk of extinction, and no amount of faith or willpower can save us from the extinction that threatens our existence. Natural resources such as oil have continued to reduce over the years and have led to the loss of certain species on earth such as dinosaurs, and there are numerous concerns that mankind will face the same fate in the future (Drake). The human race is ...
St. Anselm's and St. Thomas Aquinas' proofs for the existence of God
The very fact that some people believe in God while others object his existence fostered the need to seek evidence and facts that will proof that God indeed exist. St. Anselm's and St. Thomas Aquinas' are the two renowned personalities that worked to proof the existence of God. These two figures offer a philosophical approach in regards to the existence of God. In an effort to explore their perceptions and insights regarding the existence of God in this paper. I will elaborate and explain the similarities embedded ...
The question as to the continuity of personhood is a question that has been addressed to Buddhism since it’s beginning. In Henry Clarke Warren’s Pali translation of select passages of Buddhist Sacred Books, “Buddhism in Translations” there is a scene where a between The Buddha and a wandering ascetic who demands desperately for an answer of the Buddha to his question, “Whether or not the Saints exist after their death?” The Buddha saw this as a dualistic question, and gave him a nonduelist answer which stemmed from the basic phenomenology of Buddhism. The Buddhist answer the question of whether the saints live after ...
Every creature is fundamentally based on two principles that elaborate its being, which is existence and essence. All living beings, God excluded, require both principles that explain the definite existence of individual thing. Each principle is considered dissimilar from the other, but this difference is not merely logical but it is a real one. Aristotle, Plato and St. Thomas Aquinas take the stand on explaining the essence. Both Plato and Aristotle simply explain essence as “the form” (Giles,& Michael, p.40). However, Aquinas argued that if the essence was merely the considerable form, then matter cannot be considered as essence of a ...
Allen Hajek formulates his “Many Gods Objection” against Pascal's Wager. In his opinion, Pascal's Wager does not exhaust the relevant options regarding whether there is a Christian God or not. In this paper I shall defend Pascal's Wager against this objection.
Hajek's objection to Pascal's wager can be reconstructed as follows. Hajek points out that (1)Pascal's either-or proposition is an oversimplification.
(2) We could derive an infinite degree of expected utility from more than one religious option.
(3) According to Pascal's Wager, we can either choose only one Christian God or not choose one Christian God
(4) This ...
The question regarding the belief in God has become a pertinent issue within the societal framework. As such, the query on the belief in God has emanated from the extent and severity of evil within the societal framework. Thus, from an individual perspective, it is unreasonable not to believe in God despite the extent and severity of evil in the world due to the following three reasons I will examine in this paper.
As the first reason for the belief in God, it is imperative to acknowledge that evil is in existence due to our bad deeds. Theists argue ...
Ever since ancient times, the argument over whether God exists or not, has conceived the silliest and most profound debates known to mankind. This persuasive essay argues that God might be real. However religion is a fabrication designed to control mankind. Albert Einstein said “The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this” (“Positive Atheisms – Albert Einstein Quote”). In consideration of this theme, a comparative review of the worlds’ ...
This argument is specifically based on the negative variations and beliefs that arise from the Sorites arguments of the Eubulides (Unger118). The argument greatly relates to the Greek who came up with the paradox of a lie. Moreover, the Greek greatly presented arguments on the motive of intentionality and presupposition. From these great ideas, the Greek became incomparable to any other philosopher in the field, indeed, he was second to none. The ideas he presented were deeply rooted to some element of truth. Philosophy is a field that requires wide knowledge and factual reasoning, as a result, philosophers read ...
Over the last few decades the question about gay rights and gay marriage has been widely discussed not only in the USA, but in most Western European countries. It has affected many people, who opted either for or against the question, if gays should have rights. It was not only discussed about the rights as a single person, but also about the rights of being a same sex-couple. People that are in these types of relationships started all forms of protests and initiatives to gain their rights to be married. There is a strict line of division between the groups of people ...
Socrates was a classical eccentric philosopher in the ancient Greek. He was born in Athens and lived between the years 469 B.C.E to 399 B.C.E. He was born in a humble family; his father was a mason and his mother a midwife. He lived during a period when the world was morally uninformed, and eternal truth was disregarded. He studied philosophy and used this knowledge to question people’s illogical reasoning and injustice during social gatherings. He was condemned of corrupting the young people and criticizing democracy in governance and authority given to the religious system.
