The defeat of the Native Americans in the late 1800 led to the flow of many Americans to the West. With the implementation of the Homestead Act of 1862, many families migrated to the West and farming was introduced in this area. As a result, the Native Americans were continuously migrated to smaller pieces of land. As there were large junks of land in the west, large scale farming was practiced in this region with finance from the East. By 1890, the west was producing 50% of the nation’s farm produce. The increased dependence of the East on the ...
Advocacy College Essays Samples For Students
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In case this is not enough to satisfy the thirst for effective writing help, you can request customized assistance in the form of a model College Essay on Advocacy crafted by a pro writer from scratch and tailored to your specific requirements. Be it a plain 2-page paper or a sophisticated, extended piece, our writers specialized in Advocacy and related topics will deliver it within the pre-set period. Buy cheap essays or research papers now!
Arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic back conditions have conjoint effects to the life quality of the patient, the daily activities, and the ability to work. As a way of preserving the life quality of those with these conditions, it is necessary to develop ways in which we will be able to evade the adverse effects acquired upon procuring such conditions. By employing the use of advocacy campaigns strategies that include media advocacy, social marketing, and community organization, it ostensible that we will outdo the adverse effects resultant from the above mentioned conditions. In relation to this, this paper will essentially focus ...
Discussion Question 1
Discussion Question 1
Foremost, health must be regarded as top priority in order for universal health coverage to have the structure and process needed for implementation. This has been achieved when member countries of the United Nations signed a resolution to employ a multisectoral approach to addressing the various determinants of health contributing to inequity (Ooms et al., 2014). Thus, in principle, the countries agreed to place health on top of their developmental agenda wherein health is recognized as significantly contributing to economic productivity. In applying this principle, countries must create programs for universal health coverage, ensure that such programs ...
Early childhood education is a profession and not just glorified babysitting. Early childhood is a branch of education that deals with studying children from birth to age eight. The children in this age category have different needs from older children. Early childhood professionals combine care and education in many different programs. They strive to educate the whole child by taking into consideration their body, mind, and feelings. They ensure that the educational goals are designed to help each child realize their potential. Professionals also recognize that children cannot get separated from the social context, for example, family, culture, and society. Professionals ...
The Gulabi gang group was started by Sampat in the year 2006. It was produced in the year 2012, and it revolves the women activists Bundelkhand, and was mostly the poor women. The women were against the domestic abuse that had been become rampant in the nation. The main focus would be on what they were advocating for and the triggers for their actions and the roles they were playing in the society.
They did not have any sense of belonging in their own country as they would be treated like aliens in their mother country. Understanding their ...
As discussed in class with the classmates and the instructor, nursing encompasses optimization, protection and promotion of health and abilities. Nursing’s major objectives include diagnosis and treatment to alleviate pain and suffering, advocacy for care in various populations and prevention of injuries and illnesses. Optimum care for patients is the core of nursing practice. Nursing’s obligation is to ensure that the patient receives the best possible care. However, nurses sometimes face moral and ethical burden in care provision decision making; especially when doing what is considered right is limited by environment or legal considerations Lutzen (2010). In ...
Warm greetings!
I have written to your office to endorse my former student who applied for the counselor post in your community mental health center. As her former training director, I believe that I am capable of sharing with you her competencies as a rightful candidate for the counselor position. I have known the applicant for more than four (4) years while pursuing her graduate work in Counseling Psychology. She recently graduated her Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology with community mental health as her main field of specialization. She was a consistent A-student since she started her graduate work. ...
Increased rates of elective caesarean section procedure
Literature review
Caesarean section or rather c-section is a medical procedure of delivering babies that involve a surgical incision on the belly and through the uterus. The procedure is used for delivering babies as well as removing foetus from the womb. It is usually, as a result of difficulty in vaginal delivery and also patients request for it for which it is pre planned. The use of this procedure has been widespread in the recent past and is mainly because of the advancement of medical technologies and surgeries (Drife, and Walker, 2001 p. 156)
There are several reasons that explain ...
