If I would deconstruct a quotation from Aristotle about to truth and use it to narrate my life to this point, I would begin it with this- finding out the truth is one hard, and the other easy. When I moved to the United States at the age of fifteen, I guess I could speak for everyone who experienced change in their lives that it was not easy. I had to let go of a familiar zone that served as my home for most of my life and go to place I barely know about. I was given the unconscious task of adjusting in hopes to later on ease myself with shift in culture- and life, in general. The event, however, opened new doors for me such as my discovery of my passion for Philosophy.
Again, in Aristotle’s words, the reason why people find it difficult to achieve genuine truth lies on the fact that no one can really do it but at the same time no one fails in doing this. The paradoxical aspect of my life about the trial and error of the things I wanted was given light when I finally discovered what I wanted. It felt that I partially knew what I wanted but at the same wanted more. I began immersing myself in reading both that were assigned during high school and things I read with the free time I could afford. I read books such Plato’s The Republic, which I read religiously to the point that I made mental debates with some elements of the book. The question, what do you mean to justly? Intrigued to the point that I assessed different scenarios in the society we live on today. Do the stronger people really have the privilege to scare the weaker into following orders all in the name of law? Similar to how Aristotle puts Truth, Justice works in the same construct that it does not have a concrete form and depends on the person looking for it. I got inspired by Plato’s manner of engaging into dialogue because he is able to use logical counterarguments and most people can relate to. I was amazed by his identification of political justice as the harmony of every component in a political body.
The last part of Aristotle’s quotation talks about how everyone contributes to the definition of truth because in reality everyone is part of shaping the reality we are moving in. Due to educational background not really relating to Philosophy, I was faced with a difficult challenge to choose the path I wish to take. It was between the choice of learning about the demands of the market or follow what I really love and be myself. Of course, I chose the latter and option and refused to be a person in a cave. I did not want to live the rest of my life in a profession that I can only enjoy half-heartedly. I realized when I made the decision that life is about pursuing what I love the most and that is the reason why I opted to gain more formal education in Philosophy. In the future, I wish to learn more about the truth and wisdom. I also visualize myself gaining a Ph.D degree and teach students who share the same passion for philosophy like me.