“Careful dear,” my mother lovingly caressed my hair as I bumped into her while frantically running upstairs on my way to the roof top. I would be nine years old tomorrow and she still treats me as if I am a three. I didn’t in the least like her gestures of love. ”Why can’t she just keep her hands off me? Why on earth she has to make a show of it every damn time I am near her? Just the thought of her touching me makes me puke,” angrily I mused as I continued to run upstairs. I ...
Emmanuel Creative Writings Samples For Students
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How Did the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era Lead to the Unification of Germany and Italy in the 19th Century?
The fall of the Roman Empire resulted in the creation of smaller independent city-states in Italy and elsewhere, followed by the rise of nation states. Napoleon III united much of Europe under his rule. As that broke down, other European powers, especially Austria, the Holy Roman Empire, France and Prussia strove for control of the Empire While the larger nations fought against each other for control; internal groups in Italy and Germany other groups worked for an independent, united country with a constitution inspired by the French Revolutionary model.
In Italy the Carbonari, or coal-burners, were an early 19 ...