During thirteen weeks I have gone through a long way of researching career and peculiarities of work from different perspectives, which have revealed many new and unusual features of my personality and let me study my character from different perspectives. During the first five weeks I had an interesting experience of estimating my own career choices and work preferences; I have analyzed my own life in this aspect. Luckily, I stayed satisfied with my life choice even after profound examination and speculations and got affirmed that I do what I like. I had a wonderful chance to analyze my nature and check if it suits to the recommendation and demands of the work area that I work in. During the weeks 6-7 I could analyze my past and make predictions about my future concerning work life and career. Thus, the first weeks devoted to detailed analysis and evaluation allowed to hold an absorbing psychological self-analysis and evaluate my skills. When I studied ethical issues during weeks 10-11, I learnt much useful about ethics in general and relationships at work, in particular. Moreover, this study of relationships in the office let me consider the situation at my workplace and work out my point of view regarding communication with my colleagues and the head. At the end all these kinds of writing experience developed into a journalistic profile, where my thought and ideas got expressed in a coherent and concise form. Eventually, this research has let me evaluate my own goals about life and work and compare them to my opportunities and skills. I mused on my desires and critically estimated my chances to achieve the goals that I have set for myself long ago.
Another important aspect is the development and improvement of my writing skills during these fourteen weeks. I have worked on some significant aspects of writing, including the coherent expression of though and logical narration, comprising a large amount of ideas on a small space in short, peculiar points, etc. I believe, my writing skills have improved after this work.