A neuron is a specialized type of cell that helps in impulse conduction in the body. It is a basic unit of communication in the body. It receives and initiates the information reception and transmission to all parts of the body. The structure of the neuron is made of several parts that include dendrites, Soma (cell body), nucleus, cell membrane, axon, myelin sheath, a node of Ranvier and terminal Buttons or axon terminal (Marieb, 2004). The figure below shows the structure of the neuron.
Figure 1: structure of neuron (Shonkoff & Phillips, 2010).
For neural impulse to occur, the stimulus ...
Neuron Case Studies Samples For Students
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Application of Neural Networks in Medicine
Artificial Neural Networks are extremely parallel, distributed processing systems that using new computational technology founded on the analogy of human information processing system. Artificial neural networks exhibit the propensity to save previous knowledge and after learning it make it available for use for future computations. Artificial Neural Networks have been defined as extraordinarily connected network of simple processing elements known as neurons. ANN has been applied in a number of fields including pattern recognition, classification, function approximation and testing (G. Schaefer).Predicting drug-target interactions using restricted Boltzmann machines
In silico prediction of drug target interaction is an important study ...
Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to the next
The transmission from one neuron to another is characterized by exchange of electric charge across the membrane of each neuron (Fields, 2014). An unstimulated neuron would be polarised (McCance 2014). In the polarized state, there is difference in the electric charge across the membrane. However, during exchange, a neuron is said to undergo polarization, wherein there is an excess of Na+ (sodium ions) outside and excess of K+ (potassium ions) on the outside (Fields, 2014). Nerve impulse is transmitted through the process of polarization, repolarization, and hyperpolarization (McCance 2014).
Compare the structure and functions of the CNS and PNS.
The nervous system comprises of the central nervous system (CNS) ...
1.Diaphoresis is a medical condition of the body that an individual often sweats because of a drug side effect or symptom of a disease. Motor dysfunction has associations with the nerve and muscle center responsible for movement; this term defines the improper functioning of the muscle. Cyanosis is a condition related to the low supply of oxygen in the blood where the skin color of an individual as well as mucous membranes appears to have purple or blue coloration. The peripheral nerve connects the central nervous system and the brain to the entire body neurons; any damage or pressure ...
A stroke is a medical condition which is characterized by rapid loss of brain function which is caused by interruption in the blood supply to the various parts of the brain. It can be due to a blockage and it’s known as thrombosis or lack of blood flow known as ischemia or a leakage of blood that is hemorrhage (Feigin, 2005). It results in the person’s inability to move certain parts of the body.
The brain is designed in such a way that the right hemisphere always controls the left side of the body while the left hemisphere controls the ...
I will use the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI, 2013) assessment protocol to evaluate the patient. I will conduct a history, physical, and assessments of pain and function. I will next ascertain the biological causes of the patient’s back pain, i.e. if the pain is neuropathic, muscle-related, inflammatory or compressive/mechanical (ICSI, 2013). If the pain is chronic, it is necessary to find out if the cause can be corrected which may require referral to a specialist. If not, I will perform assessments of work, disability, psychological and spiritual wellbeing, contributing factors, and barriers to pain management (ICSI, ...