Martin Luther King Jr. Contributions
A major contribution of Martin Luther King was the fight for equality among the black and white people in America. He advocated against racism, and promoted equal voting rights among the black and white people. Racial segregation in the public transport stopped because of his dedication to see equal treatment of all black people in America. In fighting for the rights of the Black American, Martin Luther King advocated and used peaceful demonstrations (non-violent demonstrations), which were effective and showed the world that demonstrations need not be violent.
Personal, Social, and Political Environment
Martin Luther King was brought up in the south were racial ...
Legal Representation of Mentally Disabled
In this paperwork, I am going to present an overview of the general rights and protections afforded to the mentally disabled. The paperwork will also consist of some of the main difficulties facing advocates for the mentally disabled (both legal and non-legal advocates). Information on civil commitment standards, right to treatment in the least restrictive setting, prediction of dangerous and incarceration of the mentally disabled will also be included in my discussions. As I go through the paperwork; I will be suggesting for the existence of social change in these areas so as to end up with a more accurate ...
Child Advocacy Centers are institutions that are set aside to deal with issues that revolve around child maltreatment. In their definitions, a child may be a person of tender years or merely someone below the age of sixteen years. The major roles exercised by Child Advocacy Centers are focused on the protection of children against abuse. Child abuse can take the shape of, sexual harassment, denial of essentials and basic needs, severe treatments and beatings and unfair treatments. Children Advocacy Centers achieve their objectives by conducting investigations in regard to reported cases of child maltreatment (Turner, 2011, pg.4-23). Similarly, these organizations ...
Defining Professional Competence and Attributes of a Competent Nurse
Professional competence refers to the prudent use of knowledge, communication, skills, clinical critical thinking, values, emotions and reflection in all situations in the course of professional practice for the benefit of the individuals and community where an individual works(Roberta, 2012). Indeed the public reserves the right to require nurses to exhibit professional competence when practicing in their profession. The American Nurses Association underscores the significance of professional competence and has instituted regulatory measures to ensure that minimum standards for safe practice are met. The particular elements which are often ...
The novel “Tale of the city” dissects the society behaviors that have evolved in San Francisco in the early years of 1970s. Culture had changed to the worse. Life of sex and drugs ruled the city of Francisco leading to contention between the limits of sexual freedom and emotional freedom. The life in San Francisco could be traced after the World War II when the US military discharged approximately 9000 gay servicemen who sought refuge in San Francisco. Moreover, a wave of lesbians also emerged due to the warm hearted welcome that San Francisco accorded towards gay and lesbians.
The world is often very unkind to revolutionary thinkers who advocate for non-conformity, self-sufficiency, and self-determinism. From Jesus, to Moses, to Martin Luther King Jr., to Gandhi, to as far back as Socrates, those who went against the system, or advocated that people need not look outside themselves for confidence with the world, the world has gone on to punish them, and then after their death revere them. What all have in common in the above list is that they were killed for the ideas that they advocated. Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay “Self-Reliance” advocates a rigid individualism, and ...
The challenges and problems affecting the workers in each and every country has become a matter of great concern in the global world. Workers have been noted as an endangered group, due to the fact that they face serious and myriad challenges. Workers been the backbone and the cornerstone of the global economy, their challenges thus become a global issue. In the past, workers in each country formed associations or unions, known as, national unions, and the primary reason behind the formation of the national union was to specifically provide a flat form in which the works of a given country can air ...
Discrimination in the society is an issue as old as the existence of mankind. It has always been subjected to the minority groups in the society and created a social class gap in the society that has enabled the stronger in to exploit and rule upon those considered weak. Complete diversity has never been a practical issue since time immemorial. The issues regarding discrimination in the societies we live today or even in the traditional societies have always been based on the rule of normalcy within the society. This refers to cultures that have subjected certain group of people in the ...
