After establishing a plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Volkswagen needs to decide whether to take a position against or in favor of the union representatives. Taking into account the fact that Tennessee has a long tradition of being anti-union and Germany, where the company is from, has a positive experience in having unions to represent workers, the company is thought to be between a rock and a hard place. Most of the companies set up in the USA try to avoid supporting union-elections. However, given the situation, it is better for the Volkswagen Company to stay neutral in the process, allowing the union to have a union ...
Human Resource Management Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
201 samples of this type paper writer service proudly presents to you an open-access collection of Human Resource Management Argumentative Essays designed to help struggling students tackle their writing challenges. In a practical sense, each Human Resource Management Argumentative Essay sample presented here may be a guide that walks you through the essential stages of the writing process and showcases how to develop an academic work that hits the mark. Besides, if you need more visionary help, these examples could give you a nudge toward an original Human Resource Management Argumentative Essay topic or inspire a novice approach to a threadbare theme.
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Many health proposals call for employers and the government to share responsibility for paying health care. Employers are urged to take charge in providing cover for their employees because of the advantages that come with it. If employers take this initiative they will create a level playing field in the economy by ensuring equity to all employees in all sectors. This move will go long ways in ensuring employees are satisfied with their jobs. This paper will analyze the reasons behind employers paying for their employees’ health insurance.
Times are gone when it was considered a risk when an employee ...
[First Last Name]
English [Number]
[Date Month Year]
I consider the arguments of Benjamin Powell and Matt Zwolinski (1 – 24) in the defense of sweatshop labor relatively solid and convincing. I agree with all the philosophical arguments that they forwarded except in minor areas in their supporting arguments. As such, this essay is largely a rejoinder of their arguments with additional supportive points that may strengthen their pro-sweatshop labor position.
I agree that the labor market for sweatshops continues to be competitive, and the prima facie proof that the sweatshop employment was the best alternative accessible to them rests on the ...
Labor is one of the most crucial elements of any organization. Labor is usually provided by the workers who have employed by a firm. It is often said that human resource is the most important asset of any organization and consequently, this asset must be treated with great respect and dignity. Employees who make up the human resource element of the organization play a great role in assisting a company to achieve its goal and its objectives. Through the provision of labor, the running of company’s operations is, therefore, made possible. When it comes to goals and objectives, the ultimate and ...
The US Social Security Program provides a protecting benefit to American employees and their families for retirements, early death, and disability. When we discuss the US Social Security program, it is the largest program launched by the government in the world with the single most expenditure of US$ 612 billion of the 2008 federal budget of US$ 2.9 trillion. When the Social Security plan was launched in 1935, the contributions of 17 workers paid for the benefit of one individual who retired. This estimated ratio is expected to rise to 2.1 workers in 2030. Over 40 million baby boomers will ...
[Submission Date]
Over the past several decades, there has been a dramatic inequality in the distribution of wealth and income in the United States of America. At the same time, the state has failed to aggressively address the mentioned increasing disparity and discrimination in allocation of wealth. As a result, the consequences have turned out to be less effective and less liberal. It is now widely acknowledged that by every logical measure, the United States of America is the most imbalanced and lopsided rich country of the world. As far as economic mobility is concerned, “the likelihood ...
“Why the Rich Get Richer and the Poor, Poorer” by Robert Reich
Based on Robert B. Reich’s views concerning the decreasing job opportunities for routine producers (e.g., factory workers), in-person servers (e.g., bank tellers), and symbolic analysts (e.g., CEOs), the increased immigration affect the American economy in such a way that even with declining population among the second group of workers (that is, in-person servers) resulting to reduced competition for their jobs, increased immigration may nonetheless cancel it (Reich 515). Immigration may be a hopeful sign if the country needs more in-person servers for its aging population, small population, ...
(Author’s Full Name)
For-profit Colleges:
With rapid change in technology, highly competitive environments and a busy life, new educational and training methods were introduced. These new methods aimed at providing easily accessible and quality education to both students and working professionals. Study materials, lectures, seminars and tuition were made available online. Easy payment methods were also introduced, such that students can easily enroll to universities and courses of their own choice, using easy credit facilities. As a result, education itself became a profitable business instead of a welfare/non-profit activity. Universities all across the globe engaged in “selling education” and making profits, rather ...
