Edwidge Danticat’s novel, The Dew Breaker is a collection of stories that connects the different characters through a shared traumatic past. In the chapter, ‘The Bridal Seamstress’, the author deals with the issue of trauma in the past, how it is experienced, understood and looked at by the victim and an onlooker . The author brings together two women, one an older Haitian woman, Beatrice who has moved to the United States and the other, Aline-a young American-Haitian. Aline, the younger Haitian American is a journalist-intern and is asked by her editor to cover the story of the retirement of a prominent bridal ...
Trauma Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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WowEssays.com paper writer service proudly presents to you an open-access catalog of Trauma Argumentative Essays intended to help struggling students tackle their writing challenges. In a practical sense, each Trauma Argumentative Essay sample presented here may be a pilot that walks you through the critical stages of the writing procedure and showcases how to develop an academic work that hits the mark. Besides, if you need more visionary help, these examples could give you a nudge toward a fresh Trauma Argumentative Essay topic or inspire a novice approach to a threadbare theme.
In case this is not enough to quench the thirst for efficient writing help, you can request personalized assistance in the form of a model Argumentative Essay on Trauma crafted by a pro writer from scratch and tailored to your specific directives. Be it a plain 2-page paper or a sophisticated, extended piece, our writers specialized in Trauma and related topics will deliver it within the pre-set timeframe. Buy cheap essays or research papers now!
Many of the top athletes in the United States and around the world earn in the millions of dollars every year. There are people who would argue that professional athletes are overpaid because they do not perform a job that enhance or advance society. According to Forbes.com, Roger Federer earns a total of $71.5 million simply because he is very skilled at tennis. (Forbes) While it is true that athletes do not provide society with anything that could improve the living condition of humans or animals, professional athletes do provide people with entertainment. Furthermore, there are many conditions and repercussions to ...
Development of sports in the society has had significant effect over time. The significance of sports could be looked at from different perspectives, to an individual in specific and the community entirely. From an individual perspective, sports enhance well-being in terms of physical fitness, health, as well as life as a whole. In addition, sports facilitate development of social skills that could be conveyed in various areas in life. Furthermore, sports contribute to economic development, and this is a common phenomenon in the modern world, where people make a career out of sports. However, even though sports have positive effects on people, ...
The Vietnam War is widely acknowledged as one of the most contradictory wars in American and worldwide history. It has been a historical incident whose causes, effects, interpretation and role in the evolution of world affairs has never stopped causing heated debates, still leaving lots of questions unanswered or half-answered. Like any contradictory event, the Vietnam War hurt lots of people, destroyed numerous human lives, tore America apart in terms of its heated supporters standing against its heated opponents and brought nations on the front step of dealing with one of the world’s worst historical pages. If history is ...
Yoga is a system based on Hindu philosophy that was developed in ancient India. While the spiritual background in which it was created defined it as a method for attaining a peace of mind and union with the divine, yoga also incorporates several physical and mental practices that are associated with improved physical health and emotional well-being. A posture in yoga is called an asana while a breathing exercise is referred to as pranayama. Both types of practices have been introduced to the Western civilization and popularized during the late 20th century. Since then, yoga has been adopted as a lifestyle by several groups. ...
In Slaughterhouse Five, the main character, Billy Pilgrim, is a soldier who becomes unstuck in time, beginning to experience every moment of his life at different points, jumping back and forth in the time stream. As a result, he encounters the unfortunate aspects of the past, and the terrible boredom and fearful death of his future. Billy is fatalistic, constantly feeling as though his life will not amount to anything, and that he knows exactly how everything will end. Because of this, Billy's own sanity is called into question at various points throughout the book, as he uses his ability to ...
The Prohibition era of the United States, where the consumption and sale of all alcohol was firmly prohibited by the American government and punishable by law, was one of the most volatile eras in its history. Bootleggers and speakeasies made the criminal underworld thrive in America until, due to this activity and the unpopular nature of the law, Prohibition was repealed in 1933. Since then, the minimum drinking age was put into practice to make sure that no one below a certain age was allowed to drink, a declaration that has changed dramatically over time. However, there have been questions as ...
