Educational systems have been faced by various challenges of making the system, a lot of propositions have been put forth to determine the effectiveness and adoption of particular standards, in this work, a particular proposition of similar nature, is proposed. It is intended to accommodate the questions of how and why the schools system needs to be changed. In this paper charter schools are proposed to bring a huge change to the education systems, with respect to accommodating the different types of students with different learning capabilities. This system attempts to change the usual way of teaching, firstly by involving the parents, and shunning students who do not perform well even after various warnings. However, how best to know if the standards that the charter schools bring on board? especially considering that, the traditional classroom curriculum stakeholders have shown their backs to the idea, implying that the system exerts students to extra work of understanding the educational policy, and especially so guided by untrained professionals. This paper will analyses some of related data that will be used to make decision in the policies that are relevant in whether to support charter schools or not.
The hypothesized scientific statement attempt to address the issue, which will be studied, the hypothesis that charter schools are better, in terms of what it brings on board compared to the more conservative traditional method.
H0: The charter schools have no significance effect in the performance of students as compared to the non-chartered schools.
H0: βi = βj
H1: The charter schools have a significance difference in the performance of students as compared to the non-chartered schools.
HI: βi ≠ βj
P-value: 0.05
The design data sampling method was stratified sampling. This was done by selection of schools in particular regions that are homogeneous in the socio-economic standards, political environments and social equality. The design ensured that there was homogeneity in the schools selected in the region, particularly region 5. This was to ensure that the results are free of experimental error and precision is increased. The schools were further stratified into homogeneous types, type1, type2, type 3 and type 4, this further increases precision on the results. From the population of experimental units, samples were selected randomly to ensure that there were no personal prejudice and biasness. Secondary data was then collected from the archives of the schools describing the performance in different years, the use of structured questionnaires were also applied to inquire about the general performance of the schools, and if they would vote for introduction of charter schools. These questionnaires were obviously administered to the teachers, head of departments, and principles. Randomization was adopted to ensure accuracy and internal validity.
Graphical and tabular summaries
Comparing charter schools and 2011 grades
Comparing charter schools with 2011 grades without pending
The summaries without pending, show a clearer, distribution of what the schools had for the introduction of charter schools, however, no big difference is presented.
The ANOVA table is the best technique of comparing the means, it shows clearly, that the F-test is highly significant, thus we reject the null hypothesis suggesting that the introduction of the charter schools makes no difference in the performance of students as compared to the non-charter schools. The alternative hypothesis, that charter schools have a significance difference in the performance of learning of students as compared to the non-charter schools is accepted.
Nicola Brace, R. K. (2006). SPSS for Psychologists: A Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows, Versions 12 & 13. New York: Routledge.