Video games have remained to be a subject of great debate between parents, experts, game fans and game developers since the time of its inception sometime around the 70s. The reason for such arguments is the perception that video games have the capacity to impact the growth of the youth. On one side of the argument, some groups argue that video games are an effective medium to entice positive development in young gamers; physically, mentally and socially given today’s advanced gaming platforms and titles to improve the gaming experience. On the other side of the argument, there are groups ...
Video Argumentative Essays Samples For Students
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The issue of video gaming being good or bad has been a topic of interest since the inception of the first video game in the early 20th century. Debates would often concentrate on the violence and chaos induced by video gaming, including the detrimental effects it has on its gamers in all age groups and a few would concentrate on its benefits. Nowadays, it is common to hear about crimes committed by gamers, especially from the teenage age group, in an attempt to recreate the scenes from the games they play. Experts and parents alike, including responsible gamers, agree that there ...
Neither constitution nor any parents can stop children from playing video games, as children will find some or other way to play video games. Law Excessive amount of violence in Video games is one of many debated topics in our society. A number of people say that it affects behaviour of children in a substantial manner. These people advocate to ban the games that cater violence on the other hands, a huge number of people do not agree with such logic. They oppose any such step and argue in favour of games even if they portray violence. Court said that “ ...
I. Introduction
A. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to hear about news pertaining to children and teenagers emulating their video game personas and recreating the scenes in real life
B. Thesis Statement: Children can learn and hone their skills while playing video games and at the same time, learn skills that would be crucial for their development.
II. Children develop early skills through video games
A. Studies have shown that children show early signs of computer-related skills even if they are only a few months old.
B. Early childhood skills development through video gaming also ...
Video and computer games have increasingly developed and caught the attention of scholars of diverse disciplines. In the past, educators ignored computer and video games. Whenever educators discussed games, they concentrated on the social outcomes of game playing. They ignored the significant potentials of game playing in adding to the value of education. Video and computer games have become the most profitable, persuasive and influential entertainment means in the United States and the rest of the globe. Given their persuasive nature, educators have taken an interest on the effects these games have on their players. They have taken a keen ...
Over the last couple of years, there has been a growing wave in the video gaming world. Video games have developed into an ingrained feature of human lives. In US alone, it was found out that (88%) of the youth between the ages of 8 and 18 play video games (Gentile, 2009). Though only a handful was found to overdo it, (from 8-13 years), there is a wave that is slowly encroaching the world at large. Video game addiction has been linked to frequency of play and the overall time spent in play. Also, the fact that other gadgets other than the ...
A lot has said about video games and more especially on the negative effects, they have on children. Video games, just like any technological development have been a pain and a cause of worry among many parents. The thought of their children being addicted to playing video games cause chills among parent who move from one psychiatrist clinic to the other with the hope of finding a solution for the same. However, many more parents encourage and even get video games for their children. Video games have been considered a better alternative for children instead of indulging in other irresponsible behaviours or watching ...
Video games are common forms of children’s entertainment. The current era cannot ignore the effect of video games among children. However, the range of effects for the videos is extremely wide. Although, the video games are meant for entertainment, they usually involve other experiences. Some of the games are violent, and they may expose the children to extensive effects. As a result of extensive exposure to violent video games, children are likely to develop hostility, fear, stress, as well as psychological trauma. However, there are positive effects of violent video games among children. To understand the appropriateness of the ...
(Author’s Full Name)
Video games are the center of attention of the mass media nowadays. All different channels think of it as their responsibility to keep reminding everyone that playing video games lead to a person becoming violent. I, however, disagree with this school of thought. Blaming the video games for violent behavior makes the video game the exact cause of the violence while the act itself is just being considered a consequence. There have been studies and researches carried out to measure the amount of damage caused by video games. However, the results are still inconclusive. And the media ...
It is natural and understandable that the bulk of the most ardent followers of the video game are children and adolescents, and the degree of popularity of this kind of entertainment of the troops has long been a concern among parents and health professionals. For example, David Grossman (David Grossman), previously - a military psychologist, and now one of the most famous scientists, has written numerous books in which he argues that video games have a negative impact on the mentality of children and adolescents. However, until now there is no official opinion on the fact that the game, full of fights, ...
