A proposal essay is just what the name suggests. It is an essay where you propose a solution to a problem, suggest an improvement, come up with a course of action or advocate an alternative to the existing way of doing things. It may sound complicated, but it's actually easy when you get down to it. Especially if you have chosen an interesting topic that you really care about!
To help you with that, we have prepared a list of 100 ideas for proposals papers in 10 different subject areas: environment, technology, education, student life, government, health care, business, marketing, society, and culture. We have tried to create a diverse pool of proposals to present the full spectrum of such papers.
Proposals can be very formal – like the proposal of a new law or policy. However, they can also be semi-formal – like a suggestion you may submit to improve your school. It all depends on the magnitude of the problem and the intended recipient.
A proposal essay may consist of many parts. The key two, however, are the definition of the problem and the proposed solution. Depending on your topic and the formality of the situation, you may also add the history of the problem, suggested course of action (step-by-step breakdown of your solution), and resources needed to implement your solution. For a proposal argument, you may want to refute some of the earlier suggested alternatives, address possible rebuttals of your proposal, and put more emphasis on proving the efficiency of your solution.
Linked to some examples of proposal essay topics below, you may find the full-fledged paper samples. They will give you a better sense of what this format looks like in terms of structure and style.
If you aren't sure how to address your topic or present a solution in the best possible way, you can always hire an essay writer whose papers you find compelling. They will write a customized proposal sample exclusively for you. Meanwhile, scroll down and find an inspiring topic that speaks to you!
Environment Proposal Argument Topics
Environmental problems are front and center of the public discourse, with activists, scientists, and politicians trying to find viable solutions. It may seem to you that all possible ideas to improve the situation have already been suggested, so it's simply impossible to come up with an original idea. However, this cannot be farther from the truth! Creative crowdsourcing is a proven way to get authentic insights and out-of-the-box solutions. Look at the ideas for proposal arguments below – maybe you will start a significant change for the better with your original suggestion.
- Policy Proposal for the Implementation of Carbon Taxes in China
- Suggest Policies for Protecting Animal Rights in Your Country
- Suggest Biodiversity Protection Action for Your Area
- Propose Ecological Tourist Activity in a Tropical Biome
- Propose a Program to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Area
- Alternative Renewable Energies for an Engineering Project of Your Choice
- Make Suggestions That Would Reduce Waste on Campus
- Propose Energy Saving Strategy for Your Student Halls of Residence
- Suggest a Project to Improve Fresh Water Accessibility in Arid Areas
- Propose Steps to Reduce Individual Carbon Footprint
Technology and Engineering Proposal Topics List
The most straightforward and practical of the subject areas, STEM is also one of the more challenging. Each of the problems below requires very specific expertise to solve. Try one of these out and see if you are equal to the challenge!
- Propose a Technological Upgrade for a First Responder Service
- Propose a Technological Solution for a New Banking Service
- Propose Optimization for Construction Case of Your Choice
- Propose Implementation of Information System for a Company
- Propose a Network Solution for a Business
- Ubuntu 15.04 Linux Implementation Proposal
- Proposal for a Research-Based Engineering Report on Industrial Control and Traffic Sensors
- Proposal for Enhancing the Sensor Performance or Make Nanowire Sensor More Selective and Sensitive for Cancer Cells or for DNA
- Propose a Design to Improve Airship Stability
- Propose a Database Management System for a Company of Your Choice
Education and Training Proposal Ideas
As a college student, you are now in a sweet spot where you still remember what it's like to be a pupil but also venture into teaching as a tutor and peer explainer. This gives you a holistic perspective on the education process and a unique position to suggest improvements that will benefit everyone. Start with these proposal argument essay topics or address the issue that's close to your heart.
- Proposal to Organize a Career Conference and Education Fair
- Community Teaching Proposal Designed to Address the Needs of the Community
- Propose a Project to Promote Education for Women in Underdeveloped Areas
- New Compliance System Project Proposal
- Come Up With a Way to Foster Peer Learning in the Community
- Suggest a Videogame Concept to Teach Any School Subject of Your Choice
- Propose Ways to Enhance Distant Learners' Involvement With Classes Held In-Person
- Suggest a Project that Would Improve Internet Accessibility for Low-Income Students
- Suggest a Training Program to Educate People on a Social Issue of Your Choice
- Propose a Project to Promote Learning of Second Language for Monolingual Students
Student Life Topic Proposal Ideas
If you think your campus life could be better, say so. This is your chance to make a difference. Suggest improvements – this is not only about you. It's about all students in your year. Who knows? Maybe generations of students to come will benefit from your bright idea. Perhaps they will even name a wing after you – some years from now, of course.
- Internship Proposal for Final Year Candidates from Your School
- Propose a Technological Innovation to Benefit Your School
- Proposal for Making Public 4-year College More Affordable
- Propose an Improvement of an Amenity on Your Campus (Gym, Cafeteria, etc.)
- Proposal Project for Improving Student Wellbeing on Your Campus
- Suggest a Way to Prevent Hazing on Your Campus
- Come Up With an Idea to Educate Students on the Meaning of Consent and Eliminate Rape on Campus
- Suggest a Freshmen Orientation Improvement Based on Your Experience and Difficulties You Dealt With as a New Student
- Suggest a Campaign to Promote Healthier Eating Habits Among the Students of Your School
- What Can Be Done to Tackle the Problem of Sleep Deprivation Among New Students?
