Performance evaluation is extremely critical for any organization. It is useful in making the organization exclusively sensitive to various issues of performance. The manufacturing plant named above raises several points, which may of exclusive concern. The first point of concern on the performance evaluation strategies is lack of exclusive strategy to measure the quality of performance that one delivers. It is difficult to evaluate the competence of the engineer since the manager is not equally qualified. The second element of concern is the concentration of the current performance evaluation technique on personal characteristics and relationship among employees. The third ...
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Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is a technique of determining the employee performance based on some given criteria to improve efficiency in the workplace (Guerra-Lopez, 2008). It is essential in ensuring that employees meet the expected standards of their work and meet organizational goals. In the given scenario, there are three points of concern with the current evaluation form. The first point of concern with the evaluation form is that it focuses more on the personality of the engineer than on his performance. The evaluation form focuses on the relationship the engineer has with other employees and his personality. The form evaluates the ...
Research and practice have indicated that both managers and employees dislike performance appraisal. Due to this growing problem, performance appraisal has declined in popularity, especially for organizational managers who have to conduct the evaluations or be evaluated at the same time. One of the reasons why managers hate performance evaluation is the negative impacts it can create in an organization and potentially affect the achievement of the organizational goals.
For instance, those on the receiving end of a performance appraisal process can develop a negative attitude towards other employees who were seemingly favored. They could also exhibit declined performance ...
Values, morals, and ethics have become quite important these days as employees concerns have gained equal importance as organizational policies and objectives. Decisions in human resource management do affect jobs of employees and future prospects, and managers frequently face ethical dilemmas and moral concerns. This paper describes ethical and moral unease that leaders face in performance evaluations. The author has also discussed the application of ethically responsible management practices in performing assessments.
The biggest dilemma with evaluations is that they are subjective and managers, often, tend to mix personal feelings while conducting evaluations. Theoretically, measurement should be based ...
Performance Evaluation
Performance evaluation is a technique of determining the employee performance based on some given criteria to improve efficiency in the workplace (Guerra-Lopez, 2008). It is essential in ensuring that employees meet the expected standards of their work and meet organizational goals. In the given scenario, there are three points of concern with the current evaluation form. The first point of concern with the evaluation form is that it focuses more on the personality of the engineer than on his performance. The evaluation form focuses on the relationship the engineer has with other employees and his personality. The form evaluates the ...
Alpha Group
Consolidated financial statement of financial position for the year ended 31st December, 2015.
Items £ (000) £ (000)
Long-assets 2014 2015
Investment property, fair value 2500 2500
Property, plant, $ equipment 4324 4818
Total long-term assets 6824 7318
Current assets
Cash 200 140
Cash equivalent 30 20
Trade receivables 1900 1200
Inventory 1000 1950
Dividends 100 190
Non-controlling interest share 120 150
Inventory, fair value cost to complete and sell 180 150
Total current assets 3530 3800
Total assets 10354 11118
Equity and liabilities
Share capital 1500 1250
Retained earnings 1910 1000
Profits for the year 1000 1250
Dividends payables 100 190
mmmmm dd, yyyy
There is a morale problem among staff members in Smiley Hospital that stems from incongruence in its jobs organization and performance evaluation system. Various aspects of management will be examined to find out what decisions and actions can be done to resolve the situation. They are goal setting, planning, motivation, mentoring, directing, leading and decision-making.
Managing in a Hospital
Because of the urgency of its mission, a hospital has one of the most stressful environments. Management’s role is to organize and supervise staff so that they can handle stress and perform effectively. High quality of service is required in ...
dd mmmmm yyyyy
Problem Description
The Japanese IT joint-venture company has a large overseas office where 80% of its employees are locally hired. It has been observed since the start of the century that many young employees are leaving the company in disproportionate numbers in just after 3 years. The HR manager suspected that the reasons for leaving are rooted in the nature of these young people as members of a distinct generation called Generation X or Millennials (Bersin).
In the exit interviews, it was discovered that these young people believe that they are not being compensated fairly based ...