Socrates formed a basis for today’s philosophy. ...
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The essay is an attempt to contradict the Ehrlichs' opinion that the number of people on Earth is the worst destructive power that the planet faces. The essay advocates that there are more humane ways of saving the planet that shortening the number of people living on it. People are not only the destructors, but also the builders of everything on Earth. The essay suggests Other scholars' views on the problem, who view people as the power of sustainable development on the planet.
In their book "The Population Bomb" as far ...
There have been dozens of amazing and fascinating cultures that have existed throughout history, many still exist today, while others fell or faded in the past. Cultures all across the globe introduce people to unique and diverse traditions, social norms, laws and belief systems. Religion has always played a huge role within cultures. Some are more familiar than others. The Ancient Greeks are remarked for their art, architecture and philosophy, but their Gods have, also, been adopted into the modern paradigm. The Greek pantheon of Gods has been popularized in literature, television and film. However, there are other pantheons ...
The purpose of the following essay is to explore the fundamental aspects of the Descartes` theory on the distinctness of mind and body as formulated in the Sixth Meditation of a philosophical treatise ‘Meditations on the first philosophy’, as well as to present the objections against the Descartes` statement that the mind is distinct from the body. I would also like to briefly summarize the main points of the Sixth Meditation in regard to the existence of material things and the relation between the imagination and the pure intellection.
In the Sixth Meditation “Concerning the Existence of Material Things, ...
In Bertrand Russell’s, ‘Appearance and Reality’, he launches the idea of what philosophy really is. In his view philosophy is the critical analysis of life’s question. This is because in many cases, ordinary people and even scientists will answer life’s questions ordinarily and even simply. But philosophy explores the opportunity to critically analyze these issues awhile looking at all angles. People will often make assumptions about what they see, what they feel and generally about their own experiences as well as those of others. However, this is usually because people don’t take their time to ...
Air pollution refers to the emission of harmful substances in form of particles into the atmosphere. There are many types of pollutants categorized as primary and secondary pollutants. The primary pollutants are the type of pollutants that directly pollute the air through their emission and the secondary pollutants are the ones that are formed from the interaction and reaction of the primary pollutants. Air pollution leads to the formation of the ozone layer hence, the causes of pollution of air include; sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and dust, just a few to mention. These pollutants have ...
The End of the Two-Party Political System
The two party political system in the United States started during the 19th century, and the major parties are the Republicans and the Democrats. United States since its foundation has tried to give a representation of democracy. However, a two party system appear to give a contrary expectation about democracy. The end of a two party system and the introduction of a Multi-party system in the United States is a subject that creates a great debate. The proponents of the two party system argue that this political system is more stable and predictable compared to a multi-party political system. The founding fathers of the United States of ...
Although criticizing religion is undoubtedly controversial according to many a believer, the concept of having a universal but supreme god prevents many from finding solutions to their problems (Vidal). On the religious side, it can be argued that having monotheistic religions has contributed to the existence of a just society, characterized by law and order. From a critical point, a monotheistic religion prevents the believers from exercising their freedom of worship or freedom of religion and hence, preventing them from visualizing the existence of any world other than the one depicted by their religion. As such, a monotheistic believer will always live in a world of ...
Human nature is a debate that has gone on for centuries. Recently, and more specifically, the nature of a child has become a heated topic. More and more children are being diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, ADD, and attention deficit hyperactive disorder, ADHD. Does this mean that as a whole, each generation of children has become increasingly difficult to keep focused on tasks at hand? As a result of this concept, as well as the increase in these diagnoses, more children are being prescribed medications to help “control” their focus. However, with the medications being prescribed affecting the child’ ...
The definition of physician assisted suicide is slightly different from the general term definition of euthanasia. Although some may equate physician assisted suicide with the blanket term, the distinction between euthanasia and physician assisted suicide is that the latter is done with both the patient’s and doctor’s intent to end the patient’s life by unnatural means (Tamayo-Vela´zquez, Simo´n-Lorda, and Cruz-Piqueras, 678). The doctor assists the patient in committing suicide, usually by administering an injection or pill that contains a lethal substance. A doctor may also administer a relaxant to help keep the patient calm during the ...
This argumentative essay will examine different thoughts regarding religion. This analysis has been carried out with the help of specific epistemology. Some of the most important discussions are carried out in order argue critically about the practices of religion, ethics and science.
