“The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” is an American crime film of 2006. It is the third film of the franchise produced by Neal H. Moritz, which tells a story about young people competing for girl`s attention. They decided to measure “modern swords” – to arrange races, the winner of which will have the girl. Besides love problems, there is a matter of illegal business in the film – there are some defects in reports that affect the business management a lot.
Taking into account all the impetuosity of young people, who seek to prove his family that he is old enough to be independent, there are some varieties in how this man solves problems – he does not listen to the explanations of suspects – he blames them at once and requires total subjection. If the Americans prone to identify whether the matter is serious or not, the Japanese got used to act fast – they need no conversations and explanations. It is easier for them to eliminate the one, who creates problem than to solve these problems. The head of Yakuza is a wise man, who is tired of the business, but he realizes his responsibility to complete what he has started, so he engages his nephew Takashi to get rid of difficulties by any means.
The handling business transactions in the film are presented accessibly, but one cannot be satisfied with such a manner to regularize it. The business laws are strict and inflexible, so there is no way to disobey someone`s order. Armed standoffs are popular and effective methods to solve business questions concerning big deliveries and profits. Such methods are introduced in the film just in the way as expected.
Informal social transactions in the “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” are held according to the expectations. They are done in fear but with firm confidence in the successful outcome, although there is always a great risk of passing or receiving suspicious unchecked things. In case of problems, it is not a big deal to get rid of a partner, as D.K. did with Han: he pursued him on the road and then managed to cause the accident.
Without doubt, there are many differences between formal and informal interactions. Those, who want to abide by law, despise those businessmen, who do not care about respecting common rules and are able to commit a crime for achieving their goals. Formal interactions are held in accordance with conscience and integrity – in such a business no one wants to encounter any problem over dissensions.
“The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” is an excellent example of business management. Lots of useful information and some new techniques of solving business problems can be assimilated from this film and from the characters represented there.
A-Level Movie Review On Tokyo Drift For Free Use
Type of paper: Movie Review
Topic: Business, Cinema, Film, Problems, Fast AND The Furious, Fast AND The Furious: Tokyo Drift, Drift, Japan
Pages: 2
Words: 450
Published: 03/08/2023
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