The role of human resource management in an organization cannot be undervalued. The decisions that come from human resource management cannot be undervalued and is hard to measure although it has a great impact in an organization. This paper will focus on the argument that it is hard to measure the impact that human resource management on the performance of an organization. This research is undertaken with the hope that there will be clear relationship and clear understanding of whether it will be possible to measure the impact of human resource management on the performance of a given organization. There are ...
Minimum wage is a social issue that affects most middle and lower income groups in United States. The government has addressed the issue by setting the minimum amount that every employer has to adhere to when compensating workers. However, most of these laws remain written on paper and are never implemented by most employers. Employees on the other hand continue being exploited by being made to work more for little. The main reason for this is because they lack the ability to negotiate with their employers who mostly give them the option of taking up the job or leaving it ...
The United States Department of labour defines a sweatshop as a factory that violates two or more labour laws. These laws range between a number of issues such as working conditions, working hours, abuse and the overall salaries for the work done. More often than not, it is a factory that exhibits all the traits attributed with poor working conditions and exploitation. Such enterprises are present globally from developing regions like Asia and South America to major cities in the developed world where the exploitation is centered on the immigrant population. Despite the obvious drawbacks, sweatshops do have their proponents. A notable argument ...
The Cost Is Too High
In theory, the system of kafala labor being used to build the stadiums for the World Cup should protect the workers. However, the employers serving as the laborers’ sponsors, although legally responsible to assure fair and safe working conditions for them, frequently do exactly the opposite. Reports of brutality, unsafe working conditions, destroying workers’ travel and identity documents, and withholding wages, have been widely documented in the international press for many months. As a recent New York Times editorial states, while “90 percent of Qatar’s population is made up of migrant workers,” among those being brought in to build ...
Competition continues to prove to the society as an ideal approach to achieving goals. In a number of occasions, it leads to increased levels of performance while the company strives towards conquering the opponents (Carnegie 34). However, competition has also been blamed for exploitation tendencies as people go to great strengths in order to best, whether in the classroom, in business or in the workplace. Competition means that there has to be a winner and this has its pros and cons. Therefore, the question that arises is, is competition beneficial to society? Clearly, while competition might cause harm to some of ...
Different social groups have engaged in the debate about foreign workforce in America. Some groups support the issuing of visas to job seekers while other groups do not support. Groups that support the issuing of visas claim that foreign workforce contributes to economic growth by increasing the productivity of local enterprises. Groups that oppose the issuing of visas to foreigners who seek employment claim that the foreigners pose a threat to the workforce in America. Truly, some of the individuals who receive visas to work in America come to replicate the already available skills. However, some of them come with ...
The concept of ethics in the healthcare industry has evolved over time and every stakeholder in the sector should strive on improving services delivery and attaining maximum patient satisfaction. Ethics in the healthcare industry involves making the good decisions and judgments that are universally acceptable. The code of ethics in the healthcare industry expresses the responsibilities and defines rules that every health care worker, physician, and nurse must follow while attending patients. These people undergo health education that makes them understand legal and ethical concerns, patient confidentiality and informed consent (Baum, Gollust, Goold & Jacobson, 2007). The following discussion analyzes ...
Essay Prompt Two
Guilt and remorse are two common themes from “What Work Is” by Philip Levine and “Now We Are Five” by David Sedaris. These themes lead the reader to understand the cruelty of materialistic society and the important of family bonding.
In growth it is clearly seen in the poem that the health conditions of the workers were very pathetic while the work was tiresome and very difficult. The author therefore shows the cruelty of the society in treating its workers ruthless without taking consideration the amount of labor and productivity they are contributing to the state or country. The ...
