Dear Decision-maker
Since my total credits exceed 150% of what’s required and I am in dire need of financial assistance to finish your program and obtain my degree, this letter presents a thorough explanation along with valid reasons for this unusual situation.
I have worked diligently to maintain a 2.9 GPA and successfully complete all course assignments over the past three-plus years at NOVA. However, being a full-time student and having to work part-time to support my family (e.g., rent, food, insurance, auto expenses) as well as cover personal living cost, there is little money remaining for books and tuition. My employer, Macy’s, has only allowed me to work 12 to 15 hours (i.e., 20 hours maximum), which doesn’t provide enough money to cover educational expenses.
When my family moved to America in 2004, this additional expense, in part, started when my father became a liver disease patient in 2010 and was no longer able to work. Therefore, I am unable to meet financial obligations for school as a result of this unexpected situation. I have only one more semester to complete before earning my General Study in Science degree, which also includes Healthcare Administration transfer credits plus credits for E-commerce certification. Collectively, these areas of study resulted in exceeding credits by 150%, which I didn’t realize would happen initially.
Once obtaining my degree, I can embark on an exciting, fulfilling career and continue to support my family. Therefore, I humbly requests supportive consideration regarding my unfortunate financial circumstances.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this appeal request. I look forward to your decision, which I hope will be favorable. Given the financial support needed and opportunity to complete my degree in Fall 2014, I will definitely become an alumni that NOVA can be proud of.
“Money is to my social existence what health is to my body.”