Air quality affects the environment, quality of life and the public health in general. Air pollution usually has very adverse effects on the respiratory system of human beings and other mammals, Raj (2010). It is responsible for the diseases affecting the heart and the lungs and to make the matters worst air pollution associated with cancer. However, due to the rising rates of Air pollution in Washington an Air quality program has been introduced to safeguard the environment and public health by reducing air pollution. In Washington the main sources of air pollution are, wood smoke, outdoor burning and motor vehicles.
The federal clean air act required EPA to set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for air pollutants. These standards were called National Ambient Air quality Standards (NAAQS).EPA categorized NAAQS in to two types: Primary and secondary standards. Primary standards limits to protecting public health including health for sensitive populations like children and the elderly while secondary standards limits to protect public welfare, including protection against decreased visibility ,crops ,vegetation, buildings and damage to animals.
Washington State has also established Washington ambient air Quality standards (WAAQS) to apply throughout the Washington state. There are both state and national ambient air quality standards and at least one local air agency has set a standard for its jurisdiction. It is worthwhile mentioning that local standards are primarily primary standards only. According to Mark (2011), this Ambient (outdoor) air quality standard exists to prevent air pollution from reaching levels that are harmful to public and environment.
Below is a comparison table between federal NAAQS and Washington state standards for maintenance of ambient air quality.
Washington’s standards Federal standards
Another very crucial job is in the Quality Environmental engineer. This is a docket that revolves around solving technical problems for air quality issues using project managerial skills also working in air permitting projects , including a new source review, PSD analysis and air dispersion modeling and performing schedule and budget expectations, cope of assignments and field work at industrial facilities. With the emergence of this docket, the ultimate quality of the air shall be controlled and hence due to the very demanding nature of the job several other support vacancies like junior assistant personnel will emerge to subordinate this docket.
Below is a brief summary of his duties.
Lastly, among the very important jobs in air pollution control currently in the Washington’s job market is the technical enforcement staff. His/her main duties include; auditing of public and private records on compliance with emission control regulation, evaluation of appropriate emission control technology types and documentation of issues relating to air pollution and assist air quality and vehicle emission control accomplish special air control project assignments.
Air quality regulations and their requirements have influenced the economy, environment and the society in general within Washington. According to Walsh (2012), more stringent air pollution standards could encourage, rather than restrict economical growth. Studies have been done by Washington’s air resource board, specifically on the ozone layer and the results indicate that on average, a reduction of ambient ozone by 10 parts-per-billion (ppb) were elated to a 4.2 percent increase in worker productivity. It is also observed that, outdoor pollution inevitably and to a much-extended amount, diminishes indoor quality and this reflects to a potential reduction in productivity of workers indoors.
There has been a tremendous impact especially on the society front in respect to the tight regulations that have been put on air regulation in Washington. Among the many benefits of this regulation to the society is that the residents of Washington State breathe a more pure air, which results to a much-reduced number of patients reported to be suffering from respiratory problems. Another very important mile stone achieved is that the emergency and implementation of the air regulation policies requires personnel to facilitate their implementation, this has created job opportunities for residents of Washington.
Below is a summary on the number of reported respiratory diseases against the amended air regulation rules.
Implementation of air regulatory policies has greatly aided in ensuring those industry owners, motor vehicle owners, farmers and the society in general to ensure that they conserve the environment at large. Ever since EPA introduced the levels of green house gases emitted from the green houses have greatly reduced .On the same line industries and smoke emitting vehicles that are unconditioned have been well managed by these regulations. It is quite evident that EPA regulations especially the secondary category have really aided in conservation of environment and especially vegetation that have been exposed to deforestation in order to obtain charcoal and to create room for human settlement
In summary, air quality regulation policies have greatly benefited the residents of Washington and the entire USA as they have created very clear policies on how to handle the air pollution menace which has created a more conducive and a healthy environment in Washington.
California Air Pollution Control Laws. Sacramento, Calif: California Air Resources Board, 1900. Print.
Strauss, Kurt H. The Impact of Us Environmental Regulations on Fuel Quality: [papers Presented at the Symposium Held in Austin, Tx on 11 Dec., 1991]. Philadelphia, Pa, 1993. Print.