The Great Depression and the New Deal reshaped the American economy as well as its society, government and culture from predominant social and economic issues. The Americans were troubled by the deleterious political, social and immoral acts of the federalist financial system in 1801. This system was regarded as a driver of corruption in both the political system and the nation at large. The construction of railway and industrial revolution led to massive urban migration, which contributed to social and economic issues such as immorality, ethnicity and unemployment among others. This brought about several debates among the Jeffersonian debates, which ...
Time of Class:
Positive and Negative Effects of Sports on Students
Sports is a unifying factor as it brings together people from diverse backgrounds and therefore should be encouraged and supported. Green argues that talented students should be given a chance to exploit their talent and should not be barred from doing so as they can have shining careers in their field of specialization, just as he was in the NFL. Such success can greatly contribute to one’s greater happiness in life something we all yearn for. Sports can be educative as they provide vital life lessons to students such as teamwork, ...
Opportunity or Threat
The demographic change in the United Kingdom cannot be looked at as a less productive workforce only but as an opportunity for creating more experienced businesses. The article “British workforces 'not geared up' to employ older workers” (et al. 2012), written by Louisa Peacock expresses the fear that older workforces will be less productive due to respiratory issues. To the contrary, the article “50 and not out”, tells us how older people in the UK have shown high interest in starting businesses and have been highly successful. There are both positive and negative factors about age in relation to workforce.
In the article that I took the time out to read called , “Two Years Are Better Than Four”, Liz Addison, articulates her view on community colleges, which she believes that the community college arrangement needs to be observed as one of America’s distinctively great institutions, not merely because community colleges allow students to have a position to begin their higher education, but then again also for the reason that community colleges is critical to the country by presenting individuals a network of reasonable future, of available hope, and an opportunity to dream. Addison first of all disproves Rick Perlstein’s ...
Working together as a team has always resulted to much convergent thinking and much consensus. Collaboration is hence considered to be a center for innovation due to associations, connections, speed, energy and implementation. The act of collaboration will always result into increased chances of people associating hence interchanging ideas that always lead to an innovative combination. Collaboration feedback will always make the speed of necessary iterations increased. A solution hence matures faster from conception of ideas to delivery of solution. People tend to be more connected to each other hence enabling emergence and push of good ideas. The expected resistance in ...
Management and the Organization Theory
Management and the Organization Theory
Question 1: In order to boost the morale of the workers and consequently increase the quality of output, a change in the culture of the organization becomes my priority as a manager once I am offered the job. Firstly, involvement of the workers and supervisors in setting goals, objectives and targets of the firm will help to make them feel recognized hence building their morale. Once the workers are back to the required standards, I will involve them in setting a code of ethics and quality control schemes so that each member of the firm knows ...
The term minimum wage rate refers to the minimum amount of compensation that an employee receives after performing a particular task. It is prudent to note that the minimum wage rate is established by either government legislation or the contract. This implies that it is illegal or unlawful to pay employees an amount that is less than the minimum wage rate that has been set by the government. The subject about the minimum wage rate has been debated for a long period of time. Some people argue that the minimum wage rate should be increased while others argue otherwise. Even different ...
The consequences for granting exemptions to U.S. federal labour laws to garment subcontractors operating in Saipan was that they could pay the workers a fraction of the minimum wage, work them harder in poor conditions and for longer hours.
This proves that the neoliberal agenda breeds the growth of inequality as the multinational corporations will naturally move their factories to countries that allow exploitation of third world workers.
Free trade only benefits the one percent, the other ninety nine percent are left without jobs in their own countries because all the factories have moved to third world countries ...
Qualitative research methods tend to focus on the deviations in quality instead of quantity, and results tend to be in words or pictures and not numbers. It can be described as inquiry with an aim of understanding human or social problems from different multiple perspectives (Tuli, 2010, p. 99). Quantitative research, on the other hand, focuses on quantities or numbers. Its results tend to be based on statistics and numerical analysis. It can be described as an inquiry into an identified problem; its goal is to establish the truthfulness of predictive generalizations (Tuli, 2010, p. 100).
There can ...
