This paper will explore the opportunities accessible for employed adults to continue their studies. Education needs to change from a process of conditioning to empowerment while learning needs to change from a homogeneous commodity to a customized experience to the needs and individual characteristics. Andragogy learning concepts relates to the program delivered through the non-traditional educational model. The main perception of EMAB program no longer holds true to all level of managers, that is, more employed adults from different executive levels are enrolled to the program. Periods of rapid change are driven by its development in information and technology. The essential thing in adult learning is relevant to the working adults to adapt and improve their knowledge. Globally, adults in middle ages can compete with full knowledge in educational system.
The greatest challenge of a higher learning institution is to deliver methods and identify instructions to enhance adult learning process. This is to express personal views and ability in the current technology delivered by the higher education system. Technology has a great contribution in terms of learning and social change. Adults, as learners, need to continue their studies in order to enhance their potentials. Adult education is a process of evaluation on experience that is the concept of andragogy. In the 1950s, European educators used the term andragogy. Educators discussed the knowledge about adult learners that corresponds in pedagogy. In this part, the executive MBA suggests to the working adults who are decided to continue their studies with no hesitation. EMBA programs are delivered through the non-traditional educational model that relates to the andragogy learning concepts. Teaching new facts is not only focus on adult education; it is also applied to continued brain development and quality trainings. Adult learning is strongly identified with personal development and community change.
How to Train the Aging Brain
Problem arise during middle age, for instance, a person after reading a favorite book is certain about the main points but tend to forget important details. Brains in middle age are easily distracted from the environment. After thorough consideration, a person will ask if an old brain can learn more. In other words, if the old brain the person has is still allowed to continue or go back in a learning institution. Over the years, scientists had various studies on how brains came into age. As a confirmation, brain continuously develops through and beyond middle age. Deborah M. burke, a professor in Psychology, explained about the research about “tots” tip-of-the-tongue times. When a person has an idea in mind but cannot express it. Research shows that an incident like tip-of-the-tongue times increase in a portion due to neural connections that receive, process, and transmit information. In recent research, found out that when the brain pass through middle age gets better in recognizing idea.
In order to keep the brain in good state, there are important things to do. According to Professor Kathleen Taylor, adults may not always learn that fast but adults are set up for another step of development, so teach them effectively. Adults need to blend with other individuals to gain richer form of learning. At the same time, hang around with those people that are agreeable enough and explore more on things that can help establish brain connections. Scientists suggested that adults must keep their brain in tune, get out of the comfort zone to nourish the brain and keep developing as well.
Adult Learning Theory
The first major area of learning is the self-directed learning that uses the experience. It integrates new ideas to the existing career and individual aspect. It is an advantage for the time-conscious student and its application to real-life problem solving. Critical reflection is second area of learning in which Brookfield observes it as the psychological development of an adult. This explains the ability of an adult learner to think critically. Lindeman introduced the experiential learning that emphasized on the experience of the employed adult. The process of continuous personal evaluation is the core of the adult education. Lindeman, the fact that teachers find a new role, captures the essence of learning. The teacher guides the students, participates in proportion to learning with vital facts. In other words, the conception of the adult education is a venture in informal learning. Its purpose is to find the significance of experience. A challenge in human mind that helps formulates our behavior and to apply techniques for adults that makes education productive.
The last area of learning is the learning to learn, an ability of an adult seen in a range of various situation and a range of different styles. Traditional teaching is a teacher-centered instruction; the sage on the stage is the teacher. The definition is given by the teachers, provide direction, explain problems, answer questions, and present information to students. The non-traditional teaching is a student-centered instruction, characterized by the phrase; the teacher is the guide to the side. There are five issues of andragogy model; first is to let the learners know that learning is important. Second show the learners how to direct themselves through information and third is to relate the topic to the learners’ experiences. In addition, the fourth let the learners ready and motivated to learn. Lastly, requires the learners to overcome inhibitions, behavior, and about learning. The concept of andragogy in development differs from the concept of pedagogy. Mainly, the development of andragogy, popularized by Knowles is based on a process design while the development of pedagogy is based on a content plan or passive-based. Knowles explained that andragogy is a learner-focused theory. The theory is criticized because it is applied to younger learners. After the evidence is presented, it is said that adults do not learn best in andragogy and children do not always learn best in pedagogy.
The EMBA programs are delivered through the non-traditional educational model and relates to the andragogy learning concepts. Ideally, this program is solely modeled for managers in an average level or higher with level. This program is now open to everyone as long as the employed adult is interested to enroll for MBA. More employed adults enrolled in this program because it offers a good quality and professionally competitive globally. Education industry is widely affected by the materialization of communication and information technologies. The increased number of interactive educational method, conventional service became outdated. It is suggested by the educational literature to increase the number of new system in education that is useful for the improvement of teaching method. The improvement on teaching method is relevant to meet the satisfaction of the learners to compete in the market. Evolution of the education system brings multiple significant outputs to the economy focusing to the employed adults. Technology provides opportunities for learning programs to deliver a better service for the needs of students, and working adults in particular.
The non-traditional learning such as e-learning, online, and video conferencing is moving forward. Good qualities of information and materials of learning in low cost are provided by the technology. Online classroom stimulates learning to expand the student’s idea through electronic forums, group discussion, internet chat, and electronic mails. The non-traditional teaching system used the internet and the worldwide web in learning. Technology has its advantages and disadvantages towards adult learning. The benefits or advantages of non-traditional system is to provide opportunity to the learners especially the adults who are working and needs to continue their studies.
These advantages are the access of instant materials in learning and it is convenient, good learning retention, flexible to learning, minimal disruption of family and work life responsibilities, elimination of time and geographical limitations and increased peer interaction. The disadvantages of technology for the students are the management skills are mandatory, isolated from peers, no motivational factor, and the lack of attention to actual needs and difficulties that surface during studies. Other disadvantages are the limited access in internet, which hinders the delivery of signals to its destination. Learner encounters difficulties on technicalities such as the ability to operate a computer. The reason for this lack of ability is the lack of training. The problem in some rural areas is the internet connection. Individuals of the information age need different kinds of skills compared to the industrial age.
Constructivism principles are needed in education to allow students through dynamic practice in learning. On the other hand, technology development provides interesting view in learning. The best thing to do is be part of the executive MBA, especially the employed adults. The adult learning process is a sophisticated way to help adults learn the best of it and be more effective to its individual career and globally competitive.
Strauch, Barbara (December 29, 2009). How to Train the Aging Brain. The New York
Times. Retrieved from
Rise, Gabriel (October 10, 2006). Adult Learning Theory. Education Article. Retrieved from