The Nullification Crisis is one of major controversies which faced the United States in America (USA) in the 1830s after the enforcement of the controversial 1828 and 1832 tariffs. Although supported by the northern states which had perceived it as constitutional moves aimed at salvaging the crumbling Carolina, it was vehemently opposed by the southerners in equal measure. Even if they were initially sharing political ideologies, ‘Andrew Jackson and John Calhoun split to get an opportunity to fight for the enforcement or nullification of this legislation’ (Buel, 2005). In deed, this was another trying moment in the country which ...
Women suffrage is defined as the right of women to vote or stand for elective offices. Women in the United States were generally not allowed to vote before 1920. It was only after the congress amended the constitution in 1919 that women acquired the rights to vote. The achievement of this milestone required a difficult and lengthy struggle that took decades of protest and agitation.
This paper compares and contrasts the opinion of two professors, Professor Kuhlman and Professor Woodworth-Ney who have commented about this issue and will also look at the patterns and trends in the suffrage movements ...
Civic engagement refers to both individual and collective actions that are aimed at identifying and addressing matters of public concern. Health care especially in the United States is a key area of concern for the public requiring both individual and concerted action on the part of several persons. Indeed, civic engagement embodies the principle of democratic governance which is to the effect that sovereignty reposes in the people or the citizenry and that they should thus have a say in such matters. It encompasses the right of the citizenry to define what is the public good as well as form the ...
Feminism refers to the social economic and political equality of the sexes. It had been established in the world and receives representation by various institutions dedicated to preserve women’s rights and interests. During the emergence of the western history, men were reserved for the public life while women were left to carry out domestic chores. They had no right to ownership of the property, getting education or even take part in the activities of the community. Towards the end of the 19th century some part of the western world required women to cover their heads while in the ...
According to President McKinley on American Empire document, the Philippines declared war on the American Empire in 1899 (Foner and Eric 67). Many Americans advocated for this war as a necessary effort to defeat a degenerate empire and protect American economic interests. The rapid retreat of Spanish authority in the Philippines forced President McKinley to confront the question of the future governance for the archipelago pacific.
According to Emilio Aguinaldo on American imperialism in the Philippines document, the 1899 war was a conflict between the Filipino revolutions and the American empire (Foner and Eric 69). The war broke because the Philippines ...
- The Nurse Leader's Role as Advocate for The Nursing Profession.
Advocacy is a term that stands for supporting a proposal or cause. There are a number of workplace concerns arising in the nursing sphere. In order to resolve them and promote a positive work atmosphere, point-of-care nurses need to advocate for the profession.
Examples of Point-of-Care Advocacy
- Advocacy for the nursing profession can be undertaken by point of care nurses once they enroll in councils, committees and quality-improvement teams. By becoming a member, it is vital to represent the requirements of both patients and colleagues.
- Participating in organization-wide activities is a means to engage ...
American zoologist Dian Fossey made it her life’s work to study the gorillas of Rwanda’s mountains; while there, she became a strong anti-poaching advocate. While she worked tirelessly to not only understand and study the gorillas, she dedicated her efforts to prevent poaching, which had reduced the dwindling gorilla population to less than 250 specimens. Dian Fossey, an American naturalist, was killed in Rwanda on December 26, 1985. The identity of the murderer is still a mystery; all that is known is that she was killed by a machete. She is interred at Karisoki, in the graveyard that sits behind the ...
The ladder of inference describes the thinking process that I go through often without realizing it as I target to get from facts to decisions or actions. The ladder helps me to draw better conclusions and challenge other people’s conclusions based on reality and true facts. In going up the ladder of inference I start with facing and accepting the reality and facts. The second stage is to experience reality based on my beliefs and prior experience. This helps me interpret the reality and facts I face. I then apply existing assumptions at times without considering them. From ...
Vulnerable population refers to groups of individuals that get biased integration into the available health care systems due to their, age, ethnic, economic, geographic, health, or cultural distinctiveness. This isolation puts them at a threat of deficient necessary medical attention, which is risky to their health. For, example persons with disabilities and several chronic problems may lack insurance coverage since most employers cannot accept workers into their health plans who have increased medical costs.
Groups at risk of poor health are those groups of people, who face a higher possibility of getting health related hazards; they lack ability to deal ...
