- Introduction
Background Information
During the past decade, the trend that Chinese parents plan to send the children abroad seems unstoppable. Just two weeks ago, an airplane crashed at the San Francisco airport. Two young Chinese girls were killed during this plane crash. Both of them had planned to join a precollege exchange program. According to the article, ‘Chinese student’s goal was to study English’ from ‘Wall Street journal’. The Institute of International Education reported that nearly 200,000 Chinese students studied in US’ colleges from 2011 to 2012, the fifth straight year of 20%-plus growth (Areddy, 2013). As more and more Chinese Families get ready to send their beloved children abroad, we start to raise a question about whether it is a brilliant idea to send the younger generation to experience the overseas education. After gathering all resources and interview information during the previous researches, most evidences pointed out that studying abroad still has a lot of benefits and attractions among most Chinese families.
Thesis statement
Chinese parents should send their children abroad to get education because it offers many benefits essential in life.
- Supporting point one
The overseas education offers a better exercise and studying place for most Chinese students.
Evidence for supporting point one
According to a report, the academic assessments in China are exam-based that give a lot of workloads and stresses to students. The Chinese educators are eager to reform the Chinese education system (You & Jia, 2007; 836). The Chinese education systems need to invite the western education system in order to achieve education reforms. Compared to the two different education systems, the advantages and the disadvantages work together and create a better studying environment for Chinese students. In order to analysis the difference between two education systems, the authors investigate two groups of students and analyze their learning patterns (you, 2008).
The first group composed of the Chinese students who studied in college at Beijing while the next group composed of a student who came from United States. The result showed that Chinese students’ performance better understanding the knowledge than reading deeply and widely. The author also suggested that American students only have interests about knowledge itself. Studying abroad becomes a way of obtaining another learning skill that cannot be found in one’s own culture. As resource found during the interview with Mrs. Song, studying abroad is a strenuous exercise to many Chinese students worth trying.
Conclusion for supporting point one
The overseas education offers better studying environment calling for more Chinese parents to send their children for studies abroad. The continued concern is that Chinese parents are wealthy enough to support their children’s tuition fee in United States. We have argued a lot about the economic base during the last three papers. In the synthesis statement, it was realized that some Chinese parents considered sending their children to study abroad as well as to plan for immigration or investment. On the other hand, the interview research indicated that Mrs. Song claimed most Chinese families were not wealthy enough to support the basic overseas education fees for their children. Well, we can find the statements both true in the article ‘the perceived value of higher education: the voice of Chinese student’. Lai, Linda, one of the authors of the article did a deep research about the relationship between the Chinese higher education and the family’s economic basis. Lai Linda suggested that Chinese students value the functional aspect of a bachelor’s or higher degree is the widening gap between the rich and the poor (2012).
- Supporting point two
Diversity between the rich and the poor families in China calls for more middle class and poor people to invest on education for their children in order to assist their poor families live above poverty line.
Evidence for supporting point two
According to the United Nation Human Development Report (HDR) (2009), the percent of income inequality that measured the gap in income between the rich and the poor raised from 39% to 41.5% between 1992 and 2007. The HDR reported that the China’s economy was highly divided, 2.8% Chinese people lived below the poverty line and 15.9% earned less than 1.25$ per day, but more than 23% of the middle class in the large cities earn over 25000RMB per year. Because of this diverse between the rich and the poor, more and more middle class invest their money to support their children chase for higher education. In the interview report, Mrs. Song claimed that still many Chinese parents did not have the money foundation to support their children, but the rich and middle class families were still willing to try in order to enhance their children learning ability.
Moreover, Chinese parents like to send their children studying abroad is the fact that the overseas education can provide a better competition when students pursue higher careers. A research carried out by Wei illustrated that the developing countries such as China, India and Mexico had policies of inflowing the talents from overseas. During recent years, a clear trend of cross-border talents has been seen around worldwide. The research also showed that talent with international background tended to apply a higher career in a developed country and lacked in developing countries (Wei, 2013; 105-122). The country with higher GDP seems to attract more talents, a clear indication that many developing countries still have developed opportunities. A chance for a Chinese student to study abroad is still valuable and has many benefits. After all, not all the College students in China are best at English and embrace the two different cultures.
Conclusion for supporting point two
The diversity between the poor and the rich makes most people from middle class and poor families search for better education for their children for equality. Some people might disagree with that because there are some unpleasant aspects of International students, such as ‘ FU ER DAI’-rich second-generation. Students who come from rich families probably cause many problems in US, such as buying luxury, dropping off schools, fighting with others, but this can not represent the model of the whole population of Chinese international students. Most of the international students come from middle class families, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers. Most of them learned to behave during earlier ages and worked harder in college since they appreciated many efforts their parents attempted to give.
Researches and suggestions pointed out the trend for Chinese parents to send their children are unstoppable. Upon all the statics, the research showed that most middle class Chinese families occupy the economic ability to support their children overseas education and mentally ability to let their children adjust different environment. It is suggested that Chinese government should establish an information center to help Chinese parents evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of studying abroad. Since each year more Chinese students apply visa to study in US and other foreign countries, each different universities can apply the policy and experiment to help the international student get along with the new environment. The following will create a worth and valuable learning experience for most Chinese students. With the two different cultures combined, the Chinese international students will have a bright future wherever they live and work. The Chinese parents have the right create better education live for their children in the future.
Arredy, J. T. (2013). Chinese student’s goal was to study English. Retrieved from: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324867904578591432642136790.html
Lai linda. (2012). The perceived value of higher education: the voice of Chinese
You, Z., &Jia, F. (2007). An investigation of the pre-service teachers from US and China. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24-4. Retrieved from:
http://www. sciencedirect.com.ezproxy.lib.purdue.edu/science/article/pii/S0742051X0700143.
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