Dear Mr. [Name of Addressee]:
As the Vice-President of HR Department of the company, I feel proud in stating that our company started its operation in year 2000 and since its inception, it has gradually progressed through time and currently the working strength of the company is 75 full-time employees along with 25 part-time employees which brings a total of 100 employees working in the company. The Human Resource Department at the company has efficiently managed the working requirements of the production deadlines through introducing effective working and leave scheduling system. The deployment of each employee is according to their expertise and skills which further ...
I have always prided myself for knowing my values, for being comfortable with who I am, and for knowing what my philosophy in life is. I have always believed that honesty is the best policy. Although I know that I have many faults and imperfections, the one thing I try to always ensure is that I stay true to myself and to others.
This honesty, and indeed, my entire value system, was put to the test in my last job. It was a job that I really liked and the company was also a very good one. They offered great ...
The Upper Canada University is a small University in the outskirts of Toronto. It has a student population of 8500. It was unionized in 1996. This has resulted in to very acrimonious relations within the University leading to at least two strikes. This has resulted in many negotiations. The last round of negotiation resulted in a new collective agreement beginning July 1, 2008. This did last long though. Increasing costs and the shrinking of provincial grants have been the biggest contributing factors so far.
The deteriorating financial situation behooved the University to look for a replacement for the retiring University President from ...
Sarcasm is a literary style that employs sharp remarks to taunt certain states of events. The style works in nuances of irony and understatements in literary texts. A small place by Kincaid is a memoir that contains several elements of sarcasm. The publication is an explication of childhood frustrations and worries. The circumstances of Antiguan state in the tourism industry conflicts with the colonial legacy of the era. The concrete terrains of her state are under siege. The new structures lack proper propensity for reformations. The tone that Kincaid uses to portray this theme is sarcastic.
The first essence of ...
Should Prostitution Be Legalized
Prostitution refers to the act of having sexual intercourse or other sexual acts for monetary compensation. For Prostitution is one of the oldest profession with records showing that it began in the ancient Samaria (now Iraq) where maidens made sexual favors in the temples as offerings to gratify the gods. It was later transformed from a sacrament to business in the ancient Greece and this gave women an opportunity to gain status and power. Currently, prostitution takes two forms; prostitution in the streets and prostitution in the brothels. The legalization of prostitution is a controversial subject that creates a great ...
Approaches of SHRM
Human Resource Management (HRM) encompasses undertaking management practices and decisions that have a direct impact on human resources of an organization. The market environment has become increasingly competitive characterized by a plethora of complex and dynamic operating environments. To maintain sustainability and competitive advantage, firms have to develop strategies focusing on the core competencies and points that differentiate them from their competitors (Becker, and Huselid, 2006). This form of using strategy to improve the competitive advantage is Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). While HRM focuses on the general management of human resources or people in organization, SHRM focuses on the effective ...
Companies are an important part of all economies throughout the world because they are a source of tax, employment, and the production, and distribution of goods and services. Companies are formed with the aim of making gains from their activities of providing consumer goods and services. A company cannot function without workers, since the company does not have physical features or abilities. A company should provide a good working atmosphere for its workers so that they can work comfortably, and help the company to achieve its goals. Setting up and running a company involves some risks, for instance increased competition or obsolescence ...
Food service workers have had a history of poor pay. This can be attributed to the fact that food service employees do not adhere to minimum wages. They often give the excuse that food service workers are tipped by the customers thus paying their employees very little. In some cases, the tips that they make are even retrieved by the employees and in other cases, they are forced to share the wages with the cooking staff (Epstein, & Heizler, 2008). This just a few of the injustices that tipped workers go through on an everyday basis. What most employees do not ...
The American national security is protected through the Department of Defense with the headquarters at the Pentagon, Arlington County, Virginia. The department has often been loosely referred to as the Pentagon.
Role of the civilian component
The civilian officers in the Department of Defense provide technical support based that discharges the following duties: the development of military policy; they essentially formulate the policy and recommend for approval by constitutional bodies such as the presidency and Congress. They perform planning and management of resources activities. In this aspect, they are the custodians of military resources and manpower. They also undertake fiscal and program evaluation, oversight ...