<Student’s name>
<Supervisor´s name>
Technology Date: December 9, 2013
The video gaming industry is undoubtedly one of the main scapegoats of our time. Computer and console games are being publicly labeled as cruel, violent and unacceptable by numerous politicians and social activists. Each time there is a spree shooter emerging somewhere in the US or abroad, there are various speculations concerning factors which contributed to the outburst of violence, and video games are being often perceived as a major one. On the other hand, it is a large and rapidly developing industry, and accusations of such nature may lead to loss of ...
Video games have faced criticism and appreciation both at the same time, but still the disadvantages are more commonly highlighted. The most important issue is that an answer to the question “Are video Games dangerous?” is very subjective and it’s very difficult to say that what all games, or playing for how much time, can really prove dangerous.
It is true that like any other media, video game has its own positive and negative sides however we may not deny the fact that a supervised use of video games may not be harmful, in this paper we will deduce ...
Video games have become very popular for the last 30 years, especially among teenagers. Video games are an original part of entertainment as they involve direct participation of people, and they become players who influence the result of the game.
However, playing video games has both positive and negative outcomes, it depends on how often teenagers play video games and of what character. The first advantage of playing video games is pain management. This activity helps adolescents to relax and distract themselves from their everyday problems or stressful situations. It works especially well with painful medical treatment. Furthermore, ...
The term ‘Intellectual Property’ or IP has gained tremendous importance in modern times. Judiciary systems are becoming increasingly concerned about criminal as well as civil laws pertaining to intellectual property. The scope of such laws would extend to a wide spectrum and could have a deep impact on economies and individual industries. One such industry to be impacted is the gaming industry, particularly video games and virtual worlds.
The gaming industry has witnessed fast paced evolution in the past two decades. Video games today are played through gaming consoles as well as on PCs and mobile handheld devices including cell ...
Video games have often been criticized for the bad effects they have on children and the associated potential and psychological disorders, but off late video games have become a great source of imparting education to kids. Video games pump in innovation, animations into the studies and make them much more interesting for the students. ‘It’s a fact that when kids play videogames they can experience a much more powerful form of learning than when they’re in classroom. (Gee 2003).’ The good effects of video games aren’t only constrained to the students but professors also feel inspired playing them. It ...
In the present paper, the issue of video games’ impact on children and young adults is discussed. First of all, the emphasis is placed on the difference between violent and nonviolent video games and the general mechanism of influence on child’s perception and brain’s cognitive function. Secondly, the distinction between impacts is made. Scientific explanation of how violent video games affect children’s behavior is also outlined. In this context, verbal expressiveness of social interactions and negative perception of life are discussed. From the psycho-social perspective, stages of development and meaning of social skills for the mentioned ...
Free Effect Of Video Games On Childrens And Adolescents Behavior Revision Argumentative Essay Sample
[Submission Date] Effect of Video Games on Children’s and Adolescents’ Behavior
Parents today now face an overwhelming challenge to raise their children. With mass media becoming a crucial and unavoidable home utility, families’ role in nurturing and shaping the children is now widely questioned. Every age group, gender, generation and family is catered via mass media. It only means that there exists a complicated relationship between mass media and its audience that include children, teens, and families. Media affects every group of audience in a different way and similarly, children have a different understanding of media as they grow. ...
Video Games aren’t Just games
Has anyone ever questioned the benefits of the video games? Video games have come to be one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world. Sadly enough they have made a bad impression on millions of people’s minds, and that what makes the word video games so distorted. The truth is thou, video games have many benefits that can help develop and evolve the skills of the human mind, such as improved multitasking, developing motor skills, increasing well being among the elderly.
The 21stcentury is the time when each and every one of us has to deal with ...
"Anyone who makes a distinction between education and entertainment does not know the first thing about either one." - attributed to Marshal McLuhan (Felicia. 1)
Technology is a ubiquitous entity, existing and interacting within the daily lives of billions of people globally. Technology is constantly outdoing itself, with new versions of the latest gadget appearing every few months or less. The latest tablet or phone grabs the attention of the public sphere, enrapturing the masses with the latest capabilities and capacities of the hottest device. As a society we are constantly connected to our technology, as it touches most aspects of ...
Cultural appropriation has been subject to debate in the American music industry for several years. While it remains debatable as to whether there is a need for serious actions to be taken to provide justice to the members of the original cultures when it is evident there is an incident of misappropriation, how such cultural appropriation occurs still elicits debate. It is critical to understand that certain actions of the singers can be considered culturally offensive while others can be accommodated despite the cultural debate it brings. It is thus important that artists show appreciation to another culture by ...