As adults, there are times when we reflect on our childhood years and feel very emotional about situations whereby those vested with our care and protection failed to consider what was in our best interest. More often than not, children feel that their voices are not being heard, that they are being treated unfairly or that their real problems are trivialized and sometimes ignored. Child advocacy is all about speaking out on what is in the best interests of children, their needs and rights. Some of the issues in child advocacy include child abuse, foster care, parental substance abuse, ...
The ethical dilemmas associated with the advocacy campaign are both micro and macro in term of the scope of coverage. The micro level of the ethical issues involves the individual level, while the macro represents the societal level. Therefore, the essay will entail an analysis of the ethical dilemmas in the first section, paying adequate attention to the same based on the wide information base.
Firstly, the ethical dilemma arises in determining when to embark in the execution of the advocacy campaign. In particular, it is necessary that the campaign takes place at a time when all the necessary ...
The hospitals that make to the Top 100 Hospitals have some things in common. In particular, these hospitals are acknowledged for providing the patients with excellent care in the most effective manner, having a robust innovation history, holding a unique spot in the communities, eliciting the top patient perception of care, sustaining high financial stability, among other things. In particular, the performance measures that Truven Health Analytics focuses on in determining the top 100 hospitals in the country are financial health, extended patient outcome, clinical outcomes, efficiency, clinical process, and consumer evaluation of care (Truven Health Analytics, 2016). One ...
The Affordable Care Act was a healthcare reform introduced in March 2010, widely known as Obamacare or PPACA (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2018). The law has three significant objectives (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2018):
- Make affordable health insurance accessible to all people. It offers subsidies for households earning between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level, which lowers their costs.
- It also expands the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income less than 138% of the federal poverty level.
- It supports innovative medical care delivery methods that minimize healthcare costs
Stuart ...
Enactment of the Proposed Policies
The proposed policies will be enacted through modification and enhancement of the existing laws. The present day health care system faces a lot of challenges and therefore the health advocacy is important as it will introduce a number of enhancements to the existing policies. The experiences that nurses go through in the health care system inform the decision to carry on with the advocacy on responsible alcohol service. The advocacy will influence enhancement on the existing laws, policies, and regulations on alcohol consumption. The advocacy, therefore, requires one to step beyond his/her own practices and into a world that ...
Within the industry of human resource management, the roles of being an effective strategic partner and an employee champion, or an employee advocate are considered to be mutually exclusive. However, this could be a form of identity crisis throughout the organization because the HR operations may need the company to be a strategic business partner, however, it always will cause a form of conflict to be considered an advocate for the employees of the company Collins & Smith, 2006). For instance, the human resource manager primary focus is to maximize the full capacity of human capital that would strategically be ...
Perhaps, nurses in the international arena and in United States undertake various roles. In fact, nurses’ roles internationally and in United States take place in different fields, which include professional advocacy, evidence-based care, as well as policy development. The challenges and improvement in technology has let to blending of evidence and programs in United States and internationally. Additionally, the globalization of nursing practice implies a change in international policies and issues related nursing professions. These moves will not only allow nurses to provide reliable services, but also share ideas and skills. This is achieved through nurses’ involvement in policy development, ...
More than often, language has been considered as the most obvious form of human communication. This is because, the use of either oral, written or non-verbal - language in each and every society remain as the most refined and fundamental form of communication among individuals. In most cases, the use of language is wide as it fulfills a wide range of functions that are of high critical importance to both individual and social life (Tollefson 3). As a result, in all human ventures there exists a correlation between language as a tool used to negotiate, to articulate and create meaning of individual perception ...
Why Policy needs to be developed
A reflection of the United States in the yester-years shows that homelessness was not as widespread as it is at the moment. Currently, close to 800,000 people are homeless and lack adequate access to sustainable livelihoods. Programs and organizations seeking to address the social concern of homelessness have attained little as evident by the fact that close to 2.3 million to 3.5 million people experience homelessness every year (Burt et al., 2007). In addition, federal investment of close to 2 billion dollars each year on the homelessness concerns has not made any significant difference. The homeless people continue ...
