- Able having adequate command or resources to achieve a deed
- Accident an uninvited, harmful happening which takes place inadvertently
- Age the impact of time on living beings measured by of number of days lived
- Amount the computation totality of two or more values
- Bite to grab especially with teeth so as to go into
- Block a concrete heap of wood or stone
- Boy a juvenile male person
- Busy supporting a great deal of activities
- Carry to hold something while in motion from one location to another
- Cat a small tamed carnivore
- Check a deed or influence that impedes movement or expression
- Chief someone who is uppermost in status
- Child an individual between the period of birth and full development
- Christmas a Christian holiday celebrated on twenty fifth of December
- Clear Not covered or darkened
- Come to move on towards a certain direction
- Crowd a huge number of people congregated together
- Cry to weep because of sorrow,
- Curtain fabric that hangs in an opening as an adornment
- December the month appearing 12th in a year
- Deep expanding far interior from the exterior
- Destroy to damage absolutely
- Diamond a tough refractive type of carbon used as a precious stone
- Eight a number that is one less than nine
- Election the appointment of individuals for office through voting
- Family people in a household consisting of a father , a mother and children
- February the month appearing second in a year
- Fight a competition or struggle
- Finish to bring to conclusion
- Fire the occurrence of ignition evident through light, blaze, and heat
- Five a number that is one less than six
- Force strength that is exerted
- Foreign located outside a place of origin
- Four a number that is one less than five
- Girl a young female person
- Go to shift or proceed from a location
- Happy enchanted over a particular happening
- Head the upper component of the human bodies
- Heavy having a elevated specific magnitude
- Hot able of giving a feeling of burning
- July the month of the year appearing seventh
- June the month of the year appearing sixth
- Laugh to put across emotions of pleasure through a chain of sounds
- Lazy reluctant to activity or action
- Life the value that differentiates living creatures from the dead ones
- Light an array of electromagnetic emission noticeable by a person’s eye
- Loud illustrated by high level of volume and power
- Love an overwhelmingly passionate fondness for another individual
- Make causing a happening
- Man a mature male human being
- March the month of the year appearing third
- May the month of the year appearing fifth
- Monday a day of the week that appears in the middle of Tuesday and Sunday
- Money an acceptable standard of exchange
- Motion the action of changing location
- Must to be required by morality to submit to an event
- Near a close distance
- Need an absence of something necessary
- Next something that comes after another
- November the month of the year appearing eleventh
- October the month of the year appearing tenth
- One a sole entity
- Open having no obstruction
- Organize to arrange into a neat, functional pattern
- Praise the action of conveying agreement or admiration
- President the uppermost executive official in a democracy
- Ready equipped or accessible for service
- Rock comparatively hard mineral that is naturally created
- Run to move quickly by foot
- Sad causing mourning or gloom
- Secretary an individual who arranges information and tasks for another person
- Separate to break apart
- September month of the year that appears ninth
- Serious thoughtful or cowed in appearance
- Sit to relax on the buttocks
- Six a number that is one less than seven
- Sob to moan aloud with convulsive wheezing
- Spend to expend or pay out
- Spouse any member of a conjugal pair relative to the other
- Stamp to powerfully bring the foot down onto something
- Stand to maintain oneself on the legs in an upright position
- Station the location where a person is placed to remain
- Stone a section of rock for a particular function
- Story a correct or imaginary account of an event,
- Three a number that is one less than four
- Two a number that is one less than three
- Unique existing as a single example
- Wait to be dormant until something projected happens
- Walk to proceed or travel on feet at a reasonable pace
- Why for what reason
- Widow a woman whose husband has died
- Widower a man whose wife has died
- Will a deliberate decision
- Wind air in ordinary motion
Woman a grown up female human being