Thanks, God, I had the experience of online threats on the social network only one time. I remember very well what I felt when a stranger with obviously fake profile started to send me offensive messages. I deleted these messages so I do not remember if there were any real threats or just offensive words in those messages. However, I remember exactly that I was scared by messages. Interestingly, it was not a male who offended me on the social network, it was a female.
Because I had the negative experience of online threats only one time I was ...
The topic of violence in the modern media has been debated for many decades, since television started increasingly broadcasting the shows with violent content. Parents, educators, scientists and authorities have become even more concerned with the issue with the emergence of the violent video games, whose characters were engaged in bloody fights, murders and many other demonstrations of aggressive behavior. Now that the technologies allow the developers of the games to reach an extremely high level of realism, an increasing number of researchers have been studying the problem to find possible connections between the violence in the games and ...
Human reactions weighed in environmental context
Human behaviour and its relationship with the environment has long since came into the scrutiny psychological studies with a numerous instances where behavioural and physiological responses are studied in different environments. However, the definition of environment itself has come to attach itself with psychological precepts giving new meanings to the term (work environment, cityscape, crowded environment, etc.). For the purposes of this essay, however, we will consider environment in its purely physiological sense with known attributes like temperature, pressure, spatial dimensions, etc. to throw light on the various factors that influence human behaviour. The video footage I have chosen for ...
We Live in a Multimodal World
In an ever more polluted world, carbon tax is becoming an increasingly important topic in environmental policy. Using multimodality as a teaching method eases the learning process of complex subjects, such as carbon tax. Arguing that the video “How Does Carbon Pricing Work?” is a great example of a multimodal communication tool, which teachers should use in an economics classroom. Today’s highly digital world demands that teachers apply multiple modalities, such as videos, to explain traditional concepts and appeal to the twenty-first century mind. Straightforward while backing the multimodal approach in classrooms, Takayoshi and Selfe offer five key points supporting courses ...
Of all of the common evolution we have discussed in class, I think one of the most common is the evolution of music industry. The music path has been long, but finally in current days it seems to be in its final destination. “Video Killed the Radio Star” was the first video to be played. This was like magic in early 80s since there is no comparison of listening music on radio to watching music video. As I was reading “Assessing MTV's effect on music in the early '80s” I could vividly describe how the music was before the ...
A lot has been said about violent computer games and its effects. This issue is one of much debated issues in the American society and there is a difference of opinion among different sections of the society. Some find that violent computer games affect teenagers in a negative manner and cause violent tendencies in teenagers. On the other side, there are many people who do not buy this argument and say that violent computer games do not cause violent tendencies in teens and they are merely a tool of entertainment. This paper intends to discuss effects of violent computer games along with ...
The video highlights a world in a mess which is crippled by epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, hunger, war and financial crisis. The plight of the woman in a society characterized by gender disparity and a lack of universality of a woman is portrayed. The video explores solutions to the existing world crisis and dramatically reveals the only tool at hand is a girl. An empowered girl is portrayed as the tree of immediate liberty from the manacles of HIV/AIDS, the chains of civil war and economic dependence, and the hunger crises. An empowered woman is displayed as instant coffee ...
Video games have become an integral part of our life, taking an important place of the leader among the many ways of the organization of youth recreation. It is especially important thus to understand their influence on people, especially kids. Virtual reality beckons with its limitless possibilities, and computer entertainment industry each year presents gamers more and more new games, from which it is simply impossible to refuse. However, about the dangers of computer games trumpeting all around - and particularly concerned about the issue of violence in video games and computer addiction of parents whose children spend all ...
Outline - The Intellectual Invasion of Video Games
This is an argumentative essay on the subject of the protection of intellectual property in video games. The paper begins with an introduction to current situation pertaining to intellectual property in the gaming industry, particularly video games and virtual worlds. It discusses, in brief, the scope of civil laws in intellectual property rights protection. It further discusses the interests of developers/ creators, owners/ contractors and users of video games and how each of them has some intellectual property in such games, especially where virtual worlds are involved. ...
Prager, in his article, delves into the ideas of poverty and how it relates to crime in the economy. He starts off by describing several scenarios of his ideas of what poverty entails by describing his paternal grandparents who were immigrants living in such a small apartment such that none of the children ever had their own rooms. He further explains that most of the American population that are considered poor by societal standards own essential items such as a refrigerator, a stove, a television, and even a fridge. They are, therefore, able to provide for their material things ...