In the course of acting as administrator of a victim advocacy agency, there are many instances in which the administrator must interact with individuals of other cultures and other backgrounds. Intimate partner violence occurs across all cultures, regardless of race, age, gender, or cultural status; however, certain societies have normalized intimate partner violence much moreso than American society has. Understanding the normalization of partner violence and the ways that this normalization can hinder women when they seek help for their problems is fundamentally important, particularly when these women are expected to act within the framework of a society ...
The advocacy for women rights, affirmative action, suffrage rights and economic equality to their male counterparts has been a dominant discourse across the world since the 18th century. The fight and campaigns for the women’s rights have been organized either by single influential female figures or by groups of women with feminist agenda. These are referred to as feminist movements and have been in existence since the early 1800s to date when we observe several feminist movements and campaigns. This paper looks at the timeline of feminist movements, the critical and profane events of these movements since the ...
The mass has the responsibility of informing the world about noteworthy events taking place all over the globally. Masses rely on them to deliver unbiased and truthful information. However, some journalists are driven by personal feelings or maliciousness to emphasize and sometimes hide some information. This is usually done in order to make masses believe on certain notions and suppress other important factual information. Such unpopular methods of journalism are yellow journalism (Hannabuss 2009).
Yellow journalism is the act of concealing information, distorting information, and issuing misguiding images in order to boost newspaper sales. This added or distorted ...
The first discussed organization is the Happy Hippie Foundation established by a singer, performer and actress Miley Cyrus. The organization’s official website page can be found at the following address: It is a non-profit organization that operates on a national level. The stated mission of the organization is to “rally young people to fight injustice facing homeless youth, LGBTQ youth and other vulnerable populations” (“The Happy Hippie Foundation,” 2014). The foundation speaks out against judgement of young people, who differ from the majority of population on the basis of their sexuality, sexual preferences, social status and other ...
Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing in Treatment of Older Population
Nurses play crucial role in healthcare system accomplishing multiple goals and achieving various purposes. Their diverse personal traits have to correlate with a great number of responsibilities in the field in terms of profession, activities, decisions, and leadership. A nurse is a professional who bring the locus of control for high-quality care from the administrative field to the providers delivering care services. Being responsible for numerous tasks and interventions, nurses, despite exceptional personal skills, have to serve as a role model in their community, advocating for the evolution of the profession and professional activities, maintaining continued competence within ...
One of the branches of health that has been gaining attention in the recent years is health policy. It is defined as a science which deals with the decision-making, planning, and implementing of specific interventions and strategies that aim to achieve a certain healthcare goal within a community (World Health Organization, 2016).
In line with the different goals of health policy is the term health policy advocacy. Health policy advocacies act as the support and the act of persuading or pleading to another person. As a whole, health policy advocacy generally refers to the act of channeling the issues ...
Deaf victim advocacy services are both a program of support providing direct assistance to the deaf or hard of hearing community in understanding and navigating the criminal justice system, and a training course focusing on teaching general victim advocacy groups the skills necessary to offer these services to the deaf and hard of hearing populations in their communities. The Advocacy Services for Abused Deaf Victims (ASADV) is an example of a direct deaf victim advocacy service. To be sure, the ASADV provides a range of services, such as crisis intervention, legal assistance, and referrals to deaf and hard of ...
Discussion 1
Hi, advocacy in health is critical. It is commendable to see that your agency supports the activity by instituting a voice for the local community. The particular focus of advocacy is changing the perspectives of policy makers to accommodate the people who may find it hard to drive their points across (Checkoway, 2013). By assessing the well-being and health of the society just like your agency does, it becomes easier to identify vulnerable or disadvantaged groups that cannot access quality medical care or are facing critical health problems. The examination of the health problems in the society enables the ...
Bipolar disorder is a major health concern that has drawn interest from the general public, media and the scientific community over the past decade. Bipolar disorder, sometimes referred to as manic-depressive illness is a neurological disorder that causes anomalous changes in energy, mood and ability to function in an individual. The disorder distorts moods and thoughts, interferes with rational thought and incites dreadful behaviors in an individual. Bipolar disorder symptoms often lead to deteriorating results at school and work, damaged relationships and sometimes suicide (Treatment Advocacy Centre 1).
