The African American Civil rights movement was a series of social and political protests whose aim was to bring to an end discrimination and racial segregation. Also, the social movement sought to secure the legal recognition and the protection of the African Americans by the federal government. The leadership of the Civil rights movement comprised of the African-Americans and selected Politicians. The labor union and religious groups were instrumental in financing and the organization of various activities of the social movement (Jamie 2).
According to the African-American movement was a grassroots outfit since most of the activities were organized in specific communities so as to enhance the emancipation of the African Americans. In 1951, African American students in Virginia demonstrated against inequality and racial segregation in schools. After a series of protest, the US Supreme Court Outlawed the Jim Claw regulations that championed for segregation in schools. In addition, the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott in Alabama saw an end to the Montgomery policies that required blacks to give up their seats to white passengers (Jamie 9)
The Great society initiatives were steered by President Johnson. According to Jamie Johnson reiterated that it was imperative for the US to deal with democratic imperfections that existed in the US society if its quest to fight for freedom, enslavement of citizens in the authoritarian regimes and provision of world leadership was true. Johnson supported the activities of the civil rights movement so as to create a free and just US society (15).
The civil rights movement had an impact in the emancipation of the women in the US. In early 1960s, the American women were being discriminated against at the workplace. Those who were in formal employment were limited to professions like teaching and nursing. During the civil rights movement, women took a center stage in the fighting for their rights. For instance, Bety Friedan led a movement that encouraged women to undertake professional jobs other than marriage in 1963.Also; American women were inspired by the civil rights movement petition the government to establish the equal employment opportunity commission so as to end the discrimination of women at the workplace.
The cold war had an impact on the success of the civil right movement. The US advocated for democracy, human rights, and freedom. Jamie notes that the US was against the Communist ideologies that favored totalitarian leaders and the oppression of the citizens. The African-American movement highlighted the United States hypocrisy in its quest to enhance democracy and freedom the in the world yet racial segregation and inequality were highly rooted in the US society (30). As noted by Jamie America government was compelled to enact legislations that allowed the Africans to vote and to enjoy same privileges like those of the whites (42).
William Westmoreland was chosen by President Johnson to command the United States military incursion in Vietnam. In 1964.The main strategy of the US military was to build up more American troops and the use of superior weapons that could cause more losses and damage to the North Vietnamese (Willbanks 2).
However, the venture proved to be too costly to the US economy. The US used a lot of money on the procurement of the military equipment and sustaining of thousands of military personnel. Besides, the US did not understand the nature of the war since Vietnamese were determined to get liberation from colonialism and foreign influences (Willbanks 20).
The protest at home led by the clergy, civil rights groups, and the students made the US withdraw their troops from Vietnam unconditionally. The students accused the US government of hypocrisy on its quest to be the world leader in terms of democracy and freedom.Willbanks contends that students protested against the government going against democratic values that they learned in school (45). On the other hand, the clergy was against the government's involvement in the war without a tangible reason. The anti-Vietnam war got much local and international coverage by the media thus making the US to withdraw their troops. President Richard Nixon resorted to a peaceful intervention and the withdrawal of the US troops in.
The sending of the hundreds of military advisors to Vietnam showed the US military might and commitment to world leadership. If the US could not have sent its military advisors, the USSR and Korea could have continued with their dictatorship and war in the world.
Works Cited
Jamie, Wilson. Civil rights movement. New York: ABC-CLIO, 2013.Print.
Willbanks.James. Vietnam War. The essential reference guide. New York: ABC-CLIO, 2013.Print.