Computer games became part of our lives. Virtual reality beckons with its limitless possibilities, and computer entertainment industry each year presents all the new games which become more realistic and sophisticated. According to C. Barlett , C. Anderson and E. Swing (2009, p. 377) young people in the USA spend at least 9 hours per week sitting on computer. Around 70% college students consider themselves to be gamers – people who specialize on challenging virtual reality barriers. Video games industry is constantly growing addicting more and more people. According to the recent research about 89% of all games are violent (Buckley, ...
Behavior development in children is acquired through a learning process. Psychological findings on the effects of environment on the behavior of children reveal that a child learns and adapts from the environmental exposures. For instance, children who grow up in assaultive families where both parents fight are more likely to develop the same behavior on their peers or even once they grow up. This relates to watching violent games and movies. Most of these movies exhibit aggression, crime, hate and resentment. Children who watch these games are likely to absorb these behaviors in one way or another and develop characteristics that ...
As technology continues to pervade our lives in new and increasingly interconnected ways, the ways in which it is used (and the values that are often attributed to them) becomes an even bigger question. Some might say that technology is value-neutral; it is not inherently good or bad by its existence itself, and any moral judgments that might be attributed to actions made through technology should fall on the people behind it, not the technology. However, the presence of technology itself does allow for these positive and negative values to spring forth. While technology provides an outlet for the ...
There are is a plethora of many sosocial media webssites that enable let people to stay in touch with each other. Facebook is one of the biggest and evolved great social media networking platformswebsite that facilitates people to stay connected use to communicate with to their familyies and friends. Also pPeople also use the Facebook to share their photos and videos with others. It is a blessing for For international students who leave their homes and travel to foreign countries for better and higher education. Facebook helps them stay connected and updated on the developments back home. who decided to leave ...
What is game? A game is an emulating process that comprises of different things such as skill, chance(luck), and this activity is held according to the set rules for entertaining purposes of players.
Games are around us since the dawn of mankind, however, they have changed drastically over the years and nowadays, people prefer to play games online on computers, gaming stations rather than board games or outdoor activity. The influence from video games is harmful, therefore, time spent with computer should be under the control.
Computer games have become part of our lives. According to ...
Literature avails controversial arguments between long and short distance relationships. The long distance relationships harbor copious challenges even with the assistance of technology to reduce its impacts. These challenges ranging from the satisfaction and insecurities to unfaithfulness are discussed in order to arrive at a conclusion that long distance relationships fail in most contexts. Some literature argues that long distant relationships foster intimacy while other researchers describe the failures connected to such relations. The evaluation of studies reveals the reasons why the relationships fail while developing other controversial literature in order to reach a conclusion against their success. These ...
Technology has altered the way people live their lives. It is hard to go one hour without interacting with an electronic device, and it even becomes difficult to think of how one went through their day-to-day routine without them. Through social media, there has been a democratization of information sharing. Now, the news reporter isn’t the only one that can provide you the information of what happens on the scene; you can watch a video on made by somebody that was there with a smartphone. There are pages where you can upload whatever you want, allowing anyone around the world to ...
Michael Jackson is one of the world’s most famous singers and artist. Starting off as an ordinary American recording artist, he had a couple of breaks. He was later on discovered as the world’s King of Pop because of the genre of songs he usually composed in his music albums. His fans often refer Michael Jackson as MJ. Jackson did not become famous just because he has a relatively good or unique singing voice. His unique and usually hard-to-copy dance moves were actually equally contributory to his success as an entertainer, a recording artist, and even a businessperson. This man certainly ...
Back in the days, before the late 2000s, most people relied on their television when it came to broadcast programming, and the web served to provide people with digital content. That simplicity is long gone due to the rapid advancement in technology which has brought with it sophisticated devices together with content workflow which allows for cross-consumption of both digital and traditional content in almost all available device endpoints. This convergence of traditional and digital methods of content viewing have resulted into individual viewers watching their favorite shows on tablets, phones and televisions anywhere and at any time. This ...
It was a perfect moment in time. To witness someone so comfortable in their own skin and so confident in who they are, and to watch this congeal into a glow that emanated through television screens around the world. Beyoncé Knowles Carter stood proudly, strongly. She stood in front of a luminescent backdrop with the word “FEMININST” displayed prominently, with only the light of Beyoncé herself shining brighter in the venue that night. During a time when many were much more enamored with the idea of feminism than any actual real life application of it, when the word was ...