Bipolar patients experience moods swings ranging from the lows of depression; extreme ...
One of the most important steps of getting a proper education is deciding a career goal. My educational aspirations consist in obtaining a bachelor’s degree in communication and media in order to pursue my career goal of becoming a Patient Right Advocate. This decision is crucial for the whole process of becoming a professional. It can influence the choice of courses, activities and overall motivation of a student. I’ve always known that I wanted to devote my life to working with and communicating with various people, helping them. The decision wasn’t difficult to make for this ...
Advocacy can be defined as the targeted support or push for a cause to get legal approval. The advocacy can be to push for a policy to be adopted or amended in some way for the public cause (Chapman, 2007). In the case study paper, the advocacy is based on the improvement of uninsured people in the state of New York. The advocacy, in this case, is lobbying by advocacy groups and legal advocates for the public health legislation. The advocates together with Long Island Coalition for National Health Plan pushed for the availing of grants and health care ...
Across the world women has been denied equal rights, hence increasing their vulnerability to various types of violence. Even though domestic violence is global problem, there have been no formulate law or provisions that penalizes those who facilitates domestic violence. The problem regarding this issue is that domestic violence is normally reflected as a private issue that should be solved outdoor the state’s jurisdiction. Battered women are generally mistreated and ordered to return home if they attempt to file their grievance with the authority. Although there are established few shelters that aims to accommodate those women that fear their ...
In drafting the constitution various powerful negations took place to help the prosperous government in making a decision. It was difficult to ascertain whether the government was going to gave legislature that depended on population or each state should be given equal representation. Similarly, it was hard to decide whether the legislature should have two houses or one. This brought about several options and decision, which was hard for the body. The convention evaluated the New Jersey plan and the Virginia plan, and ended up with the Great compromise. Therefore, the paper will compare and contrast the Virginia plan and ...
The twentieth and the twenty first centuries are some of the periods that have recorded the highest level of change, especially from a political perspective, not only in the Arab countries, but also the non-Arab countries in all continents across the world. This is due to the fact that various countries, with or without the support of international bodies such as the United Nations, have been working closely with the civilians, as well as their neighbors, in order to embrace democracy, and sovereign power for their nations (Filali-Ansary 10). With the various changes (such as political, economic, religious and other ...
Chapter 5
The Texas education system raised concern since the declaration of independence in 1836 following the failure of the government to begin the public education system. However, in late 1983, a constitutional amendment that advocated for the provision of bonds by the school fund was passed through voting. Currently, school funds generated an income of approximately $756 million dollars thus, making education facilities more available to the students (Champagne and Edward 16). The dropout rate is the indicator of the holding power of various schools in Texas during that period. Data indicates that 106 counties recorded a reduction in the ...
Childhood obesity is a growing health concern with the National Conference of State Legislatures (2014) estimating that 31.7% of children and adolescents are either obese or overweight. Consequently, such a health concern has an impact on nursing. This is especially the case considering that obesity is associated with the patient being at a high risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and liver complications (Joshi, 2015). It is therefore important that policy imperatives be developed to tackle the problem. Some of primary areas of concern for a policy touching on childhood obesity include school nutrition, insurance coverage for affected ...
There is an existing relationship among the concepts of social change, leadership and advocacy. For example, advocacy and good leadership can influence social change. According to a paper written by TACSO (2016), power (or influence) is multidimensional and dynamic and great individuals transform ‘power’ into leadership in order to move people in one common direction. People who influence others, then create advocacies based on current social issues. They promote policies that address these concerns in order to improve the system in general. Advocacies are also called interventions by some because they are intended to impact the lives of people. ...
