It is amazing to note that the designers of the syllabus were up to their task. The syllabus offered at ASU in general have unique qualities aimed at giving student’s the very best while at the same time preparing them to fruitfully interact with people from other disciplines and the world as a whole. This paper presents a case in point that demonstrates just what the syllabus aims at producing. It shows, beyond reasonable doubts that course subjects are interrelated and that they all build a pyramid that leads to personal development be it academic or otherwise. Focusing on the course content of LIA 294, Introduction to liberal arts and sciences, with regard to other disciplines for example reveals a number of interesting scenarios hereby discussed.
Academic Content and Interrelationships
There exists a very cross correlation between this course subject, LIA 294 and the course REL 207. LIA 294 forms a basic foundation on which the course REL 207 is built and practiced in real life. The later examines the operation of symbols, ritual and myths in society as a whole while the former gives skills that are vital for such analysis. The study of human cultures in order to single out specific cultural aspects such as symbols and rituals require analysis and research skills .Such skills are gained through LIA 294. The subject brings into focus various skills that are used for research endeavors as well as internships. A comprehensive analysis of human cultures in various regions cannot be done without research being conducted. Learning different cultures from different countries and religions requires an understanding on international affairs an aspect that is taught under study abroad office in LIA 294.
The two disciplines can be said to complement one another and knowledge in any one of them boosts the practice of the other in a real life situation. A proper understanding of people’s religious beliefs with regard to rituals and myths can enhance cooperation. The knowledge of such cultural beliefs and practices becomes useful to teaching about the understanding between students and course instructors. In this case knowledge gained through REL 2007 about culture can be vital in enforcing understanding between various people involved in the teaching and learning of LIA294.
Financial management, time management decision making and goal setting are vital aspects often taught in LIA 294.These skills are vital for academic development making the subject bare unique importance to the other courses and disciplines. Financial management, for example, goes a long way to influence once availability for lectures and other academic endeavors. Such skills are cannot be ignored by any one bent towards succeeding in the course as a whole. The course is designed to enable learners acquire skills of personal management and decision making which are key to once academic success
The subject brings a student to task regarding his personal academic life. It not only teaches key skills for academic development such as research but also enhances cordial relationships between lecturers and students. Such communication skills once adopted are maintained throughout the lifespan of the course and thereafter in the career and extended to people in other disciplines. The course helps develop other intellectual human skills that can be used during interviews as well as internships that would enable one in learning and analyzing the various cultural symbols, myths and rituals as is the case with REL 207 students.
In conclusion, the two disciplines, REL 207 and LIA 294, are closely correlated. As observed earlier, knowledge in one boosts the understanding of the other. Both courses foster good interactions among human beings and are all aimed at developing once career and academic life. The two are give basic skills on which other courses can be built enhancing understanding. It has also been noted that knowledge gained in one course is vital towards developing the career taught in the other course. This interrelationship of ideas not only promotes cordial relationships amongst members of ASU but also that of the community as a whole.