Drug addiction has become a major concern to the government, as it is a major hindrance to countries prosperity. The use of drugs for a long period leads to getting addictive and it becomes hard to live without. The Government has started fighting use of drugs before it destroy the society and the economy. This essay shows that it is the duty of the government to stop the drug abuse from users and addicts in order to save both drug addicts and the country as a whole.
Government’s belief that addiction happens because of bad personal choices, weak character and an anti-social behavior’s. In tying to solve this addiction problem the government must realize that socially based perspectives has little to offer. Government sees addictive behavior as being sinful or criminal. This social judgment’s do not help the addict but rather make them feel helpless, weak and even ashamed. In trying to change, a behavior that is in direct conflict with the natural drives of an individual by force is dangerous. It will usually lead to self-hate and sometimes lead to suicide. However, the government can improve the treatment success by having each different kind of addiction well distinguished and then approached individually. The government must put in measures in treatment of the addicts where the initial reason to use the drug are sought. Treating addiction is next to impossible if the initial reason for the repeated use is unknown. The government should then modify the addictive behavior of the addicts by presenting a different kind of reward for behaving differently. A non-addictive behavior that attains the same reward or a motivationally preferred combination of the two has to be in place.
The addiction problem can s be done away with if the necessary laws and policies are put in place. These laws and policies are in an effort to discourage the drug use and eventually the addiction. The government should emphasize on prevention rather than on incarceration. This is preventing drug use before it happens particularly among the young people in the most cost effective way. Training of professionals who can detect the addiction before it grows is much more effective than dealing with consequences of addiction and the criminal justice later on. By having programs like screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment there will be promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevent addictive disorders from taking hold, and reduce the number of people entering the criminal justice system. There should be a smart on crime policy approach to drug enforcement. Crime and drug abuse go hand in hand and having a drug free society without addicts is protecting the public health and the safety of citizens. These strategies should help break the cycle of drugs use, crime and incarceration. Reforms like expansion of specialized courts diverting non-violent drug offenders into treatment instead of prison would be a good policy that needs to be implemented. There should be reforms like re entry programs into the society by first time offenders, support their recovery from addiction and help avoid a return to the addiction menace.
Drug addiction has negative effect on the academic performance of students. Addiction among students will cause deviant behaviors that are not restricted to a particular gender .To help curb addiction in academically a few factors needs to be in place. Teachers should provide moral, psychological and physical support to their students. Parents should motivate their children to achieve a balanced academic and social life. School authorities should provide recreational and sporting activities for their students to help them take their minds off from activities that do not concur with their education. The government should support the learning institutions by ensuring that adequate facilities are in place in order to make the learning and teaching environment conducive. The most common cause of drug abuse, which in turn leads to addiction, is curiosity, need for acceptance for acceptance by friends, lack of knowledge about dangers of drug abuse and easy availability of drugs. The commonly used types of drug include alcohol and marijuana all of which cause addiction. Others include tobacco, khat and sleeping pills. The sources of these drugs into schools include cinema halls, small shops near schools and friends. To help curb this menace of use and addiction of drugs in schools a few measures have to be in place; they include setting up of guidance and counseling and teaching about the drug use and abuse as a subject. There should also be close monitoring of students by teachers, parents and the community at large. The government should aid in curbing the problem in the learning institutions, as it will be helping a future generation.
In helping deal with the drug, addiction problem the government will also be securing and ensuring security to its citizens. The country will also have healthy citizens who are energetic and responsible. The government has the machinery and resources to deal with this problem and the government should do so effectively.