Conflict resolution strategies, when applied to post-war reconstruction, reconciliation and peacebuilding, can make significant contributions towards positive outcomes. Ramsbotham et al. (2011), in their chapters on the aforementioned subjects, deal with the importance of conflict resolution in instances of wartime, and how these stages of conflict vary in scope and complexity. While post-war reconstruction is an incredibly tense stage, the implications and reach of the conflict (as well as its importance) are increased in the peacebuilding and reconciliation stages.
Post-war reconstruction is a particularly fragile stage of conflict; war has just ended, but the peace process itself has not ...
Reconciliation Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
7 samples of this type
Regardless of how high you rate your writing skills, it's always a worthy idea to check out a competently written Argumentative Essay example, especially when you're dealing with a sophisticated Reconciliation topic. This is precisely the case when catalog of sample Argumentative Essays on Reconciliation will come in handy. Whether you need to brainstorm an original and meaningful Reconciliation Argumentative Essay topic or examine the paper's structure or formatting peculiarities, our samples will provide you with the necessary material.
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The Tulsa race riot refers to an incident of racial violence that occurred in Tulsa, Oklahoma from May 31 to June 1, 1921. The incident was instigated by male members of the white community, which prompted the black community to take defense. There were fatal casualties on both sides, as well as a massive loss of property. Racial violence was quite common in those days, with lynching against blacks and repressive laws to pervade the course of justice or to deny it outright. Large-scale mass incidences of racial violence did occur, but the Tulsa race riot was by far the ...
“Benazir Bhutto” born on 1st June 1953 and eldest daughter of former prime minister of Pakistan, brought out the various issues on the democratic spotlight. Before her demise on 27 December 2007 she highlighted and proved to be one of the political strongholds in the limelight that seeked to address the various democratic views regarding the governance of Pakistan. Consequently, Bhutto was a politician and stateswoman who served effectively served in the docket of the Pakistan government as eleventh prime minister for an effective two Consecutive terms. The period ran from November 1988 and the second term ended in the ...
Since the colonial and slave era, Racism and ethnic discrimination affects the way of life in the United States. The White Americans subjected legally certified racism towards the Native Americans, Asia Americans, African Americans, and Latin Americans. These groups were discriminated against and denied privileges and rights compared to the Whites. The law denied them access to education, land acquisition, immigration, and citizenship until the 1960s. Also, the American society looked down upon the Jews, Poles, Italians and Irish people who emigrated from Europe. The groups experienced xenophobic exclusion while in the United States. The U.S Human Rights Network ...
David Nauss
FYW 101
Hatred between white and black people was, and still is, the major impediment to an individual's spiritual development. In his essay, "Notes of a Native Son", James Baldwin shows that hatred for others turns inward, manifesting as self-hatred, taking form in a variety of manners, including racial prejudice. Conversely, Baldwin shows that self-hatred also extends outward, manifesting as hatred for others -- in Baldwin's case -- white people. Throughout the essay, Baldwin comes closer and closer to an epiphany, a realization that change in race relations is necessary, but only an open heart free of hatred can truly change ...
African leaders and presidents are seriously considering pulling out en masse from the being signatories to the Rome Statute that formed the International Criminal Court (ICC) based at The Hague, Netherlands. This follows their dissatisfaction with what they allege to be a bias on the part of the court against cases touching on Africans. A case in point is where the president of Kenya, Honourable Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and his deputy, William Samoei Ruto, both of whom face serious war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated in Kenya’s bloodiest post-election violence of 2007/2008, have been denied immunity by virtue ...
The concept of the existence of God spans throughout all existing religions in the world. Divinity centered on a supreme being became the main reference point of different people across various cultures in explaining particular phenomena that has found difficult elucidation. Several concepts of God are apparent in the way different religious bodies manifest their beliefs. Yet, arguments assailing the existence of God continue to be prevalent, alongside variations on how numerous religions conceive God. Up to what extent is the concept of the existence of God controversial? This study seeks to ...