The paper outlines the effect of drug abuse to the people of Kansas.
Cocaine is listed as one of the drugs with a deleterious effect on the social system of the Kansas.
Thesis Statement
Cocaine has medicinal value. It is helpful reducing the pain of cancer patients. Nevertheless, it is peddled for illegal purposes in the black market.
The use of cocaine for other uses other than for medication should be abolished.
The paper discusses the effects of the illegal use of cocaine in the state of Kansas.
Cocaine abuse has affected the young generation and reduced their productivity in life.
Research showed that cocaine is one of the most expensive drugs in the world. It has diluted family values and societal morals.
Rehabilitation centers should be established to help cocaine addicts to recover.
The youth should be sensitized about the effects of drug abuse.
Drug Abuse is the use of drugs for reasons other than the purpose the drug is designated to. In this regard, therefore, drug abuse refers to the use of drugs that can either be of medicinal value or non-medicinal value. The Drug Centre located in Washington dictates that, drugs form an important aspect of the society. Their relevance comes into play since almost all aspects of the society fall relevant drugs. In this study, drug abuse that is the use of cocaine in Kansas forms a pertinent aspect to social life, economic life and political inclinations of the state. In my analysis of the effects and the impacts of the use of cocaine, I will be able to come to a conclusive ground on the possible initiatives that can be undertaken end the illegal use of cocaine. In this context, the rate of cocaine abuse by youths and middle aged men and women of Kansas has been on an overwhelming scale.
In my envisioned study and analysis of my study problem, I look forward to coming to a conclusive position on factors that should be regarded by state actors, society at large and all key players as far as the affairs of the people of Kansas are concerned. Recently, the Kansas rehabilitation center that was established by the state brought to light that, in the number of reported incidences of drug users, Cocaine took center stage. It was also notable to state that, youths prevailed in domination. On the same note, Barrack Obama made remarks that, deviant behavior among young people has significantly increased as a result of drug abuse .The social structure of marriage and families not any more strong and committed as it was in the past. Fathers and mothers who partake of the drugs tend to be disinterested with aspects that pertain their responsibilities. Recently, the Pennsylvania Drugs research center found out that, economically, cocaine is rated as among the most expensive drugs in the world. Following this fact that was devised by John Lyn and his team, resources that would have been placed under better use are wasted.
Political efforts to curb the menace have more than often been thwarted. Directions for future developmental aspects of Kansas State have hit a standstill. In this study, the solutions to this problem will be found. Also, this study is timely and specific. It is in the response of a significant upward rise in Cocaine Abuse.