In the documentary film Harlan County, USA, the primary controversy discussed is the miners' strike at the Brookside Mine in Harlan County in 1972. The striking miners wished to have fairer labor treatment and working conditions, while the company was willing to give them what they demanded only in exchange for a clause that stipulated they could not strike again. While both sides came to blows frequently, I believe wholeheartedly that the miners had a much greater case for legitimacy than the Duke Power Company. It is a fundamental right in America to have fair working conditions and the ability to support ...
This paper provides an argument for why nurse to patient ratios should be improved in hospitals. Many advocating bodies for nurse to patient ratios have lobbied United States Congress and legislatures to enact laws and formulate measures, which will ensure that the working conditions of nurses have improved significantly in hospitals. These measures seek to address the issue of inability of nurses to deliver quality services as the number of patients increase in hospitals. This is because patients are at a risk because of inadequate staffing, which is experienced in several hospitals. This situation may be addressed when staffing ratios ...
Women in early 19th century were divided into two groups, leisure-class suffragists and the working-class strikers who appeared in the streets, picketing and marching to create new avenue for women. They were either demonstrating for the voting and economic rights through public visibility which developed a significant cultural and political impact (Visual sources 490).
Women fought for their voting rights through occupying public spaces, conducting strikes through demonstrations, suffrage parading, picketing to the white house and silent vigils and hunger strikes. In general appearance contributed a significant assist in gaining their public rights. They public appearances could bring to mind ...
In order to discuss with my roommate the issues of Social Stratification and the 99%/1% debate, I have to know a few things about him first. I asked him several questions: Where did your parents immigrate from? How much money did they have when they got here? What did they do? What scholarship did you get to attend university? How do you plan to become part of the 1%? and so on. Here were his answers: His parents immigrated from India, they currently work as a low-level salesman and a secretary, respectively, and they do not make much money; they ...
The United States (US) is grappling with a culture war which is polarizing the nation. Workers who were considered solidly pro-war protested the Gulf War in 1991. What historical event or events may have led to this change? It will be argued that the Viet Nam War changed people’s minds about war.
Stephen Briar interviewed labor union members who were protesting the Gulf War in 1991. This population demographic had been historically considered pro-war. Ten of the union members were quoted in Briar’s interview; out of those ten, 50 percent mentioned class and 50 percent mentioned oil in ...
In 1974, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was passed as concerns about child abuse began to emerge (Pecora 230). In reaction to this act, the Child Protective Services (CPS) was founded by partial funding by the federal government (Pecora 231). Nevertheless, the CPS received 2 million child maltreatment reports in 2010 of which 90.3 percent were investigated, of these, only 24,976 were indicated and investigated (Child Protective Services). This leaves a large number of cases that have not been investigated. Moreover, it is a now a known fact domestic violence in the household can also have negative effects on ...
The passage of a new immigration law in Arizona has reinvigorated the national debate over the status of undocumented workers in the United States. In 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed S.B. 1070 into law, which empowers law enforcement authorities to stop and question any individual they have reasonable suspicion of being an illegal alien. Anyone who cannot produce proof of residency status is subject to apprehension and deportation. The controversial Arizona legislation has raised concerns over racial profiling and other forms of police abuse, but of greater significance is the precedent for eroding what even the Internal Revenue Service ...
The term retirement is the stage where a person discontinues employment totally but an individual may perhaps as well semi-retire by reducing the work hours. Numerous individuals decide to retire while they are qualified for public or private or public pension benefits, even though a number of them are obligated to retire when physical circumstances do not permit the individual to continue working any more either because of accident or illness or as a consequence of legislation with reference to their position. In the majority of nations, the thought of retirement is of recent derivation, after getting commenced in the duration of ...
Contrast And Compare What Is The Difference Between American And Mexican Workers Argumentative Essay
When Mexican-American writer Richard Rodriguez, then a college student, came to work one summer on a construction site, he thought that the three months of physical labor there would see him finally doing ``real work.''
Instead, Rodriguez' brief foray into the ``world of laborers'' as he had termed it, saw him coming to terms on what ``real work'' meant and all this became possible when on that fateful summer he worked alongside fellow middle-class Americans and (on two occasions,) with a group of Mexican ``aliens.''
