Barth, Emmy. An Embassy Besieged: The Story of the Christian Community in Nazi Germany. Eugene, Or: Cascade Books, 2010. Print.
This book elaborates the efforts of Adolf Hitler and its political system while trying to eliminate Christianity in Germany. The book uses relevant sources of information making it reliable for the study of the history of Germany in relation to the dictatorship of Hitler against Christianity. This is of the essence in ensuring that the historians have relevant facts pertaining to the acts of dictatorship perpetrated by Hitler. The author of this book is an experienced lecturer of political science and social studies making the book valid and reliable for research.
Bergman, Jerry. Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Caused the Greatest Holocaust in World History. Kitchener, Ont: Joshua Press, 2012. Print.
This book shows the secular aspects of Nazi religion in German. It clearly gives the impact of Nazi religion that was against the aspects of Christianity in Germany. This was a religion dominated by one superior race in Germany. The authors of this book are experts in political science and internal religions making the book a reliable source for research. This source is also sufficient in that it provides full analysis and account of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi religion in Germany.
Comfort, Ray. Hitler, God, & the Bible. Washington, D.C: WND Books, 2012. Print.
FitzGerald, Michael. The Nazi Occult War: Hitler's Compact with the Forces of Evil. London: Arcturus Pub, 2013. Print.
This source gives an elaboration the relationship of Hitler, God and the Bible. The book gives the childhood history of Hitler as son brought up in the Catholic Church. The book also explains how Hitler gradually turned into the aspect of secularism. The information in this book is accurate and reliable since it relates to the direct history of Hitler and the historical trends is also provided by the author.
FitzGerald, Michael. The Nazi Occult War: Hitler's Compact with the Forces of Evil. New York: Metro Books, 2013. Print.
This source gives an elaboration of how the Nazi occult facilitated the aspects of war in Germany. The political dominion in Nazi religion is well elaborated and the mental torture it had on the population. This also gives emphasis on political religion in Germany. This source is reliable and valid because the authors have wide experience in historical and social studies. This book draws a lot from the other sources making it sufficient in provision of information for this topic of research.
Mendes-Flohr, Paul R, and Jehuda Reinharz. The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Print.
This book elaborates the aspects of war and dictatorship of Hitler in relation to the lives of Jews. The nature of Nazism and secularism is well elaborated in this book. The author provides sufficient evidence of the data used in writing this history. The expertise of the authors of this book makes it relevant and reliable in research. The issue of Nazism in relation to Hitler is not detailed in this book. This book has borrowed heavily from other sources of history making it an important tool in research.
Metaxas, Eric. Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: a Righteous Gentile Vs. The Third Reich. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011. Print.
This book gives an analysis of various issues relating to the prophet, spy and pastor. The aspects relating to the righteousness of the Gentiles are also discussed in details. This source is very relevant to the topic of study. The authors are also experienced in religious studies making it very appropriate for use in research.
Orlow, Dietrich. Nazi Party 1919-1945: A Complete History. New York: Enigma Books, 2008. Print.
This source gives the historical analysis of the practices and strategies used by Hitler against Christianity. The source provides adequate information that is necessary for studying the politics of Adolf Hitler and Nazism religion in Germany. This source is reliable and valid for research due to the evidence attached to the book. This makes the book very appropriate for purposes of research. The book is also reliable due to the supportive information from credible sources.
Stackelberg, Roderick. Hitler's Germany: Origins, Interpretations, Legacies. London: Routledge, 2009. Print.
This book elaborates the history of Germany in relation to the leadership of Adolf Hitler. The origins and aspirations for the dictatorship of Hitler are well reflected by the authors of this book. The information provided by the authors is accurate and sufficient for research purposes. The authors have extensive experience in social studies making the book reliable for research. The authors of this book are experts in the field of political science and social studies making it relevant for research.
In conclusion, the leadership of Adolf Hitler with the use of secular aspects of Nazism religion are responsible for various mental and psychological disorders. Adolf Hitler used the political religion called Nazism in order to oppress the Christians in his era of leadership. The torture of Hitler on Christians is evident reason for the psychological effects on people. This resulted in many cases of mental illness on the victims of torture. The inhumane acts of Hitler led to the mental torture on most victims.
The cases of mental illness as a result of torture and persecution of people of Christian religion by the leadership of Adolf Hitler. The mental effects on people are very rampant in German due to the persecution and torture of people of the Christian religion.
The ideas of Adolf Hitler with respect to Christianity heavily conflicted with the public interest. This conflict was because Hitler wanted to eliminate Christianity as a religion in Germany. This conflict led to war and torture of Christians on various grounds. The aspects of torture and persecution of Christians led to mental illness. The people who were involved in torturing the Christians also suffered from various conditions of mental disturbance and instability in the lives of individuals.