The Prohibition era of the United States, where the consumption and sale of all alcohol was firmly prohibited by the American government and punishable by law, was one of the most volatile eras in its history. Bootleggers and speakeasies made the criminal underworld thrive in America until, due to this activity and the unpopular nature of the law, Prohibition was repealed in 1933. Since then, the minimum drinking age was put into practice to make sure that no one below a certain age was allowed to drink, a declaration that has changed dramatically over time. However, there have been questions as ...
Poly-trauma and Blast Exposure
Poly-trauma is a condition in which the body organ systems and physical regions develop injuries (Faist & Heberer, 2006). Injuries that define poly-trauma can be life threatening to victims. These injuries risk the victims psychosocial, psychological cognitive, and patients functional ability. Poly-trauma and blast exposure are commonly found together. When defense personnel and veterans are exposed to more powerful military explosions, they are more often than not likely to experience poly-traumatic injuries. Such exposure can cause penetration of blast injuries to the body and to the brain. Exposure to Military explosions may as well cause severe hemorrhage that comes from ...
Poly-Trauma and Nursing Competencies
Health illiteracy in the United States has reduced drastically over the last decade. However, a third of the total population still lacks perfect knowledge in the health sector. From an aesthetic point of view, traumatic patients in the country constitute the large portion of the population of the United States that lacks the knowledge on managing their health. In particular, the United States Army officers suffer major traumatic disorders from the dangerous missions they undertake across the world. The US army Institute of surgical research for joint trauma system provides the clinical procedure that helps the injured soldiers to ...
Sports activities promote strengthening of health, inspire us though all kinds of media, advertising of the fitness centers and even via doctors. However amateur sport and professional – two absolutely different categories. Any who seriously is engaged in this or that type of athletics, fight, soccer, will tell you as far as it is difficult and, the main thing, injury-causing. “Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities” (TBI, 2017). Sports working capacity depends on severity of the remaining consequences and specifics of the corresponding sport. It is necessary to exclude or ...
Should physical education classes be a required class in college?
Nowadays, people prefer to do things without the need to use too much time, effort and force due to the importance of using time wisely. For children and teenagers, they would prefer to hang at home and play either with their video games or their computers. Outdoor activities are reduced to visiting malls, schools, and family get-togethers rather than have physical activities such as sports played with peers, family or even with community. In some instances, people tend to see sports or other physical activities in television or pictures as some no longer see the need or importance of ...
Effective parenting is essential to the moral development of a child. In fact, lack thereof compromises the ethical beliefs maintained by the child, and this could result in the indulgence in unacceptable behaviors. According to the Journal of Family Violence, females are more vulnerable to the effects of distant parenthood than the male gender (Bowles, Dana and Jennifer 681). As a result, witnessing traumatizing events in their early developmental stages could negatively affect their social abilities and integration with other people. With this in mind, it is worth appreciating the fact that most of the female inmates had instances ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects people who have been exposed to traumatic disorders such as war, serious injuries or death threatening situations. It is manifested in as a result of the experiences lasting longer. It has various symptoms and effects, among them contemplating suicide. PTSD is very common to our generation; however, what is not known is the reason the suicide rate keeps increasing and why more and more people gain symptoms of the disorder. Studying Henry can help researchers find a different approach to helping soldiers cope when they return from war.
The Red Convertible
The short story “The Red Convertible”, ...
Placing a cap on “Pain and Suffering” in tort actions is essential; this is because there are many cases that arise from tort actions. Tort action is in itself a civil action or injury that does not arise from a contract. The law for such action provides for some outline of money damages. The actions arise from accidental laws like personal injury and negligence. This calls for a cap on the tort actions regarding pain and suffering. Reforms are needed, for proposals and enactment, to have a clear outset of the nature of tort actions.
The laws that are adopted and exist for ...