Organizations derive increased productivity from workers when they are properly developed in their capacity to execute their job functions effectively. This development is attained through workers training. Training can be on the job or off the job. A designed training scheme for any organization should aim at ensuring that individual workers job needs are fashioned into the program. Small business organizations, with their limited resources, can still build up training schemes to make their workers more effective on their job.
Innocent Drink is a small organization that manufactures different brands of beverages and soft drinks. Innocent Drinks organization began ...
Annual performance evaluations are often regarded as essential components of employee development. The mentioned performance review is prevalently geared towards balanced assessment of an employee’s performance coupled with fairness. Notably, employee evaluations elicited myriad concerns on the relevant systems that efficient and effective employee appraisal would rely on. The paper seeks to establish the relevant means of implementing effective performance evaluation processes.
Prevalently, the mid-sized manufacturing plant initially based the evaluation on friendliness of an employee. The item of friendliness came to practice when the manager considerably awarded a medium rating on that scale. The evaluation emanated because ...
The concept of performance evaluation has long been considered to be an important tool for professional development. It can be traced back to 1930s, when Harvard Professor, Elton Mayo researched the behaviour of workers in a factory. It offers an opportunity to contemplate one’s career. As a step in that direction, it gives opportunity to consider one’s strengths and weaknesses. With this background, they are able to think where they will be in five years from now. Once they have decided upon it, they will be able to do research about it, so as to be successful. Next, they ...
The accountability of officials in public sector is a vital problem, as the availability of funds allocated among various public agencies and power abuse possibilities may create a dangerous environment breeding corruption. To avoid the erosion of the state apparatus, societies and citizens participate in governmental control through various forms of accountability and its initiatives. Democracy, the elimination of corruption and money mismanagement, the enhancement of state public sector efficiency, and the establishment of transparency are the undeniable benefits of public officials’ accountability. However, even the most well developed forms of accountability are far from flawless. Depending on a country, these approaches ...
What is a learning organization?
The term learning organization was coined by a renowned scholar, Peter M. Senge. Learning Organization refers to an organization that has inculcated a continuous learning behaviour and development in its employees. Through continuous learning and change, employees are able to better their workplace consequently impacting positively on the organization through achievement of organizational objectives. In that breadth, it is instructive to note that learning organizations continuously change and improve through a transformation that makes the organization better and focused after every process of employee learning.
Learning organizations are predicated on five major principles each of which contributes to the final positive ...
Performance Appraisal
The company’s current evaluation process poses three concerns: employee personality as opposed to employee work results, measuring skills with uniformity and accuracy, and using the evaluation process to enhance professional growth (Bacal, 2007). In this regard, the company’s current evaluation process is concerned with employee personality rather than work results. For example, the engineer’s personality is given more weight during evaluation rather than the safety measures he/she introduced in the company. In addition, the evaluation process does not measure workers skills with accuracy and uniformity. For example, the engineer is rated poorly despite the expertise possessed. ...
The human resource management function is an organization function whose main concern is to manage people within organizations focusing on the organization policies and systems (Siddiqui & Kleiner, 1998). Siddiqui & Kleiner (1998) argue that effective management of the human resources is essential to the success of the organization. Human resource management function is tasked to oversee the welfare of the employees’ administrative affairs in the organization. Traditionally, in the healthcare sector, the importance of the human resource management has not been fully appreciated (Kabene, Orchard, Howard, Soriano & Leduc, 2006). However, over the years, the benefit of the human resource in ...
Human Resource Director
Job Description of Human Resource Director
Human resource director plans, designs, as well as executes human resources policies and programs for compensation, benefits, health and safety, staffing, training, and employee relations. The position needs a bachelor’s degree within related fields; moreover, at least seven years of work experience within the human resources management field. Human resource director requires a broad degree of latitude and creativity. The candidate must be familiar with practices, procedures, and concepts of the field. Depends on experience as well as judgment to plan as well as accomplish objectives. Human resource director executes numerous tasks like ...
1. (10 pts.) Discuss how organizational architecture and corporate culture are related. Use an example of a real-life firm and discuss how its corporate culture blends with its organizational architecture.
Organizational architecture is an aspect of an organization which defines the operational departments, chain of command of all employees, work specialization and control system of an organization. On the other hand, organizational culture is an aspect of an organization which interact the values which play a role in helping the employees to run the organization effectively. Organizational architecture and organization culture are dependent on each other. For instance, the architecture ...
