Nanotechnology is a new venture for engineering field and has been seen as a breakthrough regarding materials thus providing a greater opportunity in enhancing both innovations as well as discovery in engineering and science fields. The primary application within the engineering sector have been; to create room for new nanofabrication technologies to improve nanostructures designing and construction which have by-passed the current technology. Additionally, it provides a chance to apply nanostructures in various devices such as magnets, optics, electronics and biotechnology devices (Dvir et al., 13-22). The opportunity is significant because the technology enhances innovation of materials as well as devices which have an extraordinary new functionality as well as very high performance. Hence, these innovations are of specific interest in the energy sector, medical diagnosis, integrated circuit, biotechnology and other industries. For example, nanotechnology has led to the invention of bit-patterned media, plasmonic solar cells, nanoimprint lithography, plasmonic solar cell, nanophotonics as well as biosensors that detect diseases at the early stage.
Nanotechnology in electrical engineering
Electronic engineering in association to nanotechnology provides engineers a stronger ground in conventional electronics, in addition to specialist skills with the electronic or else physics needed to carry out modern nanoscale fabrication of various devices. In both electrical and electronic engineering, nanotechnology consists of designing as well as research of devices on a smaller scale of less than on hundred nanometers (Kai et al., n.p). The devices, in this case, comprises nanowires, nanoscale memories, single electronic logic and they have been used in different applications, for example, ultra-high speed processors. Consequently, to come up with such applications, a good understanding of nano-fabrication as well as integration methodologies are necessary within the entire field of electrical and electronic engineering. Nanotechnology application in electronic engineering includes circuit designing, energy and power photonics as well as microscopy. Under circuit designing, the focus has been on integrated circuit testing and designing of the analog interface to sensors, more so for optical detectors for the digital cameras, microphones, and optical communications (Oberdörster & Gunter 89-105).
Nanotechnology in mechanical engineering
In mechanical engineering, nanotechnology involves the measuring, imaging, modeling as well as manufacturing of matters falling below 100 nanometers in thickness. Much focus is on the nanomaterial properties such as chemical, physical as well as biology properties. Numerous researches have been directed at the understanding as well as the creation of better-quality quality materials, systems, and devices which exploit such different properties (Wang & Zhong n.p). The primary emphasis has been put on nanoscale heat transfer, manufacturing, fluidics in addition to nanoscale electro-mechanical devices. Under manufacturing, research has shown that revolving the promise of nanoscience into new technologies has been the biggest challenge currently. The most blockage being the lack of advanced technology to manufacture both nanostructures as well as nanomaterials in the larger amount and at the effective cost. Currently, the research has been focused towards optical based, lower cost and tremendously parallel techniques of manufacturing. In particularly, a nanoscale optical antenna which is to be utilized on concentrating light energy into a nanoscale field for the purpose of nanomanufacturing determination.
Nanotechnology in biomedical engineering
In biomedical engineering, nanotechnology is transforming the basic science into new materials, devices as well as procedures for advancing health sustainability (Pinheiro et al., 763-772). The application of this new technology is diverse within the medical field, for instance, it is very essential in medicine regeneration, delivery of both drug and vaccine, biomedical imaging in addition to personalization of medicine. The effect of the technology will have to be felt from therapeutic as well as tissue product regeneration to bio-derived consumer goods in addition to environmental applications, according to the research performed by ARC. In this field of engineering, much emphasis has been put on the nanomedicine that has focused on the efficient utilization of modified as well as functioning nanomaterials into biosensors, agents in imaging in addition to other different biological tools. For instance, Vitro Diagnostics is being applied in early cancer detection as well as treatment. Other promising applications are new therapies, advanced drug delivery system as well as vivo imaging (Raj et al., 186).
Current and Future changes in the world due to nanotechnology
There exist some current usage of nanotechnology, for example, manufacturing of the polymers that have been based on the molecular structures, computer chip layout designing by the surface science. Even though there is the future utilization of nanotechnology which includes, quantum dots and nanotubes, the actual commercial application has significantly utilized the advantages of colloidal nanoparticles in the form of bulky (Raj et al 2060-2071). For example, protective coating, suntan lotion as well as cosmetics. Currently, the primary application is in the cosmetics industry with a record of about thirteen percent globally. Research has shown that nanotube pacemaker inserted in the blood vessel of the heart has the capability to generate electricity for the function of the heart. Additionally, the so-called nanosized robots can repair the damaged as well as diseased tissues with the human body (Sapsford et al., 1904-2074). The clothes being manufactured using this technology can block chemical as well as biological weapons from reaching or else touching the skin. In addition to this, nanotechnology can aid in detecting both narcotics and fingerprints of suspects within a crime. In conclusion, with nanotechnology, the future computers will run very fast, medicines will have the capability of curing all the illness, and there will be no pollution.
Work cited
Dvir, Tal, et al. "Nanotechnological strategies for engineering complex tissues." Nature nanotechnology 6.1 (2011): 13-22.
Kai, Dan, et al. "Mechanical properties and in vitro behavior of nanofiber–hydrogel composites for tissue engineering applications." Nanotechnology23.9 (2012): 095705.
Oberdörster, Gunter. "Safety assessment for nanotechnology and nanomedicine: concepts of nanotoxicology." Journal of internal medicine267.1 (2010): 89-105.
Pinheiro, Andre V., et al. "Challenges and opportunities for structural DNA nanotechnology." Nature nanotechnology 6.12 (2011): 763-772.
Raj, Silpa, et al. "Nanotechnology in cosmetics: Opportunities and challenges." Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 4.3 (2012): 186.
Sanchez, Florence, and Konstantin Sobolev. "Nanotechnology in concrete–a review." Construction and Building Materials 24.11 (2010): 2060-2071.
Sapsford, Kim E., et al. "Functionalizing nanoparticles with biological molecules: developing chemistries that facilitate nanotechnology." Chemical reviews 113.3 (2013): 1904-2074.
Wang, Zhong Lin, ed. Nanowires and Nanobelts: Materials, Properties and Devices. Volume 1: Metal and Semiconductor Nanowires. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.