Soldiers of Conscience. A documentary film by Gary Weimberg and Catherine Ryan.
This documentary shows the dilemma that the soldiers face in circumstances of war where they are forced to kill other human beings by means of guns and bombs. In this film some soldiers refused to kill on the basis that it is wrong to kill other human beings since it is against their conscience and moral ethics. On the other hand, the other soldiers believed it was wise and acceptable to kill under circumstances of warfare. The dilemma of the morality to kill will therefore have a big impact on the lives of the soldiers due to the conscience of humanity.
In the documentary, it is clear that the soldiers are often forced by the commands to kill and shoot other human beings in times of warfare. The tenets of human nature are therefore undermined since they are forced to kill other people even if it is against their morals and conscience. The courage to shot and bomb other human beings is against the Christianity teaching concerning morality of killing. This moral dilemma leads to undermining the tenets of human nature and the cognitive theory. This may have a negative impact on the lives of the soldiers since their morality of killing is undermined leading to depression and hostility. This will therefore greatly influence the behavior of the soldiers and how they perceive life.
In conclusion, this documentary shows how to balance the aspects relating to the morality to kill and the reasons for such killing. The moral dilemma of whether to kill or not helps in assessing the extent to which the moral the tenets of human nature are undermined. Circumstances like warfare always contradicts the morality of killing by commanding people to shoot and bomb others.
Weimberg, G., Ryan, C., Coyote, P., Boekelheide, T., Luna Productions, & Bullfrog Films (2008). Soldiers of conscience. Oley, PA: Bullfrog Films.
Weimberg, G., Ryan, C. M., Coyote, P., Luna Productions, & Films Media Group (2007). U.S.A. : Soldiers of conscience. New York: Films Media Group.