Many scientists consider the idea that human temperaments or predispositions to act in certain ways are formed at very early stages of their life. Every monitoring of people shows that some people are getting excited strongly, more energetic, passionate, and the others tend to behave in a more passive way possessing no interest in life without showing openly any emotions. Some people standout in the society possessing poise behavior, acting with restraint without sharply, showing out their feelings, the others under the same circumstances are getting ignited, act impulsively and nervous. There are people who can easily stand various life circumstances and their harsh change does not affect the change of their inner world or psychological state. Such people can easily adapt to any conditions of life. On the contrast, there exist people who experience this kind of changes very sharply and adapt to the new conditions with a great deal of difficulty. These features of human character are revealed through their intellectual and practical activity. In the course of time, these peculiarities become rather complicated and vary in a certain specific way. These individual characteristics that are perceived as the dynamic manifestations of the human psychic are called temperament.
There have been distinguished four major types of temperament according to the human behavior in the society, reaction to the surrounding conditions, the ability to overcome difficulties, solve various problems and so on. One of them, the Guardian has its own peculiarities. The word guardian is usually referring to those people who possess trustworthy convictions. This type is characterized of being concrete in their thoughts and speech. Guardians tend to talk about the surrounding world they observe. At the same time, they may politely listen to conversation on theoretical or abstract topics, but still they will desire to shift to anything more concrete, solid and sensible. For sure, they can discuss abstract notions and concepts, but they feel lack of interest in it, that is why they avoid such kind of conversations. The Guardians pass from topic to topic in a logical way, but when they are reminded of anything not related to the subject of conversation, they may easily pass on taking about he thing mentioned (Keirsey 1998, p. 79). Because of this, such conversations are interesting for every participant. Speaking on topics especially interesting for them, the Guardians can provide an enormous number of facts which they repeat numerous times freely. They easily remember people's names, their birthdays, the names of parents of their friends and children, every little detail about how they are doing at work, school or college, the time of meeting, what has been said at that very moment of conversation and so on. This concrete information, related to certain persons, places, and occasions is kept easily in the memory of the Guardians. That is why the people of this very type of temperament are considered to be the most comfortable of all the types while communicating (Keirsey, 1998, p. 81). The nature of Guardian is observed not only in their style of communication, in the emotions they express or the attitude to the people they show, but in their manner of using cooperative tools. The surrounding world is a huge civilization existing in inseparable contact with the favors created by the humankind. Everything, including cars, roads, buildings belongs to the tools using which a certain temperament type reveals their nature. The main principle of the Guardian is to cooperate in order to attain the goal. Guardians work and try obeying all the rules and regulations (Keirsey, 1998, p. 82). Other types rely on the Guardian’s ability to keep everything in order. Taking into account the Guardians’ peculiarity of controlling, they are usually perceived as administrators or the conservators. According to this aspect, all Guardians are subdivided into four logistical roles, in particular, the Supervisor, the Inspector, the Provider, and the Protector (Keirsey, 1998, p. 84). These roles differ in their behavior, style of communication and the manner of keeping administrative duties.
When analyzing the theoretical background for the Guardians, I can easily prove providing certain examples my possessing this particular type of temperament. Talking to my friends I can easily shift from one topic to another. I am fond of microbiology, so that while communicating I willingly provide numerous facts and theoretical information about the functioning of microelements and vitamins in the human body, discuss the influence of various elements on the biological processes of a human being and can constantly repeat the facts that impress me most of all. Once, my friends were talking about philosophic issues in the literature and the basic concepts that were used by the writers of existentialism. That conversation was the most awful one as it concerned discussing abstract notions and their implementation in the reality of the writers. Personally, I am fond of sharing information about different people, their names, discussing their life and the latest events that have happened to those people, mentioning about the time and place of particular meetings, film and theater premiers and so on. At the same time, I notice my possessing the manners of the Supervisor. At work I always control others’ job performance, try to obey all the rules and remind everyone that only productive cooperation and thoughtful duty division may lead our company to our goal. Besides, my values coincide with this one that Guardians possess. I trust the authorities, seek security all the time, prize highly the expression of the gratitude and constantly feel concerned about any matter. These examples prove that I am a true Guardian.
Quite different things can be said about my mom. She is a teacher and observing her activity I may easily prove that she is of another temperament type, namely, she is the Idealist. When having her Literature classes at school, she often talks to children about quite abstract notions and concepts. She always discusses in the class what is love, what is hatred, ignorance, indifference, pity, sorrow and so on. Her main aim is to uncover the essence of these notions, to reveal the significance of the surrounding world and to understand the nature of things (Keirsey, 1998, p. 120). Despite the Guardians, who end to achieve their goal using any tool, the Idealists pay a great deal of attention to the act whether these tools are accepted by others. Only in this way the process of accomplishing the goal will be affective for all the participants (Keirsey, 1998, p. 124). When communicating with children’s parents, my mom appears to be a diplomat possessing perfect problem-solving skills and the ability to find the consensus. It is not a simple coincidence that my mom’s profession is similar to the type of her temperament. Her peculiarities of the Idealistic Teacher let her take control over every group of people, take into account their personal values and creativity, respecting their rights and the way of self-expression. This type of temperament perfectly fits the educators, so that is why my mom is a true Idealistic Teacher in all aspects.
I believe that my current job lets me realize my Guardian potential as the occupation of the Trading System Administrator gives me an opportunity to show my communicative skills, deal easily with concrete information, organize effectively the company work in order to achieve a certain goal and take the responsibility of overall control within the company. If I had an opportunity to change my work place, I would apply for a vacancy of a marketing director n the leading company of my city. This occupation demands good communicative skills, setting a goal, considering the ways it could be achieved, controlling the working process, dealing accurately with concrete data, trusting the authority that organize the work of the company and follow all the rules and regulations that is necessary for accomplishing the desired. I feel that my vocation is related to the ruling professions hat let me reveal my nature of the Guardia. Frankly speaking, I will never apply for a job that creates discomfort and limits my freedom of actions.
So, the temperament is a complicated psychological complex that manifests all the aspects of the individuality. It is proved by the psychologists that the type of the temperament is the determinative factor in human life. Still, it can be deformed under various social or economic conditions, but in fact, this psychological phenomenon has been built in the human psychic since the first day of life. That is why, everyone should be aware of their temperament peculiarities in order to gain success in life.
Keirsey, D. (1998). Please Understand Me II. CA: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Print.