Ethical system based on humanity and equality is essential for making a balanced society. Any kind of ethical system, which is backed by the factors of humanity and equality, will surely give benefits to the people living in any part of the world. It is no denying the fact that every ethical system ...
Dystopian literature is well evident in the book “The hunger games” by Suzanne Collins. The book defines various social contracts that are usually expressed through dystopian literature. Different social contracts have been identified in the book and they represent extensive range on the bases of the Panem districts. Through exclusive analysis of the capitol various tools were used to indicate the social contract defined in the book. The elements are uniquely portrayed through the tools used by the author of the book.
Through excellent presentation in the book, Suzanne Collins has been able to delineate unique elements that ...
A critical re-examination of Plato's Phaedo argument reveals that learning involves a recollection of prenatal knowledge. Plato`s thoughts on the knowledge that rests upon recollection is brought out through Socrates, his speaker. Socrates gives too much attention to the case of equal stones and sticks which are in most of the occasions viewed as existing without complete success that resembles a Form. Plato takes two different approaches in handling the theory of knowledge. In both the Phaedo and Meno, he presents this theory of knowledge as a recollection (Sedley, 1992, p 312). Plato presents his theory as a more or less incidental part ...
Throughout the historical background of humankind, numerous scholars, researchers, and theologians have pondered the idea of evil, the presence of God, and even if God exists, whether He posses supreme and illustrative powers of unending goodness. After the first individual looked up to the sky and mulled over the origination of natural occurrences or the reasons why unpleasant things occur to good individuals, mankind has gotten affianced in a constant discussion over problem of evil and its connection to God's presence and whether He epitomizes unfathomable worthiness or tempered retaliation (Ryan). Various researchers and logicians have contended that the vicinity ...
The emergence of cases of bullying among youngsters aged eight to sixteen has never been more prevalent than it is already today. It has been reported that an average of 47% of students going to public schools experiences either or both forms of bullying today. It seemed as if in the past, some cases of bullying have not been reported, nevertheless, this is not enough to say that times have already changed and somehow such changes have actually created a massive adjustment on how the concept of bullying is realized and understood as a major problem in the society (Patterson, 2005). ...
People often turn to God or religion when they face facts or situations that cannot be explained. Although humans are more interested in material things, rather than in spirituality, idolizing money instead of purifying their souls, they still turn to God and religion when facing problems, asking for favors from the unseen being that they worship in times of trouble.
In the land of the man, God meets science and they become two factors that influence people’s minds and their existence. Religion is an alternative for science or vice – versa or are people living in a material world, ...
The concert was a different experience for many people who attended. There were many things to be learnt in the concert. There were many styles of music that we got to learn. This learning of new music styles is an experience I have never learnt and it was a fantastic experience for me. In the music concerts that I have ever attended, one genre and style of music has been the main theme. One theme that came out clearly is innovation and blending music styles of various ages and periods to match together. In the concert new music was created to ...
Evidence of aliens having an influence on earth is evident in the writings, artifacts, and paintings and cave drawings.
- First contact with Aliens in 1941.
- Cases of individuals who came into contact with the aliens. Cases highlighted help to provide evidence of aliens and human contact
- Instances of how aliens have contributed to human civilization
- The ancient cave paintings are one of the major inventions believed to be from aliens
- Angel Hair associated with aliens used in the contemporary world to design aircrafts.
- The ancient ...
If one should oblige to the demands of his or her aging parents of concluding their lives once they is no tangible optimism for recuperation is a major debate in the world today. Do individuals have to respect their parents’ requests and end life support or any other medical support should they have no optimism for recovery? The reply to these queries is hinged on what the individual considers. Concluding a person’s existence by way of mercy-killing is murder in the practical logic, however people become over-involved in their aging parents despair, aches and distress, that many believe that by ...
The context of hard determinism is very straightforward. It was coined in such term because it implies a strict position about issues and matters that are universal in nature. In addition, hard determinism does not accord with moral responsibility considering that moral dispositions are incompatible with determinism. In this discussion, an argumentative position will be asserted in favor of hard determinism.
Arguments on Hard Determinism
In the case of hard determinism, it is real and it implies that there is no free will. This position encompasses a question of whether people have a free will or everything happen for a reason. For ...
