My field of study is connected with different economical and business issues and problems, connected with it. In the modern world business has become a complex entity with many issues and nuances of human relationships and ethics. One of the basic and most obvious ethical issues is trust and honesty. Each businessman one day faces the situation where he/she must choose between honesty and personal profit and benefit. The most popular kinds of relationship in business are relationships between partners (the so-called B2B) and relationships between a company and its clients (also known as B2C). In both kinds the interaction between two people can be based on mutual trust and support or on the selfish desire to gain as much from each other as possible without paying back. In such cases personal ethics and conscience of a person shows its face and influences his/her thoughts, ideas, and actions, which can direct the successful development of the company. For example, a person must choose whether to sign the agreement with the partner, who adheres to diametrically different ideas or follows the indecent path in life, but the cooperation with him/her will contribute to successful development of company.
Another important ethical issue which aroused my interest is connected with employment and discrimination, mostly in male environment. As a businessman, you hire different kinds of people from different social strata, of different age and gender, with various views and hobbies. Thus, in a relatively large office conflict cannot be avoided but at the same time it is inevitable. In such cases all the staff deals with ethics – employees work with each other and decide for themselves whether they base on personal relationships or professional cooperation. As for employers, they also face a few ethical issues. For example, they must follow the rules of subordination and choose the appropriate style in the interaction with the staff. Another example is the settlement of conflicts, (for instance, based on discrimination) when the boss must make a choice and follow either his/her personal convictions, general moral values, or the labour contract serving the interest of the company. Any decision will cause different, maybe even surprising consequences and either improve or harm the atmosphere and micro-climate at work.