“Careful dear,” my mother lovingly caressed my hair as I bumped into her while frantically running upstairs on my way to the roof top. I would be nine years old tomorrow and she still treats me as if I am a three. I didn’t in the least like her gestures of love. ”Why can’t she just keep her hands off me? Why on earth she has to make a show of it every damn time I am near her? Just the thought of her touching me makes me puke,” angrily I mused as I continued to run upstairs. I ...
Aunt Creative Writings Samples For Students
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The scene I have selected is that of Brandi’s daughter, Trista , who comes running to her mother to tell her that she is being bullied by Kaylee, Alycia’s eldest daughter.
Trista : I am terrified. I am afraid of getting out of the house nowadays. I do not know what to do. I wonder why I never fight back with Kaylee. She has been messing with me for quite a while now and I am afraid of her. My friends asked me to tell mum and I did. It was enough! Today, Kaylee even called me a jerk. ...
Although Sophie Caco was raised by her aunt, Tante Atie until she was 12, a psychological connection created between Sophie and her natural mother, Martine, a bound that traveled beyond the distance that separated them, a bound that was in their genes. The inheritance is by far the predominant theme of Danticat’s novel and it explores how the familial past can influence one’s future.
As a teenager, Martine was continuously the subject of her mother testing her virginity. The author somehow suggests that this is a common practice in the Haitian families, although she addresses a letter to Sophie, at the end ...
Marissa opened her eyes to darkness, not needing an alarm clock to know it was time to get out of bed. The wind whistled in the windows, and she shivered as she sat up and wrapped an old terrycloth robe around herself. Her two younger brothers slept in a bunk bed, and she gently shook their shoulders to rouse them. Already, she could hear the clattering of dishes and silverware downstairs; mother was always awake before everyone else, making sure breakfast was ready for the entire family.
Four o’clock in the morning was time to hurry because the ...
Pioneer for Freedom and Women’s Rights
In 1820 or 1821, a baby named Araminta Ross was born to the parents of Harriet Ross and Benjamin Green. The family lived in Dorchester County, Maryland, an area which allowed slavery. At some point in her early years, young Araminta changed her name to the same as her mother’s, Harriet (Chism).
When Harriet was only five years old, neighbors rented her from her master to do household chores. Since she did perform her duties well, the neighbors regularly beat her for her inadequate housework. After many failed attempts at domestic work, Harriet was given a chance at the manlier ...
Since I don’t know who you are I am going to write this as I am the person you know. Give me a name and an arrival date. If you are an immigrant you can use first person.
America the great melting pot, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, and the land of prosperity. This is how people from other countries view America, especially if they have experienced poverty in their country.
I met, choose your name, a Negro, that is what we are called in our country, an immigrant from choose your country. She related to ...