Analysis about a Website
A website is a set of several web pages that are controlled by a single domain. It is an electronic form of communication where the technologically advanced society is informed through the channel. Most companies, government agencies, private companies and non-governmental organization use the website to display and advertise their products and services to the public.
Broward Housing solutions is a company that provides housing to low income earners who are mentally ill. This platform facilitates convey of information form one person to another within the society thus enabling access of a significant number of beneficiaries to the program.
For a website to get the attention of most visitors, it has to be designed in a unique way to counter the competitive force of similar companies who offer similar products and services.
A good website should be able to accommodate all essential features that are required. Moreover, it should be flexible to allow future changes and addition of content.
Type of website
This website is using blog software word press. It uses JavaScript library that is capable of searching and modifying an HTML document together with animation effects. It saves on memory space since it accommodates all the information within a 50kilobytes capacity. Besides, it supports both ping back and Really Simple Discovery for Blogs (RSD).It operates under one machine-readable E-Mail address which is susceptible to spam. The website uses a programming language called PHP that is commonly applied in many websites.
The Title of the Website
The Website’s title is “Broward Housing Solutions” that is within the sixty characters limit acceptably by the Search Engine Optimization (SEO).This confirms the efficiency experienced by the guest while navigating through the features.
Meta Description
The website developers did not install commands to describe Meta description.
Effectiveness of the Website
This website has an effectiveness of approximately 70 percent. This is an indication that the website can reach a significant number of users to attract new visitors. This is attributed to the magnificent display in the webpage where users can navigate on their own with little or no assistance.
Features of this website
A good website should be enticing to the viewer to enable one to concentrate on the content in the website. The following elements are necessary in a perfect website:
Convenient navigation
The website is well developed to enable proper navigation by the user. This enables easier understanding of the content. The features are conspicuous on the webpage and are clearly separated. Moreover, the icons are easier and quick to open. For example, some of the features are Home, Programms, about us, News, donations among others.
Captivating Design
The website has captivating colors that attract new and existing users. The words used are accurate and unambiguous.
The website is designed to enable an interactive section between the user and the website owners. The information incorporates-mail address, Fax, phone contacts and postal address.
Web browser Compatibility
This website is conveniently compatible with most web browsers. This facilitates quick access by the users
The images in this website are conspicuous and are a channel of silently communicating the content of the website
Sign-up Form
As an effective website, users can subscribe to the website to be premium members and receive annual newsletters form the company
Search Option
Like any other website, it has a search option that enhances quick navigation through the webpage. This application is essential to this website due to its large content.
Work Cited
Broward Housing Solutions® | Housing Opportunities for Browards Mental Health Community. N.P., 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. <>.