When it comes to natural selection, it is called the regular, hypothesized procedure through which biological behaviors comparatively emerge in a populace. Natural selection appears a central device of evolution and it received notice through Charles Darwin, who focused it to be contrasted with artificial selection. It appears an exclusive keystone of contemporary biology. The introduction of natural selection was made by Darwin in his appealing text in the year 1859. The text was written on the basis of species, where an illustration of natural selection was made like similar to simulated selection. This is the procedure through which ...
The government of any country is an extremely fundamental organ. It is through the government that various activities of a nation are undertaken. The government acts as the overall management of a country. This occurs through assurance of coordination of all national activities in a bid for a healthy nation. For proper management of activities in a country, the government has been divided into different arms. Each of the arms is entrusted a set of duties, which have to be in line with the goals of the overall government. Although, the government has allocated some of its roles to the private sector, it has to ...
Men and women can be “just friends,” but the circumstances dictate whether or not they remain platonic friends.
Scientists have discovered that not only is platonic friendship possible, it is beneficial to both individuals in the friendship.
Relevant Research:
- Psychologists and their research on the purpose and function of inter-gender friendships
- Evolutionary psychology and the meaning of sexual strategy
List the counter arguments you will need to address as well.
- Men and women often have difficulty remaining friends
- Women sometimes approach relationships differently from men
- Differences between the way men and women approach relationships
- Sexual identity and the meaning of sexual identity in relationships
- Jealousy and infidelity in relationships
Cross-Sex Friendship: The So-Called “Impossibility” of Inter-Gender Platonic Love
There is an old ...
Men and women can be “just friends,” but the circumstances dictate whether or not they remain platonic friends.
Scientists have discovered that not only is platonic friendship possible, it is beneficial to both individuals in the friendship.
Relevant Research:
- Psychologists and their research on the purpose and function of inter-gender friendships
- Evolutionary psychology and the meaning of sexual strategy
List the counter arguments you will need to address as well.
- Men and women often have difficulty remaining friends
- Women sometimes approach relationships differently from men
- Differences between the way men and women approach relationships
- Sexual identity and the meaning of sexual identity in relationships
- Jealousy and infidelity in relationships
Cross-Sex Friendship: The So-Called “Impossibility” of Inter-Gender Platonic Love
There is an old ...
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Please type your instructor name here
‘The Will to Believe’ is a speech written by William James. This lecture was published for the first time in the year 1896. In this lecture, James defends the concept of people adopting a belief without having any former proofs about the truths of the belief. The primary concern of James in this lecture is about supporting the reasonableness of religious faith without having adequate evidence to substantiate the truth behind the religious belief. James also provides difference between science and religion in this lecture.
This paper basically aims at identifying the ...
One of the traits that is commonly associated with the writing of Southern storyteller Flannery O’Connor is the use of shocking violence in order to advance her rhetorical arguments. One of the more ironic uses of violence occurs when she chooses to use it for the representation of salvation, frequently through the use of characters who are physically and/or spiritually grotesque in nature. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is one of O’Connor’s most popular stories, and it demonstrates this principle. The Misfit is a murderer who shocks a Pharisaically pious grandmother into authentic spiritual awareness even ...
On the verge of technological change when communication plays a vital role in human existence, the demand of mobile or cellular phones grows wider than the usual form of communication. From the simple personal communication at home, in the office, at school, and at any place, the use of cellular phones remains essential to express ideas, communicate thoughts, and exchange messages. In fact, it is not common in the society for a cellular phone that “has grown from a convenience into a near necessity but that it can be detrimentalto the society.” It is because a cellular phone may also offer disadvantages towards its ...
Background of the Author
William Golding was born and raised in Cornwall, United Kingdom (UK) in 1911. Having gained education at Marlborough Grammar School and Brasenose College in Oxford, Golding initially received training from his parents for him to become a scientist, yet he focused on English literature instead. Apart from being a writer, Golding also became a musician, sailor, lecturer and schoolmaster, and actor. Golding first published his written works in 1935 – a volume of poems he wrote with the influence of the education he received in Oxford. Bishop Wordsworth’s School gave Golding the opportunity to become a lecturer, although the Second World War cut his ...
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) is one of the most prominent philosophers of the twentieth century. His philosophy influenced not only the various sections of philosophical knowledge, thereby extending its reach and scope, but also the development of such sciences as logic, mathematics, linguistics, the list of which is not complete. Moreover, if the twentieth century largely passed under the sign of the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche, in Wittgenstein's philosophy this century got its most profound understanding. It is all the more ironic that the philosopher did not leave a special essay on social philosophy and philosophy of history. ...
