Globalization is a term well defined by the perspectives put across by different proponents, basically globalization tries to explain the essence of the contemporary world transforming and becoming integrated. Held and McGrew held a consensus that globalization concerns the time space compression that results from the electronic communication, increasing the interdependence between countries and increased connections, socially, economically and politically.
Hyperglobalist perspective approaches globalization n as new emerging epoch about human history. It is characterized by the nations becoming ‘denationalized’ shown by a decline in the relevance and authority the nations due to the changes in the economic market. The scholars agreed with the factors that causes globalization and its outcome , they however disagreed about the usefulness of the factors. Most nations have a comparative advantage according to the neo-liberal and neo-marxist . Global capitalism is also the cause of globalization , they have a believe in reinforcing inequality.
The skeptical perspective holds that the golden age of globalization happened during the end of19th century. The author disagreed on the importance of the older generation; the third world is becoming marginalized rather than including the older clevarages. The authors claim that the foreign investment progress and control of the advanced economies. They reject the essence of global culture that develops.
Transformationalist perspective differs from the other perspective, since it lacks the market logic and undetermined outcome process. Their claim is less certain due to the historical trajectories and limiting factors that drive globalization. It views that the national governments are being restructured and reconstituted.
The most appropriate perspective is the transformationalist since it views that cultural diversity is brought about due to globalization. In addition transformationalist, argue that it is important that the challenges be adopted on the increased flows about culture and capital rather than concentrate on the emergence of the new governance system as claimed in hyperglobalist.
Communist system of government is the nation that is governed by a communist party. Communist system of government is a government where social with who believe in a classless society run the government. Their main ideology is to make all citizens to be equal before the government. In this system, the government owns the right to own property. A communist state is a one party state and leaders are supposed to preach the ideologies of a social movement's principal that guide the state. One of the common communist country was the Union Soviet Society Of Russia (USSR) that was governed using communist ideology up to 1991. The fall of the soviet union was after after the separation of 15 countries that got independence as independent countries. After the disintegration of these countries, the economic state of the union started to sink because the remain countries could not support the states could not support the government mission.
After the fall of the soviet union, the effects were felt all over the world. For example, the countries have seen massive changes in their ideologies with individuals having the right to own power and have authority. Since 1991, the country's government is slowly accepting capitalism ideology that promotes hard working between individuals. The country has seen investment from hard working individual who help promote development within the country. Additionally, there have also been changes outside Russia that have been experienced after the fall of the union. For example, the military block of the western from changed after the fallout of Estonia and Armenia join the earner front. Recently, Russian president Vladimir Putin has adopted an ideology that promotes personal growth between individual something that has helped promote Russian economy. Since the fallout of Russia, there has been free and fair election that has seen citizen participate in the decision making of the country.
This is a process of making economic arrangement between diverse regions of the United States through the introduction of reduction of all trade obstacles and coordinating of fiscal policies and monetary terms. The government has made a lot effort integrating both middle and South America. This is evident by the attempts to create a common currency because there is a regional bank. This is generally a process of expanding the economic developments of the region and ensuring that there is a change of prospect of a reliable and advance technique to facilitate political, social, and economic integration. The entire process allows the region an opportunity to enjoy the factored mobility of high degree, a flexibility of wages and price, and they get a diversified output. The establishments of the Development Centre have linked Latin America with the emerging economies thus offering an avenue for discussions and debates that are purposed to identify creative policy solution to the present and future global development barriers.
North America has established a strong link to the Latin America. In an economic perspective, the North America imports cheap labor from Latin America, making them competitive in the market share globally. The Latin American on the other side get the require funds to expand the economic activities both locally and internationally. The cheap labor is fundamental to the economy of the North America because it lowers the production cost hence improving the living standard of the people by satisfying their demands. The integration is faced with the challenge of difference in economic policies and ideologies, which affect the manner the business, is contacted. The different rate charge on certain products and service brings the problems. Economic integration comes along with the benefit of expanding the market for the product and services of the region and creation of a stable political arena.