In the course of raking leaves, shovelling dirt and doing menial jobs around the construction site, Rodriguez ...
According to the United States Department of Labor unemployment insurance is a kind of compensation given for those categories of workers, who are unemployed but not because their own fault. Such benefits are given during a specific period of time or till the time a worker finds a new job (United States Department of Labor, 2010). Besides, apart from regular unemployment insurance, which can be used up to 26 weeks, there are extended unemployment benefits and they are applied to those categories of workers, who exceed the time framework of the regular unemployment insurance during the time of high unemployment rate. Claims for ...
Ageism was spotted in 1866 and it is seen today with multiple stereotypes and prejudice of the elderly and it is especially observed in the workplace. Our aged population with limited income, yet bearers of a number of bills, including rising cost in utilities, medical care, and medications are faced with the stress and suffering of age discrimination in the workforce. This paper will review the history of age discrimination and discuss cases in which employees favor the young and terminate the old.
Ageism is a growing problem and concern and has become a negative societal workplace trend for older adults. Although ...
Dependence is one aspect of life which we cannot run away from. Human beings are dependent on others, just as nations depend on other nations. However, if the dependence is not handled or treated with the sensitivity it deserves, then cruelty, violence, inequality and other unjust social practices emerge. The inequality in life produces two classes of individuals, the masters and the servants, the employers and the employees, or the providers and the dependants. Candide’s philosophy, which advises us to “cultivate our gardens,” can be a breakthrough from the social injustices that result from careless handling of dependence. Biblically, a ...
The 1892 Dockworkers and 1925 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Strikes
In the history of the labor unions, there are strikes that stand out as they were pivotal in the accomplishment of certain goals. The 1892 Dockworkers and the 1925 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Strikes stand out. A comparison of the two strikes shows they had certain differences and similarities.
The Existent Conditions that led to the Strikes
Both the Dockworker’s strike and the Porter’s strike was carried out due to the poor working conditions of the Negroes at that time. For the dock workers, they used to work for long hours and there was no over time pay. Additionally the pay was little.
The term democracy can be used in various ways. A society can consider democracy as the freedom from dictatorship, right to equal representation, social equality, or classlessness. On the other hand, a country may look at democracy as the right to self rule without interference from another country. The concept of democracy may be dishonored in a capitalistic society where people have to put a lot of emphasis on their career. In this case it is essential to understand what is more important. As a result of democracy, capitalism has always been on the rise, and has gone out of control, to a level ...
A Federally Funded Child Care Center
Childcare refers to taking care of children usually those below eight years old. There are many options available for the working parents. Among them are home-based care by nannies or family, commercial childcare centers and the federally funded childcare centers (Hershfield, 1997). Federally funded childcare centers are the best childcare facilities for the working parents; this is because the federal government regulates the licensing of these daycare centers and among the requirements for funding and licensing is the criminal record of the child daycare staff. This ensures that the child is not exposed to criminals. Additionally, it reduces abuse ...
Transactional Leadership Versus Transformational Leadership In New York Argumentative Essays Example
Leadership is defined as the art and science of moving people from one point to another. This means that leadership refers to a situation where a person prepares the minds of his or her followers in order to work to attain a certain set of goals as a team or group. Leading brings people together for the attainment of results and the conduct of active work. Leadership might be construed as a process “by which one individual consistently exerts more impact than others on the nature and direction of group activity”.
Leading in the context of businesses and companies ...
Human resource Strategy for Globalization of Business Processes
Globalization of business operations has become an imperative strategy for businesses to grow and sustain their activities in future because of the driving forces of market. The two most significant changes that have enabled businesses to expand across borders is liberalization of economic policies in developing countries like India, China, South Korea etc. and the innovations in the IT sector which has made accessibility of information and transaction of business infinitely easier. All businesses aspiring to grow by exploiting the immense opportunities offered by these changes must respond to the market forces and develop strategies to expand their operations ...
