Arguably, by the end of World War II, Soviet Union and United states were fully entrenched as the most powerful nations in the globe. Since then, United States has countless duties and responsibilities that go along with being the most influential and powerful country in the entire world. In one way or another, United States is obligated in ensuring that leaders of various nations adhere to international law, and never harm or kill their citizens. United States began its intervening on genocide cases in Germany; their main goal was to prevent the occurrence of another Holocaust. Since then, multiple genocides have occurred in the world, it includes Rwanda, Cambodia, and Iraq. Genocide refers to a systematic and deliberate destruction, in part or all, of a political, racial, cultural, as well as a religious group. Therefore, there are various reasons why America should intervene in genocide situations in the world. These reasons include preserving dignity of human rights, national interest, restoration of democracy, as well as preserving its status quo.
Undoubtedly, American intervention in situations like genocide should be conducted in a humane and civilized for it to be justified. In most cases, United States intervene by promptly jumping to use of military forces, instead of asserting its impact using wanted and needed strategies. The main reason why America intervenes in genocide crisis is to uphold human rights and dignity. Certainly, the argument is based on a humanitarian ground. The appropriate and just humanitarian intervention should be found on expectations of a rational expectation of instantaneous success in stopping and preventing genocide.
America intervene genocide cases through the provision of food and other humanitarian aid. Despite the fact that many nations in the world criticize the interest of America in intervention, United States genuinely intervenes to help those who are displace, and injured. Additionally, preservation of human rights in the world is extremely crucial. Genocide is a total violation of human rights, and human act. Hence, United States intervenes to protect the violation of human rights in the affected nations. United States should intervene on genocide based of humanitarianism because there is need, authorization, as well as moral justification.
United States intervenes in genocide situation for economic reasons. American government admits they are focused on international responsibility and duty to end genocide, but financial and economic interests of America take the centre stage. As a matter of fact, America should intervene in countries affected by genocide so as to protect their markets. For example, most countries affected by genocide are trade partners of America; hence, in times of crisis the demand and supply between the two national will come to a standstill. America as a nation depend on other nations for imports and exports, therefore, intervention is essential so s to protect the economy. Perhaps, the economic implication of intervening on genocide can be analyzed using Rwandan genocide. When United States has no real interest in the country, and is going to spend a lot of money and man-power they opt not to act. This shows that America should intervene to preserve its trade, and other financial gains.
United Nation is believed to be the world super powers; this began after the end of Second World War. This implies that American has the best security personal, ammunitions, as well as recourses. Hence, United States should intervene during genocide situation to maintain their status quo of being super powers in the world. The Security Council and military of the world follow the lead of United States military. Perhaps, America should intervene in cases of genocide to install democracy, as well as solving the causes of genocide. For example, in the year 2003 George Bush justified their intervention in Iraq, claiming that it was a for the purpose of preemptive defense. United States is experienced in intervening genocide situation, they achieved this through the advancement and development of international rules and norms.
Apart from American intervention, the world needs to be creative and discover other breakthrough strategies in making the world genocide free. Some of the strategies include strengthening actors and institutions of a GHRR (Global Human Rights Regime), articulating cogent philosophy of prevention, wise sanctions, as well as developing just humanitarian interventions. In addressing such issues, United States would not be much strained, and obligated to intervene in genocide situations.
Conclusively, it is clear that the United States preeminence in economic and military has made them the 21st century world leader. Hence, they should intervene to save the world from crisis. Before deciding to intervene, United States should analyze a few things, which include how serious is the situation, implication of intervening, impacts of intervention, cost of intervention, as well as external authorization. Nevertheless, the most challenging issue that prevents the intervention of United States on genocide situation is the issue of sovereignty. Most nations argue that America is interfering with other nation’s sovereignty for their own interest. As a nation, United States should intervene to protect human rights, their financial issues, status quo, as well as business partners.