The article “Dream Machines”, by Will Wright deals with how video games are unbridling human imagination and creativity. He says that video games are shaping the way in which the current generation interacts with others by treating the world “as a place for creation, not consumption” (Wright 1). Wright further opines that society mostly sees the negative aspects of technological breakthroughs like video games by ignoring the positive side. In this respect, he is in line with a part of the present article’s main thesis: YouTube’s most important advantage is that anyone can unleash their imagination through videos uploaded ...
The importance of technology in the 21 century cannot be overstated. Computers and high-tech mobile gadgets have become commonplace in the world. In other words, technology has become inevitable for use by human beings as they seek progress to humanity. The learning process has benefited greatly from advancements in technology. Many students and learning institutions are able to afford and use technology to advance intellectualism or the doctrine that knowledge is acquired by reason without resort to experience. Technology aids the reasoning capacity of people and in memory retention, efforts that are central to intellectualism (Gifford, 21). Some quarters ...
Gun control is one of the most important political issues of our time. It has been shown time and time again from unbiased studies that the correlation between gun ownership per capita causes homicide rates by guns to increase. The issue is muddled though because of the powerful gun lobby and a media that lacks in its journalistic coverage on the issue. These factors combine to bring The United States to it’s current political stalemate on the issue.
Since the tragic events of Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, the issue of gun control has resurfaced ...
Arguably, technological advancement in the manufacture of Smartphones is taking the world at a tremendous pace. As a matter of fact, the competition between Smartphone manufacturers gives the consumer a chance to have quality products. When looking for a Smartphone, making a choice between Apple iPhone and Android is a very intricate task to undertake. The Apple iPhone has various great features that seem similar in a way, but when it is analyzed critically there a great distinguishable feature. The features that each of the Smartphone’s gives the consumer a mandate to choose which Smartphone are right to use. In general perspective, there are various good features ...
Milton Friedman believes that in a free society we must not forget that there are two types of freedom and they should not be confused. The proper role of the government is to consider these two ways of understanding freedom - which are freedom from coercion and freedom of ‘free of cost’- and help individuals reach their objectives, interfering with each other as minimum as possible. The government should create opportunities to help people achieve their goals, knowing of course that there is no absolute freedom in society. It is important to notice that for Friedman, the society ...
Question 1
The video illustrates transition as a type of challenge indicating that in the transition stage, the concept of ethos is codified into creed meaning that military officers may face a major challenge in trying to comprehend what to expect in a new environment. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (2016) argues that although transition helps in creating a higher level of possibility in ensuring that military officers engage in environmental changes, it may also lead to a situation where some of these officers are unwilling to accept the impending changes. In terms of personal knowing, I understand that some of ...
Humankind has entered the age where computers do everything from taxes to math problems even sending emails to family members, many people have gotten to the point where their entire lives are governed by computers or the function of computers; the biggest aspect of this is children being born in the digital age and are being raised on computers or how to use them in non-ideal ways.
Although computers are responsible for making life easier for people across the world, it has been noted that people have grown too dependent on computers to do what they used to do ...
Approximately 31 were killed and 11 people missing in one of the most recent flood incident to hit the state of Texas and Oklahoma in May 2015 . As early as May 12 there had been reports of storm and tornados looming around the state of Texas and nearby community, alerting the people of the possible threat that was within their midst . Different media outfit covered the news beginning from warnings issued by the National Weather Service. The subject of interest had been drawn by the belief that what was building up during that time was to be considered as ...
Essay Outline
Introduction: Over a period of time online education has gained significant popularity due to various advantages offered by online education over physical classroom.
Thesis Statement: experts claim that online education is ineffective in providing efficient learning and healthy learning environment, however, there are strong evidences that confirm online education provides efficient learning and various other benefits.
Opponents claim that online education is low in quality
Online education is flexible and accommodate various leaning styles that help in delivering effective learning.
Online education provides opportunity to explore and encourage extra rehearsal time that ensure efficient learning.
Online courses ...
Documentary film is one of the most difficult genres of cinematography, firstly, because of its structure as well as due to the large number of approaches to the implementation of the idea. This genre originated over a century ago and nowadays it is undoubtedly one of the most difficult genres, since it is necessary to analyze a huge amount of material to identify the authenticity of historical facts in order to create a professional documentary film. The advent of documentary films made the cinematography a more profound art form, which became a part of the scientific world too.
Documentary film was the beginning ...
