Policy Number: 7.0
Section: Health
Policy: This is a child care facility for children free from illness, only. Parents are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the illness policies, while the teachers are responsible for enforcing these policies and maintaining a healthy child care environment for all.
A child showing symptoms of sickness, or cannot participate in activities throughout a normal day, cannot be brought to the child care facility. The teacher is responsible for the following procedures:
A visual inspection at drop-off will screen the child for the following symptoms:
Fever: temperature of 101°F orally or 102°F rectally.
Fever, plus additional symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, earache, rash, or confusion.
Diarrhea: production of loose stools more than twice within a 4-hour period.
Vomiting: more than twice in a 24-hour period.
Sore throat, swollen glands, hacking or continuous coughing, or breathing trouble.
Discharge from the nose, eyes, or ears.
Spots similar to childhood diseases, including ringworm.
Recurrent scratching on the head or body, including lice or a rash.
Inconsolable crying or extreme irritability.
Handwashing and other sanitary practices will be encouraged throughout the day to reduce the spread of illness.
If a child develops symptoms while at the child care facility, the teacher will contact the parents immediately. Parents will then have one (1) hour to obtain their child from the facility.
Emergency contacts will be contacted to obtain the child in the following situations:
Parent is unreachable, and/or
Parent does not show up in one (1) hour.
When the child has been clear of symptoms for 24 – 48 hours they will be able to rejoin their classroom at the child care facility.
If antibiotics are prescribed, the child can return to the child care facility 24 – 48 hours after the first dose.
If the child has allergies or non-communicable conditions, they are not required to defer participation. Verification from a doctor will be required in these cases.
Questions regarding a child’s attendance during and/or after illness will be directed to the facility’s onsite director.
Cleanliness & Hygiene
Policy Number: 8.0
Section: Health
Policy: The teacher will encourage frequent handwashing and other sanitary procedures throughout the day to reduce the spread of illnesses.
Each teacher must comply with the following:
Children’s hands will be washed when dirty and at the following times:
After using the bathroom
Before and after meals and snacks
After returning inside from outdoors
Paper towels will be used to dry hands, to avoid using the same towel.
If the parents provide a toothbrush and toothpaste, the child’s teeth will be brushed after meals and snacks.
Infants will sleep in separate cribs, with clean sheets used only by them.
Toddlers will sleep on washable nap mats, which will be wiped with disinfectant at the end of each day and washed with soap and water once a week.
Each child will be provided with a sheet and blanket that are washed weekly, unless they are soiled, then they will be washed as frequently as required.
Children use separate cups, plates, bowls and cutlery that are washed with soap and hot water at the end of each meal and snack.
Highchairs and booster seats will be washed and wiped with disinfectant after each use.
Toilets and potty chairs will be wiped with disinfectant after each use and washed with soap and hot water once a week unless they are soiled, then they will be washed as frequently as required.
Medical Emergencies
Policy Number: 9.0
Section: Health
Policy: The teacher will be fully trained and capable of handling minor medical emergencies. Minor medical emergencies will be dealt with by the teacher, using the classroom first aid kit. Major medical emergencies will be referred to the appropriate medical and/or emergency personnel.
In the case of an emergency, the teacher will comply with the following procedures:
Children will be monitored at all times and the facility will be childproofed, in order to maintain safe environment for children and employees.
Minor injuries will receive proper attention from a teacher or staff member trained in first aid. The child will then return to their classroom to finish the day.
Major injuries and/or illnesses will be referred to the nearest hospital for professional emergency care. An ambulance will be called to transport the child.
Notify the parents of the incident.
If it is a minor emergency, the parents will be notified and decide whether to pick up the child or not.
If it is a major emergency, the parents will be notified and asked to convene with a staff member at the child care facility or the nearest hospital, if the child was taken there.
The costs associated with emergency transportation, if needed, and all health care will be covered by the parents.
The child care facility is not legally responsible for sickness and/or injuries incurred by parents, guardians, or children while on their premises.