Government and Policymaking Proposal Essay Ideas
The social and political activism of committed citizens is always at the core of every little change for the good. If you want to live in a better world, take action! Start a grassroots movement, create a petition, suggest a policy, draft a plan for a law – employ any of the many practices that demonstrate the true meaning of democracy. Hone your skills exploring one of the issues from this little list:
- Proposal on Government Labor Retirement and Policy
- Cyber Security Legislative Proposal are Penalties for Cyber Crime
- Air Rights and Their Effects on Real Estate Owners
- Propose Public Funds Allocation Adjustment
- Propose Corporate Tax Policy Changes
- Budget Proposal to US Federal Aviation Administration
- What Can Be Done to Make The Death Penalty an Acceptable Form of Punishment for Heinous Crimes?
- Make a Proposal For Tax Reform That Will Benefit Society
- Propose Improvements to the Policy-Making Process in the United States
- Propose Changes and Clarifications to the Current Border Security Policy
Health Care and Medicine Topics for a Proposal Essay
Health Care is one of the promising fields for applied technology. At the moment, it desperately lacks qualified tech-savvy experts who could come up with effective solutions. Care to explore the opportunities for extending human life and improving its quality with the help of the latest technology? Try solving these problems:
- Telemedicine Proposal to Manage Hypertension, Diabetes, and Asthma
- Simulation Proposal Dashboard for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- Propose Reorganization and Improvement to a Hospital of Your Choice
- Write a Proposal For an Effective Childhood Obesity Intervention Program
- Propose Changes to a Hospital's Financial Operations
- Proposal for Improving Public Health in Your State by Curbing Smoking in Public Areas
- Proposal to a Local Health Care Organization
- Propose Changes to the Existing COVID-19 Immunization Policy
- Come Up with a Proposal For Affordable Health Care for People with Disabilities in Your State
- Propose Changes to the Existing Health Insurance Policy
Business, HRM and Finances Proposal Essay Topics with Solutions
Entrepreneurship is all about making the right decisions and finding the best possible solutions. If you think of starting your own business, try your hand at tackling some of the issues listed below.
- Small Business Start-Up Idea Proposal
- Financial Management Proposal for a Company of Your Choice
- Proposal for Promoting a Better Working Relationship Among Employees of Your Company
- Propose an Alteration of a Current Employee Policy to a Company
- Suggestion for Improving Profitability and Effectiveness of an Organization (Your Choice)
- Come Up With a Feasible Resource-Saving Proposal to Tackle HR Issues at Company of Your Choice
- Bargaining Proposal and Counter Proposal Between Union of Workers and Management
- Total Rewards System Proposal
- Propose an Adjustment of Operational Dynamics to an International Business
- Proposal On Organizational Communication Strategies
Society and Community Proposal Paper Ideas
The human need to belong and form a community is among the most rewarding things in the world. It is equally a source of the most complicated problems. Addressing these problems or even seeing them in the first place requires observance and empathy. Want to test yours?
- Humanitarian Project Proposal for Your Town/Community
- Proposal for Community Service Centers
- Propose a Course of Action for Elimination of Racism in the US
- Propose a Transportation Improvement Project for Your Region
- Proposal on Improving Access To ICT In Chad
- Develop a Proposal on Getting Financial Aid for Support of Immigrants and Refugees
- Proposal on Bridging Generation Gap at Work
- Propose a Change in Your Urban Environment to Promote Inclusivity
- Propose Course of Action for Prevention of Domestic Abuse
- Propose Changes to Existing Citizenship Laws That Would Address and Amend Current Problems
Marketing and Advertising Topics for Proposal Essay
Arguably the most dynamic of all fields present on this list, marketing is a vast field of opportunities. New products, new markets, new demographics to discover and attract – what will your unique suggestions be?
- Propose a Solution to a Changing Consumer Behavior in Conditions of Economic Slowdown
- Propose a New Product to a Food/Drink Franchise of Your Choice
- Propose a Strategy to Increase Brand Awareness Through Traditional Media
- Propose a Way to Improve Ad Targeting Online
- Suggest a Strategy for Promoting Customer Loyalty
- Come Up With a Social Media Influencer Collaboration Project
- Suggest a Lead Generation Campaign for a Brand of Your Choice
- Come Up With an Idea to Reach Wider Audience for a Brand of Your Choice
- Suggest a Rebranding Strategy to Appeal to Younger Audience
- Suggest a TikTok Challenge for PR and Brand Awareness
Culture Topics for Proposal Essay
Most disciplines related to culture concentrate on cataloging, preserving, and analyzing artifacts of culture. How about shifting the focus to creating an environment where culture could thrive and bring fruit? We hope you will find the topics below inspiring and worth exploring.
- Propose an Art Project or an Exhibition Concept
- Propose a Concept of an International Music Festival
- Propose a Documentary Project that Addresses a Poignant Social Problem
- Propose a Strategy to Increase Attendance of the Local Museum of Your Choice
- Suggest a Way to Increase Accessibility of Children's Books in Your Community
- Propose for Collection of Memoirs Project
- Propose a Project for a Monument Commemorating an Event/Personality of Local Importance
- Come Up With a Concept of an International Youth Conference
- Propose a Project to Foster Interest in Local History
- Propose a Project to Promote Musical Education for Preschool and Primary School Children
Not enough topics? Your subject area isn't on the list? Don't worry! We can come up with a list of topic suggestions exclusively for you! Just let us know, and we will brainstorm excellent proposal topics, make an outline, or write a customized sample to inform your further work.