1. In present scenario majority of the organizations are struggling with economic downturn and its impact is visible on their balance sheets. Companies are focusing on cutting their cost and maximizing revenue. Companies are focusing on reducing their manpower and keeping very limited workforce. In such condition it is very important to utilize the manpower very effectively. Now the biggest challenge that companies are facing is how to effectively manage employees.
Organizational behavior is a combined form of psychological, social psychology, sociology and anthropological behavior sciences. Different behavior sciences deal with different factors which impact the overall performance of ...
Performance Management Process
Performance management is considered to be a continuous process that entails evaluating past performance, learning from it and identifying what can be done to enhance operation efficiency as well as add value for shareholders money. It is a process of planning, monitoring, and evaluating employee performance concerning his contribution to the organization to realize organization success (Robbins & Judge, 2013). An effective performance management strategy should mainly revolve around matters of accountability and directness. There are many elements to consider when to develop a robust performance management plan (Adler, 2011). Lumenpulse has gone a long way to establishing several mechanisms ...
Performance management is an important tool for the supervision of human resource in an organisation as it makes sure that the available scarce resources are utilised efficiently and effectively. The purpose of a performance management plan is to develop or design a planned, organised, systematic-wide methodology to process policy and performance measurement, evaluation and the enhancement of the health services being provided. According to Epstein and Manzoni, management control scholars have for a long time advocated for the alignment of strategy, structure, and systems that leads to a rise in a firm’s organisational performance standards needs to rise. ...
Implementation of Compensation and Benefit System
Compensation relates to paying someone an amount or in kind in return for work done for you. In an organization, it refers to the sum an employer provides to its employee for doing the work. The compensation is rendered as a result of industry's trends, job description, competition from close substitutes, etc. A compensation package comprises of not only monetary payments but in-kinds also to have a claim on goods and services offered by the firm (Buhl, 1989). These benefits, as well as other non-compensation systems, are used to motivate employees and generate benefits from leveraging their capabilities in ...
Communication: Peer Evaluation
[Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees]
[Institutional Affiliation(s)]
[Include any grant/funding information and a complete correspondence address.]
Groupthink is a bane of modern decision-making teams. Such groups prefer to arrive at a consensus rather than thinking out of the box. There are several strategies that can be used to avoid group thinking and arrive at a high quality decision.
Keywords: Groupthink, decision-making, decision
Communication: Peer Evaluation
As in all groups that believe in getting along and making decisions without stepping on others’ toes, my group is as prone to the ills of groupthink ...
GE or General Electric is an American multinational corporation that was founded in New York in 1892 and has its headquarters in Fairfield, Connecticut, in United States. I am working as a global HR manager in GE’s office in India, which is located in Gurgaon. I am responsible to hire expatriates for the position of ‘Sales Manager- oil and gas, Asia Pacific’. Being a Fortune 500 company, it is the duty of the human resource department to attract and retain the best talent possible. In today’s globalized economy, it is a challenge for international human resource managers to recruit the ...
4. Environmental Analysis
4.1. Operating Factors
Some of the common goals in any restaurant regardless of size is the desire to make money, control food and labor cost and to retain employees . A restaurant is one of the toughest businesses to run successfully because of the long hours involved, the high turnover and the relatively low pay when compared to the number of hours. Therefore it is clear that human resource is a critical operating factor. An understanding of the nature of the market is also essential; factors like market saturation and market trends are critical to operating a ...
Specifically, what functions did it (not) fulfill? Why?
Morgan Stanley (MS) is one of the leading investment banks in the United States. Since its founding in 1935 by Henry Morgan and Harold Stanley, the company has been transformed into a “One-Firm Company”. The company relied on its employees to achieve the transformation and present itself to its clients and the public in a unified manner.
In the old appraisal system, only the managers of the firm evaluated the employees. In many cases, the evaluation would be done once a year. Many employees viewed the evaluations as unwelcome and awkward paperwork instead of perceiving them as crucial tools ...