It cannot be denied that the medium of graphic novel has become one of the most quintessential vehicles of modern thought. What once were considered books aimed at children and teenagers, with highly sexualized content and appealing to the prurient and childish tastes of its consumers, comics have evolved into a legitimate art form studied in university classrooms and lecture halls around the world. Alan Moore’s Watchmen (1987), for example, provided a post-modern commentary on the nature of superheroes, the evils of capitalism, and the futility of the war in Vietnam. The Dark Knight Returns (1986), written by Frank Miller, ...
The gratification that individuals can have in a society depends on their ability to protect their own lives from harm or surety that their lives are safe. This explains why Americans strive for financial security because it directly influences their capacity to protect their own lives (Roth 699). Having money makes it easier to access weapons such as guns that may go a long way in helping to protect the lives of individuals, their loved ones, and fellow citizens.
However, in a society where citizen’s right to life is curtailed by stringent laws, such as those that deter ownership of ...
Or Should They Be Able To Play Straight Out Of High School?
According to NBA Media Ventures, LLC, “The National Basketball Association, the Women’s National Basketball Association, and the NBA Development League” all makeup the global sports and business, known as the NBA. The NBA has become the world’s favorite sporting entertainment and one of the most worthwhile professional team sporting association in the world. The NBA and WNBA have been able to use its combination of competition, sportsmanship, and entertainment to have a unique global impact on social change, self-achievement, and diversity in various aspects of society such as work, sports and school. On the other end of the ...
Abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs is a nettlesome problem, as its incidence has risen since the beginning of the century. Long-term regular alcohol abuse sooner or later leads to alcohol dependence, mental shock, nervous system and internal organs diseases. Despite the commonly held belief, active-duty personnel in the military are not quite as tough as to be completely immune to the substance abuse problems that blight civilian populations. However, the exact number of the alcohol abusers is very difficult to determine because people tend not to share this information. Thus, the numbers among civilians are very rough as ...
Citizens are at times licensed to own handguns, but they are required by the law to conceal these weapons since they are supposed to be used when it comes to protecting oneself or property. Such initiatives are usually aimed at deterring crimes since it is believed no ordinary person or a criminal will risk confronting an individual who is possession of a gun. This paper shall demonstrate the pros and cons of concealed handguns, the arguments for and against this issue and propose a public health policy to deal with this critical health problem.
Essentially, every individual is at ...
Video games have remained to be a subject of great debate between parents, experts, game fans and game developers since the time of its inception sometime around the 70s. The reason for such arguments is the perception that video games have the capacity to impact the growth of the youth. On one side of the argument, some groups argue that video games are an effective medium to entice positive development in young gamers; physically, mentally and socially given today’s advanced gaming platforms and titles to improve the gaming experience. On the other side of the argument, there are groups ...
In the contemporary world, many people continue to argue whether or not professional NBA players are overpaid. The NBA speaks the money language fluently nowadays! A huge salary, enormous wages, and astronomical figures but the question that arises is whether NBA players really deserve their high salaries. NBA player's wages are reaching astronomical numbers that make every one wonder why receive that amount of money. The main question is not weather NBA players should be paid, but should they make money than the careers that has the more priority like doctors, engineers, or teacher? It is my claim that ...
Fell et al. argues that “implementing a federal requirement for states to mandatory examine older drivers is the key to end road carnage(424” .Fatal crashes for older drivers are significantly different to those of other age groups. Drivers aged 70 in most instances intersection crashes are common while driving given that, the older driver is turning right across traffic and accidents where the older driver drives off the road (Fell et al. 423-431). It is essential for old drivers to have a medical examination each year so that to retain their license. As elderly drivers reach 70 years ...
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our popular culture. It crosses racial, religious, socio-economic, and gender lines. Since the Roe v. Wade decision in the 1970s, abortion has been a hot button issue everywhere from the dinner table to the race to the White House. It seems as if opinions on this topic are split right down the center. If you asked fifty random people about the subject, it is quite possible you would have 25 for abortion and 25 against it. Abortion is both unethical and immoral as a means of birth control. There are three reasons ...
- Introduction
Euthanasia, sometimes called assisted suicide, is the practice of allowing an individual suffering from a significant, terminal illness or injury to end their life before the injury or illness takes them. The idea of euthanasia is to allow the individual freedom from pain and suffering; proponents of the practice suggest that euthanasia allows people to avoid the pain and humiliation that can come from long-term palliative care.
