1. A world View that is not already addressed in the book:
The case study on Religion and the State by Christine E. Gudorf describes several issues that arise during the meeting among officials from agriculture, health and population departments. The largest part covered in the case study is the issue of health and population. The characters argue about what should be done to control the rising population. Nigeria is one of the highly populated countries in the region and the State feels that the state law should be used to prosecute those who decide to give birth ...
Birth Control Case Studies Samples For Students
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Brazilian and Indian Marketing of Condoms
The Brazilian and Indian governments use a strategic targeted approach to market the prevention of aids and encourage the use of condoms. The Brazilian government distributed over 250 million condoms to raise awareness about the treatment and prevention of AIDS. The country’s Aids Awareness program targets the country’s high risk areas. In Brazil married women have become increasingly infected with the disease, in response the government has begun promoting female condoms. While in India barber shops have become the medium of the government’s condom distribution and Aids awareness programming. The country’s strict cultural practices create ...
Giving artificial contraceptives, or in some helping to acquire, to women in the third world countries is not an absolute solution to the underdevelopment in these countries. The drugs only reduce the birth rates in these countries but do nothing to other economic factors such as unemployment and job creation. Contraceptives are, therefore, a short term solution to underdevelopment problem.
For a long, the United States government has been known to provide aid to countries in need. In some way, contraception reduces the population of an environment in the long run. Helping agencies that avail contraceptives to people in the ...
<Lecturer’s Name and Course Number>
Study on prostitutes documents a high pervasiveness of alcohol and drug abuse and as they drifted into prostitution and during prostitution. There is a dubious relation between substance abuse and prostitution, as one might lead to the other. Substance abuse alone may or may not be the factor that pushes these women into prostitution. The essay discusses the topic if prostitution was legalized, would it have an effect on female drug addiction? Before going into that subject, it would be essential to get more information on whey women take drugs or get ...
Social Cognitive Theory appropriately applies in this issue of STI screening in Hispanic women. This theory recognizes that a person has the ability to learn not only from the theoretical or class work experience but also from the social aspects of life. A person does not have to learn everything through experience but through a replica of what others have gone through. Subsequently, these young women do not need to undergo the wrath of sexually transmitted infection in order to learn. Vigorous campaigns in San Antonio held through seminars, workshops as well as religious groups have created a great awareness to these ...
Introduction 3
Gillick Competency Principle 4
Roles and responsibilities of nurses 5
Conclusion 8
References: 10
Ethical and Legal issue
This case study focuses on a minor girl who does not want her parents to know that she is pregnant. She is contemplating terminating the pregnancy via an abortion without consulting or seeking the consent of her parents.
According to the 2010 Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Bill, a minor is a person aged less than 18 years. The client in question, Chin Lee, is a minor because she is only 15 years old. In Western Australia, minors are governed by separate ...
The case study is of a minor young girl who does not want her parents to know that she has become pregnant. She is considering an abortion and has already decided that whatever be her medical condition, she would provide consent on her own without any consultation with her parents.
According to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (WA) Bill 2010, a minor is a person who is less than 18 years. The client in question, Chin Lee is a minor since she is only 15 years old. However, there are separate rules and regulations for minors living in Western Australia. In ...
- History
- Reason for Visit
Annual Well-woman examination
- Present Medical Status
JA is a new female patient, 52 years of age, of black American descent. Patient has decided to visit the clinic for her annual well-woman examination procedure.
- Family Medical and Health History
Patient’s maternal family has had a history of HTN (hypertension) and DM (Diabetes Mellitus, type unspecified and unrecalled); and a paternal family history of CA (Cancer) of the breast and colon. Both maternal and paternal family has no history of Kidney Diseases, Vascular, and Pulmonary Disorders.
- Diet and Nutritional Assessment
Patient ...
Sally Thomas is a twenty three years old mother and is comprehensively covered in this clinical scenario. The scenario covers aspects of her family history which are of essence to any medical decisions associated with any clinical procedure. The aspect of her past pregnancies will be comprehensively articulated in the case study. Her medical history will be analyzed and clinical solutions proposed for her problems. It is pertinent to note that the scenario will be comprehensive and will articulate each stage of the pregnancy. The scenario will be broken down into multiple sub section which includes the ante partum, fetal ...
Chapter 9: What are the differing views of the culture of individualism versus communalism?
The case study on Chapter 9 pitches the concept of economic development model of the western world as implemented in Southwestern Nigeria. The economic planning model being espoused hinges on greater productivity and decreased pollution. While this is an ideal development path in the western world, it contradicts the local people’s beliefs, specifically of the Yoruba villages. While they agree on increased production, it hinges on the role of their women. If they will have less children and just two wives, their economic and social roles will be affected. In the first place, polygamy is practiced by the ...