Early Childhood:
Code Name of Subject: “Pony Tails”
Age of Subject: Three years old
Location: Baby day care center
Supervisor Signature:
Physical Characteristics
Height – One foot.
Weight – Roughly eight kilogram’s. Subject has average weight compared to children her age. Bone structure is not fully visible at this age.
Proportions – “Pony tails” still has a large head to body proportion which is consistent with children her age.
Hearing – “Pony tails” passed the ball when requested by a fellow child. This was from approximately 20 feet away amidst playground high noise levels.
Vision – “Pony tails” could spot a small tennis ball that got lost in a flower bush from 10 feet away.
Tactile Sensitivity - “Pony Tails” avoided playing close to the sand. She avoided dirt as it felt “yucky” to her.