Euthanasia is a process through which medical personnel or families help the patient to end his or her life. There are certain situations that are not considered euthanasia-- such as “ ...
Hundreds of people pass away on the daily basis because of gunshots and about three times of these people get severely injured. Thousands of families are destroyed; fractured bones and hearts broken are a result of gun violence. If wounds and disabilities resulting from guns were characterized as a disease, it would have been viewed as a widespread problem across the globe. Although, human beings are the creator of this weapon, guns are obviously not good for health of human beings. The incidents occurring around the world due to gun violence are of different types. A mass execution in high school of ...
Mental illness is classified as a medical condition whereby an individual’s feelings, thinking, moods, daily functioning and ability to interact with others are disrupted. The larger society classifies such patients as crazy since they seem to be detached from others. Like any other disease, mental illness is a medical condition whereby one cannot cope with the ordinary demands of life (Thompson, 11). The concept mental illness entails brain disorders like dementia and schizophrenia, personality disorders and other disorders like anxiety and depression to mention a few. It affects people across socio-economic, religious or educational backgrounds. For many decades, mental illness has ...
“Each day, more than nine people are killed and 1,060 more are injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver” (cdc.gov). However, driving and talking on the cell phone tends to be habitual among drivers, who, for various reasons, chose to do more than just driving, when in front of their car’s steering wheel. Although many might claim that it is easy and safe to both drive and talk on the cell phone, especially when using hands-free devices that allow the driver’s hands to be on the steering wheel, driving and talking on the cell phone at ...
(City, State)
In Australia, various factors have been identified as determinants of health status in any given population. These factors include class, gender, ethnicity or whether one is indigenous or non-indigenous. Understanding the effect of these determinants on health and their interaction poses a great challenge. Gender and ethnicity are some of the complex traits and are very useful since they include social dimension that are necessary in the understanding their impact on health. This paper is aimed at showing how class, gender, indigeneity or ethnicity impact on the health status of people living in Australia.
In terms ...
In ancient Greece when someone committed a murder the weapon was destroyed because the Ancient Greeks believed that fate was decided by the gods so the murder was not as responsible for the crime as the weapon itself. Instrumentality when used in reference to weapons is the hypothesis that the increased availability of weapons in a certain area also increases that areas likelihood of weapon based offences. Essentially the increased availability of guns increases the chances that a criminal will choose a gun as their weapon of choice for committing crimes, not to mention this also increases the range of crimes this criminal ...
When reading or watching the latest news, sports news is always included. Whether it may be about football, basketball or other sports-related news, people immediately make it the subject of most discussions for that day. With the recent developments in the field of basketball and the incoming Olympics, many can now wonder how much are these players are getting for the issue to grow out of proportion. In the National Divisions, the NBA and NFL lockout is just one of the few issues that have been related to the financial stability of the leagues. Many fans have protested with ...
As of 2010, the current U.S. population is around 310 million people. According to Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau, approximately 45 % of American households, which are represented by over 65 million people, who own a total of more than 200 million firearms. Every year the amount of arms in private hands continuously increases by 4.5 million unit (Kleck, 1997, p. 45). The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution of 1791guarantees Americans the right to keep and bear firearms. There are a number of federal laws, regulating ownership and use of firearms, however, every American state establishes the majority of gun ...
Why are babies, who are born to drug-addicted mothers, more likely to abuse drugs as teens and how can this be prevented?
The term ‘Mothering’ is a manifestation of all the best practices constituted in the well being of a child. The way mothers perform this behavior is largely influenced by the social norms, rituals and myths. Then, the outcome of Mothering is an amalgamation of social, economic and political influences reflected in the character of a child. Hence mothers should be really concerned about how they raise their children and who is accountable for them. Family and household further extend support to the mothers as mothers alone cannot provide for all the needs of the children. It is the family and society ...
