Stress is an elevation in a person’s state of arousal caused by stimulus or demand. It is very important to realize that as stress arousal increases, a person’s performance increases, but to a point where arousal reaches the peak. Thereafter, all that was gained by stress is lost by the deterioration of health, and performance begins to come down. Emergency stress management is a process that provides you with simple workable methods to help people with emotional problems that arise from an unusual stressful occurrence. Stress can be caused by a verity of stressors that include job and work place related, financial problems, personal relation, responsibility among other main causes. Many people are faced with common stressors that make them stressed in as much as the stressors may vary from person to person.
Just as realized, stress can be positive since it may help us achieve some goal that is when it is managed within the limits. When stress goes beyond the acceptable level, then stress become harmful since is causes a lot of negative results which may include serious health problems, disruption of the body systems, and increased blood pressure among other complications. It therefore, means that close to every time, were confronted by stressing situations (Davidson, 2001). It is thus very important to look for immediate solutions to the stress that emerges during our day today activities. In order to manage stress there are some things one ought to do especially when confronted with an emergency, these will help to manage emergency stress.
Taking a deep breath is one of the most common and efficient ways of managing emergency stress. In order to deal with emergency stress, it is very important to ensure a total change in the diet but better still; research has it that, taking a deep breath has relatively the same implications. The breathing exercise is very effective in this kind of situation, it is very significant in senses that several researches have been conducted which have come up with the conclusion that, the greatest cause of many accidents lies behind emergency stress, by taking a deep breath, one is able to get relieved of such stressors (Seaward, & American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2000). However, it is also very hard to ensure that one effectively breaths to manage stress. In order to effectively perform the deep breathing exercise, one has to do the following. Siting frequently in a comfortable position to ensure that there is no disturbance and comfort is attained, close the eyes gently.
After the above, one can then proceed to breathe slowly and deeply. It is very important to concentrate on the breathing because if one starts to wonder from this exercise, he or she may not achieve the best results (Davidson, 2001). You will have to repeat the same for ten to twenty minutes so that it is effective. This may however look very impossible but when done, it will enable the mind to settle and one will achieve better results. When this exercise is done frequently, it will help an individual, in the process of relaxation, one is supposed to choose a word or phrase that may be significant so that it is repeated when relaxing.
The other way of managing stress is through meditation. The nervous system is very much responsible for maintaining the body’s internal conditions. The system is thus liked to the emotions since it responds to different situations. Generally the nervous system is divided into two which is the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems (Seaward, & American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2000). The sympathetic is very much responsible for the stimulating of the body. The most common emotion that originates from this system is the fight and flight response that is very common in human beings, however, there are several other responses that originates from the same system including anger or fear that in most cases cause stress.
Having looked at the sympathetic nervous system, it is very important to also take a glance at the parasympathetic nervous system whose work is a direct opposite of the sympathetic. While the sympathetic stimulates the body, the parasympathetic tries to deactivate the body, in other words, it tries to slow down the processes of the body (Seaward, & American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2000). The parasympathetic system is very important in the meditation process that helps to manage this kind of stress. In as much as this way of responding to stress is not very different from the deep breath that was discussed before, the deep breath involved in meditation always stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system that slows down the heart beat eventually lowering the unnecessary muscle tension thus managing stress.
Managing emergency stress may look difficult because of all that it brings about. Many people may fear talking about this kind of stress, despite that fact that it is equally easy to deal with it. Ensuring that the above mentioned process of managing this kind of stress is well followed, it will enable anybody confronted with stress to easily manage it. The problem only arises when one looks at this process to be hard to meet the intended outcomes.
Davidson, J. (2001). Stress management. Indianapolis, Ind: Macmillan USA.
Seaward, B. L., & American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2000). Managing stress in emergency medical services. Boston: Jones & Bartlett.