Alcoholism is a very tentative social indulgent, activity, hobby or maybe a form of social medicinal assistance to people based on basic perceptions of the various factors that affect people. Alcoholism may be more specifically referred to as the consumption of alcohol persistently or mental illness associated with alcohol dependency.The rationale or motive behind this topic is to offer an insight to the effects and impacts of alcoholism on people, how we can filter the bad and impart the good or positive benefits of alcoholism on society in order to build a more positive social set up. The market niche for this project is the society in general trying to show the ingnorant populous about the positives and the perils of alcoholism.
According to a health line publication on alcoholism, written by Darla Burke Published on July 11, 2012, persistent alcoholic behavior results in the chemical change in the human brain resulting to alcohol cravings most of the time and the later stages of life. This results to more alcohol dependence therefore addiction.Research has shown that alcohol has a small amounts remaining in the urine and the mouth once ingested.Alcohol consumed depends on the size and the gender of an individual depending on the metabolism rate therefore people with high metabolism rate especially people with more fat digest alcohol slowly therefore tend to drink a lot. Alcohol consumption results to physical and emotional changes in the body of an individual.
Long-term effects on the body
Excretory system
The pancreases produces digestive juices that help digest and eliminate alcohol and toxic substances from the body.Excessisve alcohol consumption causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that inhibit proper function of the pancrease,inflammation of the pancreas a condition known as pancreatitis and in general the excretory system. The liver is supposed to breakdown toxic chemical substances. Excessive drinking can cause damage to the functioning of the liver that is alcoholic hepatitis which is characterized by jaundice, yellowing of the skin and eyes. Severe chronic liver conditions can lead to a condition known as cirrhosis. Women are prone to this disease according to the publication because their bodies are more likely to absorb more alcohol and take longer to absorb it. Combined, liver and pancreas failure nay lead to low blood sugar condition known as hypoglycemia which a very risky health hazard.
Central Nervous System
Alcohol affects part of the brain that affects speech and memory –it shrinks the frontal lobes of one’s brain leading to seizures and severe alcoholism can lead to total brain damage. This can result to numbness of one’s limbs. Withdrawal from heavy alcoholic drinking maybe difficult requiring detoxification. Withdrawal symptoms include:
-hallucinations and seizures
Digestive system
Heavy drinking can cause digestive tract conditions from the mouth to the end of the digestive system. This may be occasioned by ulcers along the throat, damaged salivary glands, tooth decay, tooth loss, abdominal fullness,diarrhea,intestinal bleeding due to internal ulcers or hemorrhoids caused by cirrhosis. This is majorly due to heavy drinking also associated with malnutrition and cancers. Gastro –intestinal cancer may also occur especially if combined with tobacco smoking.
Circulatory system
According to a publication, Alcohol Effects on Health and the Heart, moderate consumption of alcohol has been of help to the heart through increase in high density lipoprotein which is beneficial however overconsumption of alcohol may result to extra pounds which increase the risk of diabetes, liver disease and stroke. Moderate drinking improves one’s health however this is very specific.
Sex and reproductive health
According to a health-line article, ‘How alcohol affects the body ‘, erectile dysfunction may also result as a side effect of alcoholism affecting hormone reproduction and testicular functions. On the other hand women may face infertility, miscarriages, premature deliveries and even still birth due to alcoholism
According to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, compiled by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the “lowest coronary heart disease mortality occurs at an intake of one or two drinks per day.” This may be 12 ounces a day or thereabout
National institute of health released a study (2003) Light to moderate drinking reduces heart disease in men .This study showed that men who drank alcohol 3 or 4 times a week had 68% chance of heart disease compared to men who drank alcohol 7 days a week who had a lower chance of getting heart disease, that is, 63% chance.Thu study however states that moderate drinking is however very harmful to individuals. The study which was published on New England Journal of Medicine was based on information from the health professionals’ follow up analyses including dentists, optometrists, osteopathic physicians, veterinarians and podiatrists
In my view alcohol should be carefully approached both as source of enjoyment, entertainment as well as a subject that is tentative and requires deep insight on recurrent consequences on the users or parties. The negative effects outnumber the positive benefits of alcoholism thus the emphasis on moderation by health fraternities and concerned parties.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, issued under the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, outlines and elaborates moderate drinking for men as no more than 2 drinks per day which translates to less than 24 ounces of beer a day. Therefore we should highlight and try educating our societies in order to keep an alcohol moderated society
Lee - frye, B. (2008). Alcohol effects on health and the heart. Alcohol Effects Could Lead to the Extend of Lowering the Cholestrol Level.
A, P. (2014). How alcohol affect the body. Effects of Alcohol on the Body. Retrieved from .
Alcohr ol,wine and cardiovascular disease (2008). American Heart Association. Retrieved from
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse Alcoholism (NIAAA) (2003) Frequency of Light-to-Moderate Drinking Reduces Heart Disease Risk in Men NIAAA Press Office or NHLBI Communications Office