Increasing of the physical exercises is a goal or health promotion program for healthy people 2020 mainly among older adults. There are some benefits associated with physical activities among older adults. As one age, their body becomes inactive and the change taking place in the body is inevitable. At this point, one is at risk of developing lifestyle or the chronic conditions since one is inactive. First, moderate physical exercises reduce chances of dying from heart disease, and chances of developing depression, stress as well as anxiety (Purnell, 2013). The exercises should be moderate because strenuous exercises will not ...
Gun Control is a very serious and regularly debated issue in this modern area. Some feel very strongly that the resolution to gun violence is to restrict guns from the public and therefore lessening gun related crime and accidental injury. However, that is not how all Americans feel. They see gun control measures as a direct infringement on the Constitutional rights, it would leave Americans defenseless and would, in fact, increase crime rates not lessen them. The bulk of research tends to lean toward the reality that gun control will not have the desired effect that gun control supporters ...
Captive narratives form an important aspect of the history of colonial American literature as the writers are able to present stories that are rich in the suffering, thrill danger and adventure of relating real life experiences that are associated with Colonial America. The story of Hannah Emerson Duston brings the readers to a world where a woman as abducted from her home and faced the trauma of having to endure time with the Native Americans. Being from Massachusetts, Duston actions are surprising. She kills two women, two men and six children in their sleep so that she could escape ...
According to the US Drug Enforcement Agency, marijuana is listed under the Schedule 1 drugs. This implies that weed does not have any medical uses that are accepted in the present times and that its potentiality to be abused is high. The DEA considers marijuana to be a dangerous drug mainly because of its addictive nature and because it can cause the user to become physiologically and psychologically dependent on it (Rappold 1). The DEA is not alone in speaking out against marijuana; there are scores of other people who believe that cannabis is harmful for the health and ...
A phenomenal innovation in this age of technology is the mobile phone or the cell phone. Cell phone usage has entwined our life in the belief that all technologies make lives easier, better or more efficient. Amongst all mobile technologies, cell phones have become part and parcel of our lives such that many of us cannot think of life without a cell phone. For some people, the cell phone is simply a “phone”. However, for many, a cell phone means so much more. This is in light of the amazing usages of the cell phone today. The cell phone ...
There can be no denial of the fact that the novel, Great Expectations, is one of the finest works of literature. The novel has intrigued the literary critics as well as the avid readers alike, and it is deemed among the most famous literary works in the history of literature. The stalwart author, Charles Dickens goes on to exude his literary quintessence and aesthetic appeal in this novel that has left a lasting mark in the minds of one and all owing to its content and portrayal. Indeed, this novel in context is one of the most apt literary ...
Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were brutally murdered between 10:15 p.m. and 10:35 p.m. on Sunday June 12, 1994 in the front of Nicole Brown Simpson’s Brentwood condominium located in Los Angeles, California. O.J. Simpson committed these murders. The witness testimony and the evidence at the crime scene of the murders of Brown Simpson and Goldman clearly indicate that O.J. Simpson committed the crimes. However, the incompetence of the Los Angeles Police Department during the investigation of the murders allowed the defense to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors so that a non-guilty verdict ...
Biomimicry, whose name truly makes an interpretation of Greek to 'impersonation of life,' depends on a basic thought: people can enormously advantage by mimicking the common procedures found in science and topography (Gamage and Hyde, 2012). This is not another thought; horticulture, training of creatures and populace settlement in light of topography all show that people and their environment have shared a profound beneficial interaction. (Gamage and Hyde, 2012). Presently, as science upgrades our ability to better comprehend the Earth consistently, we too are finding creative approaches to consolidate these discoveries into our lives.
Apparently the most earth shattering ...
One of the main reasons a doctor is often blamed for is medical malpractice. Medical malpractice can be defined as any act or omission on behalf of a physician while treating a patient that has led to the injury of the patient. Medical malpractice is usually deviant from the norms of practice that are widely accepted by the medical community. Once a patient can establish that medical negligence had led to injury, the court calculates the compensation that the doctor should pay, based on the economic and noneconomic losses of the patient. Economic losses include the income the patient has lost due to a ...