Childhood is a critical time of mental, emotional, and physical growth and development. The events that happen during childhood often have long lasting ramifications into adulthood. Quite often, the effects of childhood abuse follow victims throughout their lives, causing health and emotional difficulties that require professional assistance, and money, to remediate. Children have a right to be raised in an environment that is optimal to good health and sets them up for success. Parents who intentionally, through lack of reasonable actions, raise obese children should be prosecuted for child neglect.
Parents are responsible to keep their children healthy and away ...
The Social Media Impact on Customer Purchasing Process in Hospitality Industry
Technology has given the customers a new way of checking out the products that they intend to use. The technology improvements over time have increased the difference that is in the marketing sector of the economy. The internet to be precise has been a major contributor in reshaping the business sector and the marketing of the economy. The internet has brought massive changes in the marketing sector of any economy. There are both positive impacts as well as negative impacts that have been realized with the increasing use of the internet. The social media section of the internet has ...
Since the advent of the Internet, its use and influence on people has expanded exponentially. Like any emerging technology, the Internet has its detractors, who claim that it is having detrimental effects on the way people think. Though the arguments of detractors are serious, it is equally if not more important to examine the ways that the Internet has a positive impact on the way people think. A positive look at how the Internet has changed the way people think requires considering historical arguments about technology’s effects, examining definitions of intelligence, the availability of information, how the brain is ...
The Internet was introduced in the 1990s, and was meant to be a bastion of new information and the exchange of ideas. While this has certainly been successful in that right, some of the unintended consequences may not have been totally forseen. The potential for greater knowledge has resulted in quite a few pitfalls that have negatively affected our society today. The availability and low quality of information provided by technology contributes to our sedentary lifestyles and alienates us even further from each other, making us worse off than we were before.
Because of the easy availability of technology, people are ...
It can be said that the two biggest truths of human existence are death and association with technological advancements. Whether one like it or not, technological advancements are occurring at an exponential rate, and the roles of technology in the lives of people is getting expanded with each passing day. The presence of technology in the lives of humans cannot be denied as it is linked with innumerable actions of the people in the world society. Right from the presence of smartphones to laptops to GPS systems, innumerable examples of such technological devices that are linked to the day-to-day ...
Racism has been a major problem in the societal milieu of the United States of America for the past times. The country has had a dark history of racial discrimination, slavery, lynching of black people, struggle for racial equality, right to vote, and so on. However, all that is written in the pages of history as the present era has ensured that there is no such racial discrimination in the society of the nation. On an apparent level, America has moved much forward from the dark chapters of racial clashes and subjugation of communities based on their racial and ethnic identity.
Historical events, particularly the very distant ones, can be viewed in different and contrasting perspectives. Interestingly, technological innovations of online games can be used to advance alternate perspectives on historical events. Online gaming has become so widespread that it has great power to influence one’s perceptions and can be a convenient route to provoke deeper thinking on alternate perspectives. Thus, the central focus of my thesis and argument is that video games like the Assassin’s Creed have the right to offer different interpretations of history, however absurd the notions advanced.
As an online game, the Assassin’s ...
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is an American organization for animal rights. It gives voice against four major issues regarding treatment of animals such as fur farming, using animals for entertainment, factory farming, and animal testing. PETA also fights against eating animals, killing of animals, keeping chained dogs, bullfighting, and cock fighting. Even though the organization’s intention is good to save the life of the animal, PETA is often considered as unrealistic and extremist. PETA states that creating the institution of breeding, as “pets” are selfish. According to Newkirk, who led PETA, the word “friends” ...
The research paper deals with the problem of Benghazi attack of September 11th 2012 as well as the reaction of official authorities and mass media on the tragedy. According to official sources it cost the lives of 4 American citizens, including that of the US ambassador. The opinion of state officials, such as the US president, the chief of the CIA, senators and American leading journalist are provided to address the main problem raised.
Key words: Benghazi scandal, president, administration, journalist, senator
It is on a daily basis thatthe entire world witnesses the events of international magnitude and ...
There have been admirable advancements in technology amongst them being video teleconferencing, video, email, internet and videotapes. This has brought about change in the education sector. With technology, individuals are able to meet varying educational needs of varying students. Distance learning has in a way undermined face-to-face teaching and being in a class has had its magnitude of necessity minimized. It is a modern approach that delivers education in a different way eliminating the need for the student and the teacher meeting at the same place. The entire globe has identified the need for education and distance learning is helping that become a success.
Thesis Statement