Mark’s case is one among the many that healthcare providers face on numerous occasions. In this case, Mark presents at the clinic or within the ER having sustained serious injuries following a car accident. He is assessed to have significant internal bleeding and therefore in need of immediate blood transfusion to arrest the progression of the situation to a severity point. The doctor determined that three units of blood would be necessary for Mark’s situation and therefore placed the order for an immediate transfusion. At the time the transfusion was to occur, Mark was still conscious and ...
Access to quality, safe, and affordable healthcare is a priority of every person worldwide. Most countries in the world, especially, the United States of America (USA), have continued to put more efforts towards improving the delivery of care to ensure every citizen enjoys quality and safe health outcome. Health disparities act as one of the major issues affecting the delivery of health in the U.S. Health disparities affect different groups of people in the country, but it's more common among racial and ethnic minorities and underserved communities. The increasing documentation of disparities in healthcare calls for an urgent need ...
The United Sates has been considered as one of the countries in the world where advocacy for women rights is prevalent. However, the history of women rights during the pre-colonial period isn’t a good one as it was marred by discrimination and abuse of women’s rights. The society was more male chauvinistic than it is today and there were no equal opportunities between men and women. The height of discrimination was even felt on basic such as education as women seldom got chances to pursue education to the level of men. The debate on women’s rights ...
Population health concern and Advocacy Overview
The discussion over the dissemination of the HPV vaccine presents is of the most controversial issues in the country. The issue also attracts debates on sexuality in children and compulsory vaccination for school going children. The politicized argument exists at a time when there are many people infected with the HPV virus. Such statistics play an important role in influencing this advocacy campaign. My policy proposal advocates for the dissemination of HPV vaccines to middle-school children. This campaign proposes an administration process that follows a two-time schedule. In the first round, the children will receive the first dose as ...
Scientific Management is also known as Taylorism, and this may be attributed from one theorist known as Frederick Winslow Taylor, who started the Scientific Management Movement in the early 20th century so as to aid us in understanding various managerial practices as well as ways to improve workplace efficiency. Taylor and his colleagues mainly focused on how the work was performed and how it affected workers productivity. His philosophy dwelt on the thought that making people work as hard as they could not bear quality fruits compared to when one optimized the way the work was done (Taylor, 2004).
Black feminism refers to theories or beliefs, which highlights the numerous disadvantages experienced by the black population at the hands of the white population with respect to gender class and race. There has been a lot of debate involving numerous multinational and humanitarian bodies on the relevance or truth of these feminist theories. Philosophers and theorists have formulated hypotheses to explain the predicament of the black population. Essentially, these theories were developed in the 1970s as a possible explanation of women’s oppression and how the situation could be solved. Sociological studies have taken big interest in determining the normal ways ...
William Carlos Williams
William Carlos Williams has always been known as an experimenter, an innovator, a revolutionary figure in American poetry. Yet in comparison to artists of his own time who sought a new environment for creativity as expatriates in Europe, Williams lived a remarkably conventional life. A doctor for more than forty years serving the New Jersey town of Rutherford, he relied on his patients, the America around him, and his own ebullient imagination to create a distinctively American verse. Often domestic in focus and "remarkable for its empathy, sympathy, its muscular and emotional identification with its subjects," Williams's poetry is also characteristically honest: "There ...
After every four years, any liberal American citizen always has to make a choice between supporting either a republican candidate or a democratic candidate for president. These two parties have varying core beliefs. This paper seeks to compare and contrast these two essential players in the American democracy. Despite the fact that each party has a solid fan base, each party has to do a lot of campaigning each electioneering year to make itself more popular than the other. They go around the country selling their philosophies and that of their candidate. While there are few areas that these parties share in ideals, there ...
Language proficiency standards center on necessary communication strategies used by English learners to succeed in English speaking territories of the world. As such, it follows a distinct format of alignment. In exploring the historical and political incentives for standards-based incentives with particular reference to Arizona inevitably, a comparative analysis of the levels being utilized must be undertaken from a historical perspective.
Arizona is known to have had a peculiar historical background; criticized of being indifferent to certain groups of immigrants, which are not proficient in English. No doubt it is a major concern to have people in a society who cannot communicate effectively because ...