Health Policy Brief
Issue Summary:
The State of Colorado is committed to the promotion of safety, the protection of the public, and the prevention of exposures that result in injury. In contradiction to these commitments, the current warning labels on recreational use of marijuana are vague, in particular as applicable to women planning to be pregnant, pregnant or breast-feeding. Recreational use of marijuana poses serious health risks to pregnant women and fetal development. These health risks make it necessary to modify the current warning label. The purpose of a warning label is to remind and inform the public about health risks associated ...
Business Structures & Taxation Law
In the course of this paper, the prospects and business structures will be examined for the band Black Narcissus, a five-piece death metal band that is currently assessing its future as a brand. There are many different factors contributing to their current success, and their immediate and long-term prospects as a band, which will be evaluated based on current taxation law and the conditions already facing the band’s future. Already, several issues have presented themselves that must be solved:
- The issue of writing credit between the two creatives of the band and three remaining band members who ...
The majority of the narrator’s in Edgar Allan Poe’s stories have at least a little bit wrong with them. Even in “Pit and the Pendulum,” while the narrator appears to be an innocent victim of the Spanish Inquisition, his time below ground has certainly pushed his perspective toward the breaking point. In “The Tell-Tale Heart,” the narrator is convinced that he is not insane, and he is bent on convincing the reader that he is not insane. However, the fact that he waits until his murder victim’s eyes are open at night (and that the correct eye ...
One out of every four girls is sexually abused during her childhood. This is a surprising statistic in itself but what most people don’t know is that one out of every six boys is also sexually abused before the age of eighteen. The median age for this abuse is only nine years old. At that age many children have no idea what sex is and in some cases don’t know what is being done to them at first. The trauma of sexual abuse will often haunt that person for the rest of his or life. Those who suffer ...
Employing the services of Nursing Homes is becoming a huge trend in the United States in recent years. Families can bring their elderly and ailing love ones to these nursing homes and pay for a certain cost to support their treatment. However, there is a growing debate within the country with regards to the use of these nursing homes as some groups believe families should take care of their love ones at home. Supporters to these alternative facilities argue that nursing homes would provide better care to their love ones, especially given the financial and living conditions. This paper will discuss the ...
Gun control is a very sensitive issue in the developed countries like the United States. Whether a person should carry a gun or not, or what could be the limitations that can regularise the manufacture, transfer or use of the firearms (including small weapons like pistol revolver). With the advanced scientific technologies, more and more deadly weapons are being invented. Gun control deals with the regularization of the production, transfer, possession, sale and utilization of the firearms. Firearms are always a threat to the lives of the individuals. There should be proper regularization on the usage of such weapons. The licences should be ...
The emergence of cases of bullying among youngsters aged eight to sixteen has never been more prevalent than it is already today. It has been reported that an average of 47% of students going to public schools experiences either or both forms of bullying today. It seemed as if in the past, some cases of bullying have not been reported, nevertheless, this is not enough to say that times have already changed and somehow such changes have actually created a massive adjustment on how the concept of bullying is realized and understood as a major problem in the society (Patterson, 2005). ...
Medical marijuana requires legalization because it plays an essential role in the treatment of various diseases. Marijuana helps the patients to curb the high levels of pains without much side effects. It serves a very powerful pain reliever among the patients with no or little slide effects. Legalization of marijuana will help to cure high levels of pains during treatment by the medical doctors. Marijuana facilitates a safe and effective treatment of symptoms of various diseases as cancer, glaucoma, AIDS and multiple sclerosis among the patients. Marijuana also helps in the treatment of epileptic patients while undergoing a lot of pain. The ...
Domestic violence is also identified as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, and family violence, can be said to be the pattern of behaviors that entails the mistreatment or ill-treatment by one partner to another. In order for the act of ill-treatment to be termed as domestic violence, the partners ought to be in an intimate relationship for instance marriage or cohabitation. It is imperative to note early on that domestic abuse may be in the form of physical attack, threats, economic dispossession, coercion, and domineering. Evidently, the abused partner undergoes through a lot mentally as well as physically the same way ...
