Ever since the Affordable Care Act, more popularly known as Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, there has been a major overhaul in the health services that the community provides. One of the aspects that was changed was in terms of emergency medical services, commonly abbreviated to EMS. Since EMS is commonly handled by the fire department in various communities as well, they too are affected in this service. In fact, the changes made to the EMS system have a major impact regarding the relationship between hospitals and fire departments, and may prompt the latter in changing its policies and regulations to adapt with the revisions of the EMS system.
One such article by Randy Bruegman in 2014, entitled “Fire Services at a Crossroads: Opportunity for Innovation is at Hand” outlines the history of the fire department and EMS services, discusses how the implementations of the Affordable Care Act affects the fire department, and tries to foresee the future of the fire department regarding this conundrum. Based on the article, some questions regarding the issue can be answered so as to understand the concept at hand.
‘Fire Services at a Crossroads’: A Summary
In the article, Bruegman first gives a history of the fire department responsibilities. At first, fire departments are confined to anything fire-related, such as responding to fire emergencies and calls. They are also involved in inspecting the safety of buildings and infrastructures against fire incidences and the likes. Back then, fire-related emergencies were mostly consigned to hospitals, where they will be given prompt medical attention.
However, new policies and an outlook on things considerably improved codes regarding building and their safety regulations against emergencies and accidents such as fires, and as a result the accidents and situations in which fire departments must attend to have considerably decreased. In order to keep up with this, the fire department has also taken to responding to emergency medical services as well. In other words, it works hand-in-hand with the hospital to provide medical services to people. This can be chalked up to fire workers having a better knowledge and more extensive background compared to the firefighters of yesteryears; nowadays they are equipped and versed in not only firefighting-related matters but emergency services as well.
As the community improves its standards on buildings and becomes informed on fire safety, there may come a time when it will depend on the fire department less and less each day. Bruegman states this may pose a problem to the fire department—it may soon face itself in a situation wherein their old ways are soon overwhelmed by the new demands of society, particularly in the light of the Affordable Care Act. For one, the move towards privatization of health care and shifting its focus to out-of-the-hospital care can pose a risk to the current job of firefighters. In order to alleviate this, he proposed that the fire services community should look for new ways and opportunities in which they can offer their services. For example, some fire departments are already incorporating paramedic services so that they can ensure that they can still be counted upon by the local community.
At the end, he concludes that the only way that fire departments can stay relevant in the shift in health care is by adaption and innovation, and he encourages that fire departments utilize this in the future.
Answers to Questions
Opportunities to Fire Service EMS
Now that there is a shift in the EMS in the Affordable Care Act, there are many opportunities available for fire service EMS such as making contact and developing relationships with pertinent communities in order to build a network of partners based on fire services. In addition, they can utilize this time to expand their knowledge and information so that they can provide better services to the community. In these ways, the fire department can ensure that their services will still be needed.
Implementation in the Organization
Among the cited opportunities, I believe that the most practical way to go is by doing extensive research on an improved strategic plan. For example, the resources that will be needed will have to be explicitly identified, and once they are known then a plan to achieve such resources will be implemented. The scope of the fire department can be extended to such activities like paramedical training and responding to emergencies.
Starting the Job as a Fire Chief
If I were a fire chief, I would have to remember that the first and foremost duty of a fire department worker is to provide service among the members of the community. With that said, I will look for ways in which our services will be needed and then focus on improving our skills in such services so that the fire department under my jurisdiction ensures that they will still be needed by the community. We can improve our plans and models so that it will take into consideration the changes in EMS service by the Obamaccare.
Bruegman, R. (2014). Fire service at a crossroads: Opportunity for innovation is at hand. ICMA Publications. Retrieved from