The United States Commercial Service is an arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration that aims at promoting trade. It is made up of professionals from more than 100 cities across more than 75 countries worldwide. One of the major goals of this service provider is to assist companies in their first steps as they get started in exporting. It also helps them increase their sales to new global markets. The United States Service uses the Government’s export portal as its main online resource. It provides information to clients exporting their goods. It also provides information on market research on ventures such as: trade events, information on how to export and trade events. The portal directs international companies who intend to buy goods and services from the United States. The Commercial service website initiates a global network of trade that helps thousands of U.S. companies to export goods and services that bring in billions of dollars in profits and revenue every year.
In additional to this, the U.S. Commercial Service has formed partnership with organizations such as banks, legal and regulatory organizations, transportation and shipping organizations, trade risk service companies and event organizers to facilitate their operations. This paper will help establish the ways in which the website assists exporters with their planning. It will also determine strategies in which resources can be used to leverage short term and long term resource planning. The paper will also elaborate on how technology and information resources have been used in research issues in exporting and importing. It will then discuss how technology has been used to supply chain's plans for import and export operations and globalization.
The government website also provides information on potential businesses located within the United States and overseas. It helps exporters identify with the goods they want to export by giving them the requirements and limits of the goods they can and cannot export. The website helps exporters to properly document their goods and services in order to determine the country of origin. It ensures that the goods and services to be exported are properly tracked to their destination. The website provides information on services such as trade shows where exporters can take their goods with the aim of growing their companies. It also provides and overview of the exporting process.
The main steps that would help leverage resources in the short term for better results and growth are identifying the markets for both products and how they operate. This would ensure that during the manufacture of theses resources is aimed at serving the market readily. The second step would involve creating goods and products which appeal to customers in the market. This would ensure that the customers are aware of the products and services and how they can access them. It would also help in marketing the company in readiness for the long term planning steps. In addition to this, it would also ensure that the company gets their products in the market to stabilize their production. The final step would be providing and outstanding level of customer service to better market the company. This would ensure that the customers are satisfied with the services rendered by the company. It will also build the confidence among the customers in the company on their delivery of their products.
The long term planning would be facilitated through identifying the strategies with a high probability for success and venturing into those that have high potential of profitability. This would help companies to establish policies that would guarantee that their products would bring in profits and that they would succeed in the market. The second step would be to strengthen the execution infrastructure by investing in various entities. This would bring more revenue to the company that would help in financing different departments within the company. Stabilizing the leadership of the company would also lead to leverage of the long term planning activities. Enhancing the performance management of the company would ensure that the company stands on better grounds to compete with others in the market. It would also ensure that production operations are run smoothly and their products are available in the market at the right time. This would boost the profitability potential of the company.
Technology and information resources to research issues in importing has been beneficial in that it has provided prior preparation for companies as well as importers with the goods they want to import and the place of origin. It also ensures that the importers can get contact information on the people or companies they want to import from. This builds confidence even to importers from overseas on the safe delivery of the goods and services they have imported. It also provides adequate grounds on the areas where import business brings about profits to the importing countries. It also ensures adequate and effective plans to supply chains as there is a flow of goods smoothly.
Cross, P. (2002). CYCLICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE RISING IMPORT CONTENT IN EXPORTS. Canadian Economic Observer, 15 (12), 3.
Export. Gov - Are you interested in exporting? (N.d.). Retrieved from
U.S. Commercial Service. (N.d.). Retrieved from