Response Essay: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Apparently, I can attest rightfully on my opining that this novel is effortlessly convincing and interesting. The novel by Philip K. Dick is in essence a novel that insightfully presents a classic genre. This novel incorporates the various characteristics that best defines great work in science and fiction (Palumbo 21). Subsequent to reading this novel, one is predisposed to understanding human’s most pressing concerns particularly as it related to technological advances come the future. The author of this book incorporates the use of his artistic skills to ascertain that the reader draws a clear mental picture of the events explained in this novel. In addition to the above, this book engages the reader by asking various rhetorical and philosophical questions.
The aforementioned novel makes intense and significant observations about the nature of life, human condition and technology. Through the use of appropriate characters in the story, the author establishes the significance of human life. He makes apparent the fact that the nature of human beings cannot be replaced in any way even with the most advanced technology. From the story, characters are posed with dilemmas; the most apparent instance in this novel is when Deckard is left to choose to concentrate on Rachael or the replicates. The example above suggests that: irrespective of the situation, human life will remain a priority. In addition, this novel articulates that the human obligation cannot be replaced by any other thing that is not human (Palumbo 33). In a nutshell, this movie draws a thick line between illusion and reality, the author make use of illusion to ascertain humanity is very significant and of utmost importance to the reader. This novel in essence illustrates the creativity and high-level artistic skills.
Works Cited
Palumbo, Donald. "Faith And Bad Faith In Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" Journal
Of Popular Culture 46.6 (2013): 1276-1288. Academic Search Premier. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.