This paper argues about the shutdown of SeaWorld; SeaWorld is a mammal theme park, located in the United States. Sea World is a theme park dedicated to the underwater world. Unlike other parks, Sea World is not divided into zones. Here each attraction has its own name and theme. SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment maintains one of the largest collections of marine animals in the United States. It provides care to as many as 67,000 animals including marine and terrestrial. In the wild, marine animals live in large social groups and swim up to 100 miles a day. However, at SeaWorld, Orcas ...
Nazi experimentations involved numerous medical experiments carried on prisoners without their consents. The experiments were carried out to all individuals including Jews, Roma, disabled non-Jews, and Soviet POWs. World War II prisoners in concentration camps were used as the in the experiments in order to enhance and advance science. Most of the experiments were aimed at improving military personnel’s efficiency during the war. After the World War II, leading experiment doctors faced justice when they were tried in the Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. An approximate twenty leading doctors were charged with various crimes against humanity. It was during ...
Opportunity or Threat
The demographic change in the United Kingdom cannot be looked at as a less productive workforce only but as an opportunity for creating more experienced businesses. The article “British workforces 'not geared up' to employ older workers” (et al. 2012), written by Louisa Peacock expresses the fear that older workforces will be less productive due to respiratory issues. To the contrary, the article “50 and not out”, tells us how older people in the UK have shown high interest in starting businesses and have been highly successful. There are both positive and negative factors about age in relation to workforce.
In the early 2000s a new movement began, against a lower form of crime which has been rampant through centuries, has been reported and recorded over many years but no concrete solution has been reached so far. Innumerable individuals each year, face emotional, psychological, physical and mental trauma due to this low level crime that gets triggered due to innumerable reasons. Students in particular face this problem of offense in the form of insinuation and intimidation. The horrifying truth however is that criminals and tormentors who commit this crime go unpunished and free, adding to the misery of victims. What is ...
What is the significance of a detainee's biography in the forensic psychological assessment of mentally ill offenders?
A forensic psychological assessment seeks to provide information to attorneys and courts for the purpose of making legal determination. The psychologist seeks to discern the relationship between the detainee’s mental disorder (if any) and the offence they are charged for (if proven). Biographical investigation is one method of performing a forensic psychological evaluation. The detainee’s biography provides background information as a source of knowledge to form the basis of a biographical investigation. A biography gives a unique and personalized narrative of an individual devoid ...
Let me take this chance to define two important terms here. The terms are violence and peace. Violence refers to the aforethought application of physical might either actual or life threatening towards a group of people, an individual or a community. Such an action has a big probability of causing harm that may be psychological, loss of life, injury and impaired development. Peace on the other hand refers to the state of dwelling in a state or environment that is surrounded by tranquility and harmonized personal relations. Peace can also be derived from a state of security that can be achieved either customarily or ...
Death penalty, as the name suggest is a punishment sentenced to the criminals who are involved and have been proven guilty in assassination of one or more individuals or other giant crime. This is a legal manner that is taken into courts and after the hearings of all the witnesses and considering all the proofs; he is than considered guilty if the proofs are against him and then the court decides to announce the death penalty. The rules and regulations regarding the capital punishment are different from one country to another. Many countries have identified the kinds of punishment for several ...
Many theories have been advanced to explain disability with many of them revolving around biomedical origins. However, sociologists have developed quite a different school of thought. According to sociologists, disability, which can be physical, cognitive, emotional, mental or developmental, is an impairment that can largely be linked to historiography, social construction as well as social organization.
Historiography seeks to explain disability by applying two concepts: materialism and feudalism. Materialists argue that disability is a social experience, which arises from the specific ways in which society organizes its fundamental activities i.e. work, transport, leisure, education and domestic life. According to Gleeson (1999), ...
The discourse on same sex marriages continues to capture societal attention. In that regard, nations claiming to be progressive have allowed same sex marriages. Homosexuals and lesbians have been allowed to legally marry one another. This has gone a long way in affecting the society. Indeed, it challenges the traditional societal norms. In that regard, one would argue that same sex couples should be allowed to adopt. Adopting a child remains the only option for them to start a family. This is because by their biological similarities, same sex couples cannot give birth. The role of reproduction in such couples can be ...