Question one
Both Machiavelli and Locke agree to some point that indeed “men of ambition and talents” are needed in order for a society to thrive. Each person came up with his own theory identifying the role that people of such characters play in the society, citing their advantages and disadvantages. To them, the existence of such people plays different roles in the establishment of the preservation of the political climate and discipline in the real world. In order to identify the best thought of the roles played by these people, one must establish which of them suit the real world as ...
Introduction: Overview
Many comparisons exist in Genesis's and Babylonian stories. In these stories, one Supreme Being created humankind and explains how everything on the face of the earth came into existence. Moreover, they also set up their calendars and describe examples of evil within each of these stories to guide man towards living a fruitful life. The Babylonian myth informs us that the god, Marduk, created humankind from the blood of another god known as Kingu. ``By blood, I will compose and bring a skeleton into being, and from it, produce a lowly primitive creature by the name ``man’’ (Walter Reinhold, 2002). On the ...
Throughout the world, education is linked with income in the minds of many, particularly as they arm their children for the challenges of life. Getting a college degree is often equated with getting a better job and making more money; this is often the impetus behind pursing higher education for many people in industrialized countries throughout the world. However, is this true? Is there a correlation between the level of education one has and the amount of money they make? The following examines the literature available on the subject to gain an understanding of the pervading wisdom of academic professionals on the ...
Any form of social movement requires active involvement of the stakeholders. In addition, social movements have the characteristics of providing general solutions to common problems. These social movements are, therefore, crucial in our day to day life affairs. In the United States of America, the pioneer social movements faced out racism and its attendant segregation and oppression of the Black minority. The Populist Party and the Black Freedom Movement reshaped the political landscape of both North and South of America. In the long run, it is such that promoted social cohesion and coexistence in the plural society that defines ...
One of the basic structures of human existence in the world is a family. The family is a major body that brings together several avenues of human interaction, growth, and development. Any society exists because of family structures that bring people of common grounds under one dimension and vision of life. On the other hand, an extension of the family can be taken in a replicated government. The government acts as a larger structure that holds different people within a geographical and philosophical setting. Therefore, it is certain that the government is the building block to the existence and functionalism of any society, small ...
I intend to discuss the nature of self and the conflicting theories of the French philosopher Rene Descartes and the English philosopher Derek Parfit. Firstly I will be briefly outlining Descartes theory of self and then I will be discussing Parfit’s theory and highlighting areas in which it has similarities and where it contrasts to establish whether or not the two philosophers have a shared idea of the self.
The French philosopher Descartes looked for the nature of man in the existence of god. What he asks in a nutshell is; ‘Is what I believe a product of god or ...
Part 1: Introduction
Across the world, there are many religions (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, etc.) . Some people cannot just imagine that if there is only one true God, why is it that they are divided as to what they believe in. Is not that all individuals came only from one source - God? Contrariwise, there are people who will not agree to the former statements because they believe that there are many gods; yes, lots of them. They will not accept it that we all came only from one source. There are people on earth that even believe that there ...
Descartes argues that perception of the world around us relies more on the mind than that of the body. The body or moreover the senses collect sensory information like touch, taste, sight, smell and then this information is relayed to the mind. The mind then collates this information and turns it into something we can understand. So when we look upon something with our eyes, our eyes are in fact tools used by the mind to form a proper understanding under mental inspection of the object.
I really like the theory of doubting what is you’ve come to ...
Descartes argues that perception of the world around us relies more on the mind than that of the body. The body or moreover the senses collect sensory information like touch, taste, sight, smell and then this information is relayed to the mind. The mind then collates this information and turns it into something we can understand. So when we look upon something with our eyes, our eyes are in fact tools used by the mind to form a proper understanding under mental inspection of the object.I really like the theory of doubting what is you’ve come to believe, testing ...
In the world around us, there are some things that people take for granted that they should not. In order to truly achieve an accurate picture of one’s reality, they must remain doubtful of it and weigh it against empirical philosophies in order to validate every aspect of it. Rene Descartes was the originator of Cartesian doubt, a method of skepticism that allows one to cast into doubt the validity of what one believes. According to Descartes, one needs to never take anything for granted; no matter what one believes, one must never take it as gospel, and remain ...