In tough economic situation many companies question the effectiveness of traditional processes, including the processes in HR area, as they tend to evaluate costs versus outcome more precisely. One of the processes which is commonly considered old-fashioned and requiring significant changes, is Performance Appraisal.
Let’s try to define performance appraisal first. “An employee performance appraisal is a process—often combining both written and oral elements—whereby management evaluates and provides feedback on employee job performance, including steps to improve or redirect activities as needed” (Gale, 2012). As usual it is a regular formal process, however there is a ...
The most difficult areas of the Human Resource (HR) activities to collect information are the risk management and performance evaluation. Risks are inevitable within an organization and can hinder the business operations of a firm if not well managed. There are four risk areas in an organization with HR implications namely: operations, strategic, financial, and compliance ("Focus on the HR Risks That Matter Most"). Strategic risks can prevent a firm from achieving its strategic objectives. They include lack of succession plan, poor talent management, unethical behavior, and poor payment and compensation models among others. Operational risks deal with the ...
Performance appraisal is an interaction between an employer and employee. The appraisal is a review where there is an evaluation of the employee’s performance and a discussion of the strengths and weakness of the employee. The assessment also identifies the opportunities where the employee needs to develop professionally. Performance evaluation is mostly done either quarterly or annually depending on what suits an organization best (Reda, 2010).
The manager uses appraisal instruments to conduct and process the performance evaluation. The tools are such as the essay assessment form, checklist or MBO (Management by Objectives) method, critical incident technique, graphic ...
Based on the various achievements, my dedication to the work I do, and the focus I have on this job, I think I have been able to accomplish a lot and that I deserve a promotion. There are various activities, and tasks that I have been able to undertake that have not only left me wondering, but have also put my ability to work at a higher level. Based on the capabilities and the achievements I have been able to bring to my organization, I feel proud of myself, and I feel that the work I do is part ...
Alex Gorsky is the CEO and Chair of the Johnson & Johnson Company. As the Chair of the Board Committee of the organization and CEO of the company, Gorsky has an influential, authoritative position in the organization. Effectiveness in leadership encompasses the overall leadership approach and structure employed by the leader, the enhancement of communication and the ability to manage crises in the organization. As a leader and manager of the company, Alex Gorsky attempts to promote effectiveness in his leadership in order to promote efficiency in the entire organization. Additionally, it is mandatory for him to strive for excellence ...
Career Development
It is clear that employee turnover within an organization is mainly a big challenge to managers since they cannot find their efficient replacement. It is evident that, employee turnover slows down organizational growth because of the loss experienced workforce. Moreover, new employees need time in order to adjust in a new environment. Therefore, the management of an organization prefers to keep employees in the same position rather than employing new employees since employee turnover slows down the growth of the organization. It is important for an organization to have in place mechanisms that prevent the employees’ desire to seek greener pastures. ...
Customers complaining of waiting too long to get served and poor quality service in removing stains and pressing items indicate that employees are not well motivated at the store. The plan to improve motivation at the store will involve setting performance goals. Employees’ results will be regularly reviewed, and feedback provided accordingly. Each section will have a head responsible for the performance of employees. Achievement of performance targets will attract both financial and non-financial rewards. Establishing a proper record system as well as finances from the top management will support the plan.
Motivation issue
There seems to be a motivation problem on the employees ...
Executive Summary
HWNS is a service provider for members of the physically challenged community with disabilities. The HWNS facilities are located in ACT, Queensland and NSW. These facilities supply a diverse scope of services and supports to a population of three thousand physically challenged people who possess disabilities. . One years and three months ago, in July 2013, the National Disability Insurance System initiated pilot programs and continued expansion with the pilot program until July 2014. The comprehensive implementation of the plan will not be in effect for another four years. This initiative is a primary social reform that is intended to be one of the ...
The pre departure training of employees in the firm will be performed to align the employees of the firm with the foreign staffing needs with regards to the business operations. Thus, this training will be required to undergo through various components or stages before it is realized to the employees of the company. To begin with, the most important component to be covered by this employee training program will be the organizational objectives of the firm. The rationale of this component is that employees need to be in full knowledge of the desires and prospects of the organization so ...
