The proposals for plants to many American companies are treated like any other investment. The migration of companies has tremendously eroded the domestic potential that are required to convert inventions into cost-competitive products and high quality; hence, damaging the ability of America to be the leader in various sectors. It is difficult for companies to determine the opportunity that manufacturing is necessary to innovation issues and the moment that it is safe to outsource to reduce capital outlays and lower costs. There are better sourcing decisions based on a framework that will enable reinvigorate American economy that is driven by innovation.
Modularity is very important aspect in operations. The degree of modularity is determined through determination of how much product designers know in terms of production and how difficult it is to get information pertaining production process. The managers need to comprehend the framework that plays an integral part in the innovation process. Apart from modularity, maturity is one of the critical aspects of innovation. Maturity refers to the extent whereby a process has evolved. As the process matures, it presents tremendous opportunities for improvements.
The modularity-maturity process brings out the relationship between innovations and manufacturing that can be analyzed in four quadrants. The four quadrants include pure product innovation, pure process innovation, process-embedded innovations, as well as process-driven innovations. The analysts, investors and managers do not critically recognize the dangers that come as a result of the innovations. The best way to develop a good manufacturing strategy is though the determination of the quadrant that the business falls into. In the determination of the best manufacturing strategy, it is crucial to put into consideration the present things that stand and where they are going.
The assessment of the trends is ascertained by putting into consideration the following factors. It is worth noting that manufacturing technologies can be rejuvenated in one way or another. Being aware of demodularization is also another factor to put in mind. In addition, do not squander the advantages that is created though low modularity. It is also worth to put in mind that manufacturing capabilities are very easy to destroy and hard to acquire. Research takes the centre stage in manufacturing and building capabilities.