Pop Stars and Vocals
Before the music dies, we must identify the root substance of music and the musicians whom of which compose the great melodies with the praise of Pop Stars. Pop stars and vocals dates back to the golden days when music depicted unforgettable, remarkable dynamic sound and sustenance. People must understand that pop stars and vocalist have, seemingly, dissimilar agendas but offer the same services, entertainment. This essay will interconnect the position of our future music and performance globally using technology.
‘Before the Music Die’ is drafted by a couple of apprehensive music admirers, Andrew Shapter and Joel Rasmussen, whom of which agreed to document the vanishing of raw, incontestable talent - the benevolent music that does not really seem to exist as much within this current day of immediate pop stars. Vocally, there is a huge gap nowadays with the singers and performers. It is rather far-fetched when it comes to singers – with the ways at which to use the vocalism technology often known as vocaloids for voice enhancement.
While most people may accentuate their opinion about the vocalism technology, music is still a business. While there are those particular artists who may not retain the mere talents to naturally, voice instrumental excellence, there are the entertainers that may communicate the message in that regard. Artist today have become notorious with the use of vocalism technology for it seems to be the new real voice for many aspiring artist. Personally, the music industry is greatly respected while it is criticized for the fading of naturally composed music. While this is true, personally, the direction that the music industry is turning, thus we must advance and honor trend setting while sustaining our realness within music. Although music is uniquely found on the instrumental waves of raw talent, music should be respected with the use of technological vocaloids of unique artist who hold a note, but are not stellar singers - along with the artist who sustains the natural talents in that people will forever respect. The rise of vocaloid technology within music is certainly not a negative because it is the contrary to raw talent. Vocaliods may be considered the subsidiary vocals to real vocalists in that substance could be concocted. The old adage remains, where there is a will there is a way.
Sanneh, Kelefa. "What Is Ailing Pop Music? Depends Whom You Ask." New York Times 16 November 2006: 1. Article.