Generally speaking, teamwork is considered crucial at work and in school. With that knowledge in mind, how do you apply social skills to a achieve team work? In my experience as a soldier, the major question that I kept posing in my mind was if it is imperative for one to learn how to work with others in the team. The application of group work skill-set is slowly gaining particular attention both at a school and at the work level. What is the scholarly aspect did you discover? In the book on emotional intelligence at work, Goleman(2009) critically analyzes the application of social skills at work and school settings. He portends that the rubric that leads to promotion and demotion is the ability of an employee to demonstrate teamwork attributes such as empathy, understanding, and motivation.
What specific techniques have you applied in forming strong groups that achieved success? As team leader, therefore, I found out that I needed to possess the charismatic ability to incorporate the ideas of everyone. The simplest way to achieve complete cohesiveness is by allowing everyone to participate collectively. What did you notice when you gave everyone a chance to participate? When everybody gave their views, the group members had already felt the most logical solution to the task ahead. Baxter (2013) leads to the question, what abilities should you as a prudent group leader possess to help the members discover the solutions? The core challenge to achieving teamwork in a group is the lack of the opportunity to attain the position to obtain cohesion. Each member has unique solutions to a problem. They get to pick the sound idea unanimously.
Why the Technique Worked
Why do you think the technique above worked? In my opinion, everybody wants to feel respected therefore s group leader I had to incorporate the ideas of everyone in the group. The group leader needs to make everybody feel part of the team using the necessary social skills. What challenges did you face throughout the problem solving process? The dilemma posed is if the ultimate solutions from a team that is rich with diverse items outweigh the downside of slow decision making within a group set up. Panel discussions are faced with the challenge of non-participating members. Those are classes of individuals who keep to themselves either due to their young ages or it being their temperament.
Reference List
Baxter, J. S. (2013). Re‐engineering a valuation degree: how did we get here and where do we go? Journal of Property Investment & Finance, Vol. 25 Iss: 5, 444 - 467.
Goleman, D. (2009). Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York: Batman Publishers.