The Effectiveness of SWOT, PEST and Five Forces Analysis to Improve Business Strategy
The Effectiveness of SWOT, PEST and Five Forces Analysis to Improve Business Strategy
Businesses use a variety of measures to consider their effectiveness in and relationship to the market. These provide an avenue for determining what is working, what needs improved on, and what threatens a business’s longevity from both inside and outside forces (Hass et al., 2008). Three of the most commonly used approaches are the SWOT analysis, the PESTLE analysis, and consideration of Porter’s Five Forces. Each if these models focuses on a different element, or set of elements which are considered crucial to the ...
Advantages of a retirement home for Mrs. Willis
For many years, retirement homes have helped families in caring for their loved ones once they grow old. Today, many people work and spend limited time at home. The absence from home makes it difficult to take care of their old relatives once they become unable to provide for themselves. It creates an additional burden to those responsible. Retirement homes seem to offer a solution to the problem; they offer a conducive and safe environment where senior citizens can spend their last years well. It exposes them to other senior citizens they can interact with; such homes provide a safe ...
Burma (Myanmar) currently has the largest number of child soldiers in the world. This number is expected to increase exponentially, given the most recent unrest in that part of the world due to religious conflicts between Buddhists and Muslims. This fighting arose between the Rohingya Muslims and the Rakhine Buddhists in June 2012, and erupted once more after the reelection of the President on the 21st of October. Many of the rebel groups put to use child labor and child soldiers in carrying out their illegal activities.
Child Labor
For many societies, child labor was part of life. Many families viewed ...
The efficient operation of a government requires that it adopts relevant mechanisms to control its national deficit. Even though the government can opt for other means of maintaining its national debt, the topic of sequestration is debated among many stakeholders in the servicing industry. The need to control the country’s debt has made sequestration a household term. The reduction in national debt requires that the national government initiates spending cuts in various categories of the federal structure. The process of sequestration relates to part of the Budget Control Act of 2011 that was scheduled to start at the start of ...
On November 20 2014, President Obama spoke on immigration and stated, “We were strangers once, too. And whether our forebears were strangers who crossed the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we are here only because this country welcomed them in, and taught them that to be an American is about something more than what we look like, or what our last names are, or how we worship”. The United States of America has existed as a country with many immigrants originating from those who initially crossed the bridge that ...
Immigration has long been a part of history since the early century as the early civilizations learnt of each other, fostering camaraderie and partnership between nations to improve the country. Many stories of immigration are detailed throughout history, especially those who immigrated due to wars and discrimination in their home lands. Through the years, immigration became a part of each nation, whether for the better or for the worst. According to the Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police, immigrants or migrants tend to move and live far away from their native countries due to the following reasons: poor living conditions ...
The debate over unauthorized immigration rages in America for reasons of economics, sociology, politics, morality, and more. The United States is a country with a reputation for providing refuge for victims of persecution and economic hardship. The protection of people requiring humanitarian protection has been a critical component of the immigration policy of America. Considered the “land of opportunity”, access to employment, higher standards of living, political asylum, free education and health benefits, and many other factors encourage immigration to the United States. The detriments and benefits of illegal immigration is difficult to document due to an inability to ...
The Abolition of Slavery
Historians evaluate in several ways the distinctions and similarities of the North and South just before the Civil War. The North’s population was 50 percent more than the South’s. Blacks comprised just over one percent of the North’s population while about 95 percent of Southern blacks were slaves. The North emphasized manufacturing and commercial enterprises while the South focused on agricultural development, mostly with the labor of slaves (Pessen 1121).
This essay discusses topics related to the important issue of slavery ...
(Insert Institute)
As extensive drug use elevates, countless employers have growing concerns over the performance and quality of their employees. Some of the consequences of drug use in the workplace include injuries, loss of morale and productivity, theft, absenteeism, and fatalities (Frone, 2012). Drug testing in the workplace was born out of society’s apprehension over an apparent rise in drug use and the interrelationship between drugs and injury. This relation led to risks involving the worker, his or her colleagues, and the public. In a bid to reduce the risks of drug use, employers found it necessary to ...