In relation to the structure of this organization, a performance assessment method is advisable to be used. The performance assessment method needs well-thought-out ideas and proper planning so that everything can be done perfectly. Efficient communication should be ensured especially among those carrying out the performance assessment course within the business. Good communication goes along way into maintaining an orderly assessment manner and helps employees into agreeing to the whole process but there exists various challenges that arise especially in the process of implementation of the outcomes in the business. But despite all these problems, we have many more advantages ...
Just to begin with, it is prudent to note that there is no universal definition for the term performance appraisal. Different scholars have defined the term different. According to Yong, (1996), performance appraisals are a tool which is used for evaluating and grading the activities done by different organizations, on all the organization's employees either annually or periodically. It is the grading and evaluation of an individual behavior. Furthermore, Gomez-Mejia, (2005) defines a performance appraisal as entailing “identification, measurement and management of the human resource performance within the organization.” (p.225). Therefore, performance appraisal will be defined as the process through which ...
Different organizations have different policies regarding training and development of their employees. They do so to align the employees to the organizational goals and objectives. Training and development of the employees is very expensive, hence it is the first expense which the organizations cut back during the hard times. Organizations require that they assess the appropriate need for training and development and allocate their precious resources accordingly. The professional training of the employees is of two types: on job training and off job training. Methods which are used by the organizations for training are explained below (Aguinis & ...
Strategic human resource management is the process of planning of the best ways of managing personnel in the organization. This involves adopting practices that guarantee financial and managerial advantage of the organization over other businesses (Luo 2001). Apple implements IHRM to achieve all this. As shown by Apple's prowess in differentiated production, marketing and personnel strategy the IHRM process has helped Apple to hire talented staff (O'Grady 2009).
In order to retain its employees, Apple has a generous employee benefit program. This has seen it retain highly talented staff for its own benefit. From the times of Jay Elliot ...
Globalization and information based technology has had significant and widespread effects on the environment. Within that context is the evolving and continuous development of manpower. The modern employee is highly knowledgeable and equipped with skills that necessarily make him or her good in strategic decision making. This has in overall changed the working landscape. Within the same strain, developments have been seen in the human resource management. The new generation employees demand for more participative and consultative approaches to management. In that context, performance appraisal methods have inevitably changed. In addition, the role of the manager has metamorphosed from ...
Dear Amanda,
Re: Can Amanda Turn Her New Business Before It Is Too Late?
Amanda went wrong in a number of factors that border on managerial and professional relations. It is the recommendation of this letter that Amanda immediately embark on changing the approach on the following factors so as to save the business from possible collapse. In addition, it has to be appreciated that business needs the application of competence, professionalism, diligence and hard work.
Foremost, Amanda over-relied on Lisa for the survival and operations of the business. It is noteworthy that Lisa lacked sufficient training and competence to ...
- How long have you been in the teaching profession?
1 year and 3 months.
- What is your educational background and job experience?
Master of Arts from St. James College. Currently in the PhD program. No prior formal experience although worked as a junior lecturer during college internship of 3 months duration.
- How did you get selected for the post you hold? How was the competition like during the selection process?
I received a distinction grade for my MA program from college. Faced an interview for the applied post and then went for program ...
Performance appraisal is a significant way to communicate the expectation of an employers and a comprehensive feedback on how well an employee is working up to the desired level. Appraisal is done by the immediate boss and he is responsible to closely monitor the employee outcome and contribution in assigned task, to fill out an appraisal form in order to thoroughly evaluate employee’s effectiveness and conduct a personal interview with the employee to discuss about his job responsibilities. Appraisal is conducted biannually or annually depending on the policies of the management and compensation is raised accordingly .Effective Performance appraisal system can ...
Essay Questions
1. Three Steps in the Individual Ethical Decision-Making Process and How Characteristics of Individuals and Organizations Influence our ethical Behavior
The first step in the individual ethical decision-making process is ethical awareness. The second step is making ethical judgments. To be able to make ethical judgments one needs to define the ethical issues in the situation. The third step in the ethical decision making process identifying the ethical behavior. Individual characteristics that influence ethical behavior may include ethical decision-making style. Certain individuals believe that, in cases of ethical dilemmas, no one should be harmed. An individual’s locus ...