When little kids are first introduced to stories it is often in the form of fairy tales where there are clear-cut “good” characters and “bad” characters. This is not very realistic or representative of real life since in real life there are not really 100% good people and 100% evil people. In real life real people tend to be a mixture of both good and bad some being more one than other. A “hero” in a story is the good guy who is led by good intentions and does not have any character flaws. This essay looks at Batman and develops how he fits the description of anti-hero.
Anti-hero though is that character who is the main character in the story or film but lacks certain virtues that we associate with heroism. An example from popular culture is Batman. While he does good, he also must deal with his own dark past and the fact that he is operating outside of the realm of the law.
Wise Geek says calls ant-hero a “reluctant hero who does not consider himself capable of accomplishing the goal.” Batman often questions whether or not he is actually doing good by engaging in things outside of the law. The site goes on to list the reasons for the anti-hero’s reluctance. These include vices that could be considered opposite virtues that are associated with a hero. They include sullenness, selfishness, addiction, or simple incapability.
Batman, one could certainly say, is often sullen. He is sometimes gloomy and reflects on his own difficult past. But despite these personal problems that he has, he is often able to overcome them and stil be a force of good.
But it has grown and according to the same source it is almost as common in modern fiction as is the traditional hero. TV Tropes ads to the list of characteristics that Wise Geek offers. Saying that other characteristics defining some anti-heros include silence, being a loner and being of extreme abstinence or promiscuity. Superman, would be an example of the traditional hero while Batman could easily be seen as an anti-hero since his difficult past makes him deal with certain psychological issues that seem to affect his well-being in the present.
"Main/Anti-Hero - Television Tropes & Idioms ." Home Page - Television Tropes & Idioms . N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. <http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiHero>.
"What is an Anti-Hero?." wiseGEEK: clear answers for common questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2013. <http://www.wisegeek.org/what-is-an-anti-hero.htm>.